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Last active March 11, 2022 06:43
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PyQtGraphStack is a wrapper around the pyqtgraph API for rapid prototyping, focused around creation of multiple plots with multiple curves.


Author : Yatharth Bhasin (Github → yatharthb97)

License: MIT open-source license (

This piece of software was released on GistHub :

PyQtGraphStack is a wrapper around the pyqtgraph API for rapid prototyping, focused around creation of multiple plots with multiple curves.

As the name implies, it creates a stack of graps, one below the other, unless explicitly specified. (Passing 'samerow'=True as a keyword arguement will create the graph on the same column.)

The object encapsulates the following entities:

Entities that the user manages:

  • "canvas": It is the portion of the window, which holds curve/curves. Each canvas creates a new subplot(or stack). Each canvas is identified by a unique name passed by the end user. Managed using add_canvas() and get_canvas() methods.

  • "curve" : Object that represents the data as lines on the screen. Each curve is placed on a canvas. Each curve inside a canvas is identified with a unique name passed by the end user. Managed using add_curve() and get_curve() methods.

Entities the user has no need to care about:

  • "window" : The object that holds the layout, the window title and the icon.
  • "app" : The application object that controls the thread.

Idioms Followed

  • A unique 'key' or name is used to access each element - canvas or curve.
  • All curves are created inside the scope of a canvas object.
  • In cases where a ref of an object is called (using get_curve() or get_canvas()):
    • Returns ref is the name is found.
    • Raises an Exception is the name is not found.
  • add_canvas() by default creates a single curve inside its scope.
  • samerow appends the new canvas to the same row as the last, by default, the same column is used — graphs are "stacked".
  • The automatic graph positioning is only working for rowspan=1 and colspan=1 as for now.

Mini Tutorial

Create Graph and Add a canvas

graph = PyQTGraphStack()
graph.add_canvas('data1', curvename = 'curve1')

Set name for canvas 'data1' by accessing the pyqtgraph API:

canvas = graph.get_canvas('data1')
canvas.setTitle(title="Data-1 Graph")

Set data for curve 'curve1' on 'data1':

curve = graph.get_curve('curve1', data1')
curve.setData(xData, yData)

Launch Plot Window



  • kwargs forwarding to pyqtgraph functions.
  • fix automatic graph placement by searching available slots.
# Restructuring this module as a class
from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui, QtCore
import pyqtgraph as pg
Author : *Yatharth Bhasin* (Github → yatharthb97)
License: *MIT open-source license* (
This piece of software was released on GistHub :
PyQtGraphStack is a wrapper around the pyqtgraph API for rapid prototyping, focused around creation of multiple plots with multiple curves.
class PyQtGraphStack:
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
Initalization function (constructor):
* resolution : list of two values [x_resolution, y_resolution].
* icon : adds window icon if the passed string path is a png, ignores it otherwise.
* title : sets the window title
# Resolution Resources → Fixed Aspect Ratio of 16:9 enforced
self.resolution = [192, 108]
if 'resolution' in kwargs:
self.resolution = kwargs['resolution']
# Rows & Colums
self.rows = 1
self.cols = 4
# Set Application = QtGui.QApplication([])
# Set Window
self.wintitle = "PyQtGraphStack Window"
if 'title' in kwargs:
self.wintitle = kwargs['title']
self.window = pg.GraphicsLayoutWidget(show=True, title=self.wintitle)
if 'icon' in kwargs:
if kwargs['icon'].endswith('.png'):
# Set icon
icon = QtGui.QIcon(kwargs['icon'])
# Enable antialiasing and OpenGL use
pg.setConfigOptions(antialias=True, useOpenGL=True)
self.canvaslist = {} # Dictionary of canvases.
self.curvelist = {} # Dictionary of curve handles -> accessed via `curvelist['canvas_name']['curve_name']`.
def add_canvas(self, name, rowspan = 1, colspan = 1, pen = 'y', symbolBrush = 'c', symbolSize = 4, xLog = False, yLog = False, blankcanvas = True, samerow = False, **kwargs):
Add a canvas object to the graph.
Positional Arguements:
* name : Name of the canvas object and its unique reference
Optional Arguements:
* rowspan : Numbers of rows occupied
* colspan : Numbers of columns occupied
* pen : pyqtgraph option
* rowspan : Span of canvas across rows
* colspan : Span of canvas across columns
* symbolBrush : pyqtgraph option
* symbolSize : pyqtgraph option
* xLog(bool) : sets x-axis to log scale
* yLog(bool) : sets y-axis to log scale
* blankcanvas(bool) : Creates a blank canvas is set to True,
False creates a canvas with one curve
* samerow(bool) : Forces this curve on the same row instead of stacking down.
* title : Title of the canvas, default is same as `name`
* port : Port name, relavant for real time input and update
* x_label : x-axis label
* x_units : x-axis label units
* y_label : y-axis label
* y_units : y-axis label units
* legend(bool) : activate/deactivate legend
* xRange : [low, high] - x-range
* yRange : [low, high] - y-range
* curvename : Override the name of the default curve of the canvas
(default is 'curve')
# Check name uniqueness
if name in self.canvaslist:
raise Exception(f"Curve name must be a unique identifier! {name} already exists.")
title = name
port = ""
x_label = "X axis →"
x_units = ""
y_label = "Y axis →"
y_units = ""
if 'title' in kwargs:
title = kwargs['title']
if 'port' in kwargs:
port = kwargs['port']
if 'x_label' in kwargs:
x_label = kwargs['x_label']
if 'x_units' in kwargs:
x_units = kwargs['x_units']
if 'y_label' in kwargs:
y_label = kwargs['y_label']
if 'y_units' in kwargs:
y_units = kwargs['y_units']
# Resizing
# Decide whether to use the next column or row
if not samerow:
new_rows = self.rows + ((not samerow) * rowspan)
new_cols = self.cols + (samerow * colspan)
self.resize(new_rows, new_cols)
self.rows = new_rows
self.cols = new_cols
new_canvas = self.window.addPlot(title=title, row=self.rows, col=self.cols, rowspan=rowspan, colspan=colspan)
#new_canvas.showGrid(x = True, y = True)
new_canvas.setLabel('left', y_label, y_units)
new_canvas.setLabel('bottom', x_label, x_units)
if 'legend' in kwargs:
if kwargs['legend']:
if 'xRange' in kwargs:
new_canvas.setRange(xRange=kwargs['xRange'], update=True, disableAutoRange=True)
if 'yRange' in kwargs:
# Add object to canvaslist
self.canvaslist[name] = new_canvas
self.curvelist[name] = {}
#Generation of first curve
if not blankcanvas:
first_curve = canvas.plot(pen=pen, symbolBrush=symbolBrush, symbolSize=symbolSize)
first_curve.setLogMode(xLog, yLog)
curve_name = 'curve'
if 'curvename' in kwargs:
curve_name = kwargs['curvename']
# Add first curve to curvelist
self.curvelist[name][curve_name] = first_curve
def get_canvas(self, canvas_name):
Returns the reference of the canvas object, if a valid canvas name is passed.
Throws an exception otherwise
if not canvas_name in self.canvaslist:
raise Exception(f"No such canvas exists - {canvas_name}!")
return self.canvaslist[canvas_name]
def add_curve(self, name, canvas_name, pen = 'y', symbolBrush = 'c', symbolSize = 4, **kwargs):
This function adds a curve to a given canvas object.
Positional Arguements:
* name : Unique key to access the curve
* canvas_name : Unique name of a canvas entity that already exists
Optional Arguements:
* pen : pyqtgraph option
* symbolBrush : pyqtgraph option
* symbolSize : pyqtgraph option
* title : Title of curve used for legends and labelling
* xData : Sets the x-data fields
* yData : Sets the y-data fields
* legend(bool) : Activate/Deactivate the legend for the particular canvas
Note: len(xData) == len(yData) or an exception might be thrown
# Validation
if not canvas_name in self.canvaslist:
raise Exception(f"No such canvas exists - {canvas_name}!")
if name in self.curvelist[canvas_name]:
raise Exception(f"A curve with this name already exists in the scope of the canvas - {name}!")
if 'legend' in kwargs:
if kwargs['legend']:
title = name
if 'title' in kwargs:
title = kwargs['title']
curve = self.canvaslist[canvas_name].plot(pen=pen, symbolBrush=symbolBrush, symbolSize=symbolSize, name=title)
#Set data if passed
if 'xData' and 'yData' in kwargs:
curve.setData(x=kwargs['xData'], y=kwargs['yData'])
elif 'yData' in kwargs:
# Append object to curvelist
self.curvelist[canvas_name][name] = curve
def get_curve(self, curve_name, canvas_name):
Returns a reference to a curve if a valid curve_name and canvas_name are passed.
Raises an exception otherwise.
if not canvas_name in self.canvaslist:
raise Exception(f"No such canvas exists - {canvas_name}!")
if not curve_name in self.curvelist[canvas_name]:
raise Exception(f"No such curve exists - {curve_name}!")
return self.canvaslist[canvas_name][curve_name]
def resize(self, new_rows, new_cols):
Resizes the window based on the updated rows and columns in passed.
It also resets the class `rows`, `cols`, and `current_res` attributes.
new_x_res = int(self.resolution[0] * new_rows / self.rows)
new_y_res = int(self.resolution[1] * new_cols / self.cols)
self.resolution = [new_x_res, new_y_res]
def launch(self):
Launches the GUI window and blocks the main thread
def get_QTimer(cls, callback_fn):
Returns a QTimer instance with a connected callback function.
The returned QThread (QTimer) can be started with `timer.start(callback_freq_in_ms)`.
The thread can be stopped with `timer.stop()`.
timer = QtCore.QTimer()
return timer
def set_scrolling_data(cls, curve_, canvas_, xData, yData):
Updates the data and updates the "canvas view" to create a scrolling canvas
Warning : The curve and canvas objects are not verified.
if isinstance(curve_, str) and isinstance(canvas_, str):
self.curvelist[canvas_][curve_].setData(xData, yData)
self.canvaslist[canvas_].setPos(xData[0], 0)
else: #Assume objects are passed.
curve_.setData(xData, yData)
canvas_.setPos(xData[0], 0)
def set_data(cls, curve_, xData, yData, canvas_=None):
Updates the data of a curve object.
if isinstance(curve_, str):
self.curvelist[canvas_][curve_].setData(xData, yData)
else: #Assume objects are passed
curve_.setData(xData, yData)
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