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Created September 10, 2011 21:23
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Save yath/1208808 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
use strict;
use warnings;
sub WINDOWS() { $^O eq "MSWin32" }
use Inline C => "DATA",
CCFLAGS => "-W -Wall -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-comment",
() :
(LIBS => "-lnss3",
INC => "-I/usr/include/nspr");
use MIME::Base64;
use DBI;
use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile);
use Storable;
use File::KeePass;
use Digest::SHA1 qw(sha1);
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_auto_abbrev bundling);
# comand-line options
my $ffprofile;
my $kpdbfile;
my $kpdbpass;
my $defgroup;
my $kpchanged = 0;
for my $s (qw(NSS_Init NSS_InitReadWrite NSS_Shutdown
PK11SDR_Decrypt PK11SDR_Encrypt
win_init win_set_echo)) {
eval qq{sub $s { goto &C_$s }};
require Term::ReadKey unless WINDOWS;
sub DEBUG {
warn "@_\n";
sub encode_base64_oneline {
my $ret = encode_base64($_[0]);
$ret =~ s/[\r\n]//g;
return $ret;
sub storeinfo {
my $base64 = encode_base64_oneline(Storable::freeze($_[0]));
return "#keeweasel#1#".$base64."#";
sub fetchinfo {
$_[0] =~ /^#keeweasel#(\d+)#([A-Za-z0-9+\/_=\r\n-]+)/ or die "Unable to fetch info";
$1 == 1 or die "Unknown version $1";
return Storable::thaw(decode_base64($2));
sub get_firefox_profdir {
my ($profname) = @_;
my $path = do {
if ($profname && -d $profname) {
# if $profname is a directory use that
} else {
my $ffroot = catfile(WINDOWS ?
($ENV{APPDATA}, "Mozilla", "Firefox") :
($ENV{HOME}, ".mozilla", "firefox"));
open(my $fh, "<", catfile($ffroot, "profiles.ini")) or
die "Unable to open profiles.ini: $!";
my %profiles;
my $section;
while (<$fh>) {
next if /^$/;
if (/^\[(.*?)\]$/) {
$section = $1;
} elsif (/^(\w+)=(.*)$/) {
die "key-value pair not in any section" unless $section;
$profiles{$section}->{$1} = $2;
} else {
warn "unknown line: $_";
my @profiles = grep { ($profname && exists $profiles{$_}->{Name}) ?
(lc $profiles{$_}->{Name} eq $profname) :
} keys %profiles;
die "More than one matching firefox profile found" if @profiles > 1;
# if only one profile is defined use that one
@profiles = grep /^Profile\d+$/, keys %profiles unless @profiles;
die "No default firefox profile found" unless @profiles == 1;
my %p = %{$profiles{$profiles[0]}};
$p{IsRelative} ? catfile($ffroot, $p{Path}) : $p{Path}
} # -d $profdir
}; # $path = do {
foreach (qw(key3.db signons.sqlite)) {
my $fn = catfile($path, $_);
die "$fn is not readable" unless -r $fn;
return $path;
sub set_terminal_echo {
my ($echo) = @_;
if (WINDOWS) {
} else {
Term::ReadKey::ReadMode($echo ? "restore" : "noecho");
my %passcache; # cached passwords
sub ask_pass {
my ($obj, $prompt) = @_;
return $passcache{$obj} if exists $passcache{$obj};
print $prompt;
my $ret = <>;
print "\n";
chomp $ret;
$passcache{$obj} = $ret;
return $ret;
sub open_firefox_db {
my ($profdir) = @_;
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=".
catfile($profdir, "signons.sqlite"),
"", "", { RaiseError => 1 });
return $dbh;
sub get_firefox_pws {
my $dbh = shift;
my $ret = $dbh->selectall_hashref("select * from moz_logins", "guid");
foreach my $key (keys %$ret) {
$ret->{$key}->{_username} = $ret->{$key}->{encType} == 1 ?
PK11SDR_Decrypt(decode_base64($ret->{$key}->{encryptedUsername})) :
$ret->{$key}->{_password} = $ret->{$key}->{encType} == 1 ?
PK11SDR_Decrypt(decode_base64($ret->{$key}->{encryptedPassword})) :
$ret->{$key}->{_id} = $ret->{$key}->{id};
delete $ret->{$key}->{$_} foreach qw(encryptedUsername encryptedPassword id);
return $ret;
sub add_firefox_pw {
my ($dbh, $info) = @_;
$info->{encryptedUsername} = $info->{encType} == 1 ?
encode_base64_oneline(PK11SDR_Encrypt($info->{_username})) :
$info->{encryptedPassword} = $info->{encType} == 1 ?
encode_base64_oneline(PK11SDR_Encrypt($info->{_password})) :
my @keys = grep !/^_/, keys %$info;
$dbh->do("insert into moz_logins(".join(",", @keys).") values (".join(",", ("?")x@keys).")",
undef, map { $info->{$_} } @keys) or die $DBI::errstr;
sub open_keepass_db {
my ($filename, $password) = @_;
my $k = File::KeePass->new;
if ($File::KeePass::VERSION <= 0.03) {
# workaround for CPAN bug #67534
open (my $fh, "<", $filename) || die "Unable to open $filename: $!";
binmode($fh) || die "Unable to set $kpdbfile to binary mode: $!";
my $buf = do { local $/; <$fh> };
$k->parse_db($buf, $password);
} else {
$k->load_db($filename, $password);
return $k;
sub save_keepass_db {
my ($kpdb, $kpdbfile, $kpdbpass) = @_;
# check whether File::KeePass is affected by cpan bug #67553
eval {
my $tmpfkp = File::KeePass->new();
my $group = { title => "keeweaseltest".time() };
($tmpfkp->find_groups($group))[0]->{unknown}->{23} = "\x68\x61\x69\x6c\x00\x65\x72\x69\x73";
my $buf = $tmpfkp->gen_db("fnord");
$tmpfkp = File::KeePass->new();
$tmpfkp->parse_db($buf, "fnord");
die "size mismatch" if length(($tmpfkp->find_groups($group))[0]->{unknown}->{23}) != 7;
if ($@) {
warn "Your version of File::KeePass is affected by cpan bug #67553.\n".
"keeweasel will try to work around this issue.\n";
foreach my $group ($kpdb->find_groups({})) {
$group->{unknown}->{$_} = pack("L", length($group->{unknown}->{$_})).$group->{unknown}->{$_}
foreach keys %{$group->{unknown}};
foreach my $item ($group->{items}) {
$item->{unknown}->{$_} = pack("L", length($item->{unknown}->{$_})).$item->{unknown}->{$_}
foreach keys %{$item->{unknown}};
my $tempfile = $kpdbfile.".keeweasel.tmp.".int(time());
if ($File::KeePass::VERSION <= 0.03) {
# workaround for CPAN bug #67534
open(my $fh, ">", $tempfile) || die "Unable to open $tempfile: $!";
binmode($fh) || die "Unable to set $kpdbfile to binary mode: $!";
print $fh $kpdb->gen_db($kpdbpass);
close($fh) || die "Unable to close $tempfile: $!";
} else {
$kpdb->save_db($tempfile, $kpdbpass);
# try loading the file, just in case...
open_keepass_db($tempfile, $kpdbpass) || die "Unable to read $tempfile";
rename($tempfile, $kpdbfile) || die "Unable to rename $tempfile to $kpdbfile: $!";
sub get_keepass_pws {
my ($group, $ret) = @_;
foreach my $entry (@{$group->{entries}}) {
$entry->{comment} =~ /^#keeweasel#/ or next;
my $info = fetchinfo($entry->{comment});
push(@{$ret->{$info->{guid}}}, {
info => $info,
entry => $entry,
group => $group
get_keepass_pws($_, $ret) foreach @{$group->{groups}};
sub add_keepass_pw {
my ($kpdb, $ffentry, $group, $template) = @_;
my $new = {
comment => storeinfo({%$ffentry, _last_keepass_pw => sha1($ffentry->{_username}.":".$ffentry->{_password})}),
title => $ffentry->{hostname},
url => $ffentry->{hostname},
username => $ffentry->{_username},
password => $ffentry->{_password},
group => $group,
if ($template) {
$new->{$_} = $template->{$_} foreach grep !/^(_|username$|password$|comment$|id$|group$)/, keys %$template;
$kpchanged = 1;
sub get_keepass_defgroup {
my ($kpdb) = @_;
$defgroup && ref $defgroup eq "HASH" && return $defgroup;
if (!$defgroup) {
DEBUG("No group given, using first one found");
return $defgroup = $kpdb->groups->[0];
my @groups = $kpdb->find_groups({title => $defgroup});
if (@groups > 0) {
DEBUG("More than one group with title '$defgroup' found, using first one")
if @groups > 1;
return $defgroup = $groups[0];
} else {
die "No matching group with title '$defgroup' found";
sub compare_entries {
my ($kpentry, $kpdb, $ffentry, $ffdb) = @_;
if (!$ffentry) {
DEBUG("$kpentry->{info}->{guid} is new to firefox, adding...");
add_firefox_pw($ffdb, $kpentry->{info});
} elsif (!$kpentry) {
DEBUG("$ffentry->{guid} is new to keepass, adding...");
add_keepass_pw($kpdb, $ffentry, get_keepass_defgroup($kpdb));
} elsif ($ffentry->{timePasswordChanged} > $kpentry->{info}->{timePasswordChanged}) {
DEBUG("password changed in firefox for $ffentry->{guid}, updating in keepass...");
add_keepass_pw($kpdb, $ffentry, $kpdb->{group}, $kpdb->{entry});
$kpdb->delete_entry({id => $kpentry->{entry}->{id}});
} elsif ($kpentry->{info}->{timePasswordChanged} > $ffentry->{timePasswordChanged}) {
DEBUG("password changed in keepass for $ffentry->{guid}, updating in firefox...");
add_firefox_pw($ffdb, $kpentry->{info});
$ffdb->do("delete from moz_logins where id = ?", undef, $ffentry->{_id})
or die "Unable to delete login: $DBI::errstr";
sub sync_pws {
my ($kpdb, $ffdb) = @_;
my $ffpws = get_firefox_pws($ffdb);
my $kppws = {};
get_keepass_pws($_, $kppws) foreach @{$kpdb->groups};
my %all_guids = map { $_ => 1 } (keys %$ffpws, keys %$kppws);
foreach my $guid (keys %all_guids) {
# force an undef entry on either side to make sure compare_entries
# gets called
push(@{$kppws->{$guid}}, undef) unless
exists($kppws->{$guid}) && @{$kppws->{$guid}};
$ffpws->{$guid} = undef unless exists $ffpws->{$guid};
compare_entries($_, $kpdb, $ffpws->{$guid}, $ffdb)
foreach @{$kppws->{$guid}};
sub main {
GetOptions("p|ffprofile=s" => \$ffprofile,
"k|keepassdb=s" => \$kpdbfile,
"d|defgroup=s" => \$defgroup,
"P|kpdbpass=s" => \$kpdbpass
die "KeePass DB file required" unless $kpdbfile;
win_init if WINDOWS;
my $ffprofdir = get_firefox_profdir($ffprofile);
DEBUG("using firefox profile $ffprofdir");
# do an NSS call to check for common errors and trigger password prompt
# if necessary
eval { PK11SDR_Encrypt("test"); };
if ($@ && $@ =~ /SEC_ERROR_READ_ONLY/) {
# PK11SDR_Encrypt failed with SEC_ERROR_READ_ONLY, this happens when no key
# has been generated yet in the key3.db and PK11SDR_Encrypt tries to generate
# one. re-init NSS read-write in this case.
print "Your key3.db will probably be updated - restart Firefox soon!\n";
} elsif ($@ && $@ =~ /SEC_ERROR_BAD_PASSWORD/) {
# wrong password
die "Firefox password is incorrect";
} elsif ($@) {
die $@; # any other error
my $ffdb = open_firefox_db($ffprofdir);
$kpdbpass = ask_pass($kpdbfile, "Enter password for KeePass DB: ") unless $kpdbpass;
my $kpdb = eval { open_keepass_db($kpdbfile, $kpdbpass) };
if ($@ && $@ =~ /file checksum did not match/) {
die "KeePass password is incorrect or file is corrupted";
} elsif ($@) {
die $@;
sync_pws($kpdb, $ffdb);
save_keepass_db($kpdb, $kpdbfile, $kpdbpass) if $kpchanged;
#ifdef WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include <Strsafe.h>
#define BUFSIZE 1024
#define FF_REGKEY TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Mozilla\\Mozilla Firefox")
typedef enum {
siBuffer = 0
/* rest omitted */
} SECItemType;
typedef enum {
SECWouldBlock = -2,
SECFailure = -1,
SECSuccess = 0
} SECStatus;
typedef struct {
SECItemType type;
unsigned char *data;
unsigned int len;
} SECItem;
typedef int PRBool;
typedef int PRErrorCode;
typedef struct PK11SlotInfoStr PK11SlotInfo;
typedef char *(*PK11PasswordFunc)(PK11SlotInfo *slot, PRBool retry, void *arg);
SECStatus (*NSS_Init)(const char *);
SECStatus (*NSS_InitReadWrite)(const char *);
SECStatus (*NSS_Shutdown)(void);
SECStatus (*PK11SDR_Encrypt)(SECItem *, SECItem *, SECItem *, void *);
SECStatus (*PK11SDR_Decrypt)(SECItem *, SECItem *, void *);
void (*PK11_SetPasswordFunc)(PK11PasswordFunc func);
void (*SECITEM_FreeItem)(SECItem *, PRBool);
PRErrorCode (*PR_GetError)(void);
char * (*PL_strdup)(const char *);
#define SEC_ERROR_READ_ONLY -8126
/******* END NSS/NSPR DEFINITIONS *******/
LPTSTR getRegKey(HKEY key, LPCTSTR subkey, LPCTSTR value) {
HKEY h_subkey;
static TCHAR data[BUFSIZE];
DWORD type;
DWORD cb_data = sizeof(data);
LONG rc = RegOpenKeyEx(
key, // hKey
subkey, // lpSubkey
0, // ulOptions
KEY_READ, // samDesired
&h_subkey // phkResult
if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS)
return NULL;
rc = RegQueryValueEx(
h_subkey, // hKey
value, // lpValueName
NULL, // lpReserved
&type, // lpType
(LPBYTE)data, // lpData
&cb_data // lpCbData
if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS)
return NULL;
if (type != REG_SZ)
croak("%s is not a REG_SZ?!", subkey);
return data;
LPTSTR getFirefoxDirectory() {
LPTSTR ffversion = getRegKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, FF_REGKEY, TEXT("CurrentVersion"));
if (!ffversion)
croak("Unable to open HKLM\\%s\\CurrentVersion: %d", FF_REGKEY, (int)GetLastError());
TCHAR ffkeypath[BUFSIZE];
if (StringCchPrintf(ffkeypath, sizeof(ffkeypath), TEXT("%s\\%s\\Main"), FF_REGKEY, ffversion) != S_OK)
croak("StringCchPrintf failed");
LPTSTR ffdir = getRegKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, ffkeypath, TEXT("Install Directory"));
if (!ffdir)
croak("Unable to open HKLM\\%s\\Install Directory: %d", ffkeypath, (int)GetLastError());
return ffdir;
void C_win_init() {
#define LOAD(name, fatal) \
if (StringCchPrintf(dllpath, sizeof(dllpath), TEXT("%s\\%s.dll"), ffdir, #name) != S_OK) \
croak("StringCchPrintf failed for " #name ".dll"); \
HMODULE dll_ ## name = LoadLibrary(dllpath); \
if (fatal && ! dll_ ## name) \
croak("LoadLibrary(\"" #name ".dll\") failed: %d", (int)GetLastError());
#define IMPORT(dll, func) do { \
if (!(func = (void *)GetProcAddress(dll_ ## dll, #func))) \
croak("GetProcAddress(" #dll ", \"" #func "\") failed: %d", (int)GetLastError()); \
} while(0)
LPTSTR ffdir = getFirefoxDirectory();
LOAD(mozcrt19, 0)
LOAD(nspr4, 1)
LOAD(plc4, 1)
LOAD(plds4, 0)
LOAD(nssutil3, 0)
LOAD(sqlite3, 0)
LOAD(mozsqlite3, 0)
LOAD(softokn3, 0)
LOAD(nss3, 1)
IMPORT(nss3, NSS_Init);
IMPORT(nss3, NSS_InitReadWrite);
IMPORT(nss3, NSS_Shutdown);
IMPORT(nss3, PK11SDR_Encrypt);
IMPORT(nss3, PK11SDR_Decrypt);
IMPORT(nss3, PK11_SetPasswordFunc);
IMPORT(nss3, SECITEM_FreeItem);
IMPORT(nspr4, PR_GetError);
IMPORT(plc4, PL_strdup);
void C_win_set_echo(SV *echo) {
DWORD mode;
HANDLE console;
if (!(console = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE)))
croak("Unable to get STD_INPUT_HANDLE: %d", (int)GetLastError());
if (!GetConsoleMode(console, &mode))
croak("GetConsoleMode failed: %d", (int)GetLastError());
if (SvTRUE(echo))
if (!SetConsoleMode(console, mode))
croak("SetConsoleMode failed: %d", (int)GetLastError());
#else /* WIN32 */
#include <nss/nss.h>
#include <nss/pk11sdr.h>
#include <nss/secerr.h>
#include <nss/secmodt.h>
#include <nss/pk11pub.h>
#include <nspr/nspr.h>
void C_win_init() {
croak("win_init makes only sense on WIN32");
void C_win_set_echo(SV *echo) {
croak("win_set_echo makes only sense on WIN32");
#endif /* WIN32 */
char *last_db = NULL;
char *pk11_pw_handler(PK11SlotInfo *slot, PRBool retry, void *arg) {
int count;
SV *pass;
char *ret;
if (retry)
return NULL;
if (!last_db)
croak("pk11_pw_handler called without an open database");
XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(last_db, 0)));
XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpvs("Enter password for Firefox DB: ")));
count = call_pv("ask_pass", G_SCALAR);
if (count != 1)
croak("Uhm, ask_pass() didn't return exactly 1 but %d", count);
pass = POPs;
ret = PL_strdup(SvPV_nolen(pass));
return ret;
void C_install_pw_handler() {
void C_NSS_Init(char *path) {
if (NSS_Init(path) != SECSuccess)
croak("NSS_Init(\"%s\") failed: %d", path, PR_GetError());
last_db = path;
void C_NSS_InitReadWrite(char *path) {
if (NSS_InitReadWrite(path) != SECSuccess)
croak("NSS_InitReadWrite(\"%s\") failed: %d", path, PR_GetError());
last_db = path;
void C_NSS_Shutdown() {
if (NSS_Shutdown() != SECSuccess)
croak("NSS_Shutdown() failed: %d", PR_GetError());
last_db = NULL;
SV *C_PK11SDR_Decrypt(SV *enc) {
SECItem si_enc, si_dec;
si_enc.type = siBuffer; = (unsigned char *)SvPV(enc, si_enc.len);
if (PK11SDR_Decrypt(&si_enc, &si_dec, NULL) != SECSuccess)
croak("PK11SDR_Decrypt(encrypted, decrypted, NULL) failed: %d", PR_GetError());
SV *ret = newSVpvn((char *), si_dec.len);
SECITEM_FreeItem(&si_dec, 0);
return ret;
SV *C_PK11SDR_Encrypt(SV *decrypted, ...) {
SECItem si_key, si_dec, si_enc;
SV *key;
switch (Inline_Stack_Items) {
case 1:
key = &PL_sv_undef;
case 2:
key = Inline_Stack_Item(1);
croak("Usage: PK11SDR_Encrypt(decrypted [, key ID])");
si_key.type = siBuffer;
if (SvOK(key)) { = (unsigned char *)SvPV(key, si_key.len);
} else {
si_key.len = 0;
si_dec.type = siBuffer; = (unsigned char *)SvPV(decrypted, si_dec.len);
if (PK11SDR_Encrypt(&si_key, &si_dec, &si_enc, NULL) != SECSuccess) {
PRErrorCode err = PR_GetError();
// put known common error codes into the error message so the caller
// can handle then
croak("PK11SDR_Encrypt(key, decrypted, encrypted, NULL) failed: %d%s", err,
SV *ret = newSVpvn((char *), si_enc.len);
SECITEM_FreeItem(&si_enc, 0);
return ret;
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