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Last active September 12, 2020 17:44
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defmodule ExChain.BlockChain.Block do
@moduledoc """
This module is the single block struct in a blockchain
alias __MODULE__
@type t :: %Block{
timestamp: pos_integer(),
last_hash: String.t(),
hash: String.t(),
data: any()
defstruct ~w(timestamp last_hash hash data)a
@spec new(pos_integer(), String.t(), any()) :: Block.t()
def new(timestamp, last_hash, data) do
hash = hash(timestamp, last_hash, data)
%__MODULE__{timestamp: timestamp, last_hash: last_hash, hash: hash, data: data}
@spec genesis() :: Block.t()
def genesis() do, "-", "genesis data")
def mine_block(%__MODULE__{hash: last_hash}, data) do, last_hash, data)
# private functions
defp get_timestamp(), do: DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.to_unix(1_000_000)
defp hash(timestamp, last_hash, data) do
data = "#{timestamp}:#{last_hash}:#{Jason.encode!(data)}"
Base.encode16(:crypto.hash(:sha256, data))
defmodule ExChain.Blockchain.BlockTest do
@moduledoc """
This module contains test related to a block
use ExUnit.Case
alias ExChain.BlockChain.Block
describe "block" do
test "genesis is valid" do
assert %Block{
data: "genesis data",
hash: "F277BF9150CD035D55BA5B48CB5BCBE8E564B134E5AD0D56E439DD04A1528D3B",
last_hash: "-",
timestamp: 1_599_909_623_805_627
} == Block.genesis()
test "mine block returns new block" do
%Block{hash: hash} = genesis_block = Block.genesis()
assert %Block{
data: "this is mined data",
last_hash: ^hash
} = Block.mine_block(genesis_block, "this is mined data")
test "new give a new block when we pass the parameters" do
# setup the data
timestamp = DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.to_unix(1_000_000)
last_hash = "random_hash"
data = "this is new block data"
assert %Block{timestamp: ^timestamp, hash: _hash, last_hash: ^last_hash, data: ^data} =, last_hash, data)
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