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Last active March 11, 2022 08:00
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  • Save yatharthb97/a0b3a2665f065d982e7b0e2b2dd274b0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save yatharthb97/a0b3a2665f065d982e7b0e2b2dd274b0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
DataStore is utility object that can be used to effectively create and manage a directory of files for any generic use case.
Author : *Yatharth Bhasin* (Github → yatharthb97)
License: *MIT open-source license* (
This piece of software was released on GistHub :
→ Use `git mv <oldname> <newname>` to properly change the repo folder name to something relevant.
DataStore is utility object that can be used to effectively create and manage a
directory of files for any generic use case.
import os
from threading import Lock
import time
class DataStore:
Single Layer Data Store
Data Store is an object that manages creation of a session directory,
and maintains a list of references to file paths in its scope. It also
has utility functions to create and book-keep files in it.
• Special directory functions - {test_dirs, force}
• Low level session name sanatization
class_lock = Lock() #Global class lock
def __init__(self, parent_path=".", session_name=None, force=False, test_dirs=False, verbose=False):
parent_path : The parent directory for the data store
session_name : Unique name for the session that is used as the directory name
(`None` uses nano-second epoch time by default.)
force : Force create a directory, by trying a similar name (by appending integers at the
end), if a directory with that name is already present.
test_dirs : Over-ride / Erase a directory, if its name starts with `test.
(Should be used during debug and testing only)
verbose : Prints a few informative messages.
session_name = session_name.replace(' ', '_')
session_name = session_name.replace('-', '_')
self.name_ = session_name
self.verbose = verbose
self.parent_path = os.path.abspath(parent_path)
self.add_session_name = False #If true - session name is added infront of all filenames.
if session_name == None:
if verbose:
print(f"Using time value as name.")
self.name_ = str(time.time_ns())
path = self.DirCreationPolicy(self.parent_path, self.name_, force, test_dirs)
if path == None:
raise Exception(f"Data Store could not find a directory for: {self.parent_path} → {self.name_}.")
os.mkdir(path, mode = 0o777)
self.path = path
self.files = [] #List of file names
def session(self):
Returns the session path.
return self.path
def new(self, filename, add_session_name=True):
Registers and returns a new filepath object.
Returns `None` if that path already exists.
filename = self._generate_fp_(filename)
if not filename in self.files:
return os.path.join(self.path, filename)
return None
def get(self, filename):
Returns a filename is file is present in the index of the object. Else returns `None`.
filename = self._generate_fp_(filename)
if filename in self.files:
return os.path.join(self.path, filename)
return None
def __repr__(self):
""" Representation of class. """
return f"<DataStore obj: {self.path}>"
def delete_store(self):
Use with caution.
from shutil import rmtree
self.path = None
self.files = []
def DirCreationPolicy(self, parent_path, name_, force=False, test_dirs=False):
Negotiates a directory path for the data store.
#Acquire global lock
path = os.path.join(parent_path, name_)
path_available = os.path.isdir(path)
if not path_available:
return path
if test_dirs == True :
if name_.startswith("test"):
from shutil import rmtree
if self.verbose:
print(f"In parent directory `{parent_path}`: ")
print(f"DataStore: Over-riding (test) directory `{name_}` which already exists.")
return path
elif force == True:
MAXTRY = 100
trycnt = 0
while trycnt <= MAXTRY:
trycnt = trycnt + 1
try_path = os.path.join(parent_path, f"{name_}_{trycnt}")
if not os.path.isdir(try_path):
if self.verbose:
print(f"In parent directory `{parent_path}`: ")
print(f"DataStore: Force allocated `{name_}_{trycnt}` as `{name_}` already exists.")
return try_path
if self.verbose:
print(f"In parent directory `{parent_path}`: ")
print(f"DataStore: Allocation for '{name_}' failed as it already exists.")
# Finally
return None
def _generate_fp_(self, filename):
Generates a file path based on filename
and `self.append_session` parameter.
return (self.add_session_name * (session() + '_')) + filename
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