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Created July 21, 2021 21:54
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months. In a presidential-election year
Andy Gump ran for chief executive on an
independent ticket and burlesqued the is-
sues of the day. The comics follow the
seasons and their holidays, and, despite
the fact that they must be planned days
in advance, often mirror the news of the world.
It is customary to have two separate
stories running through the cartoons, one
in the daily strips and another for the full
pages on Sunday, which appear in colors
in the comic sections. The reason is that
the papers which use the daily strip do
not all have Sunday editions using comics,
and some of those using the full page on
Sunday do not use the daily strip. In
addition, the artist, from time to time,
must prepare extra strips and pages intro- ducing the characters and giving a synop-
sis of their lives, to be used by new mem-
months. In a presidential-election year Andy Gump ran for chief executive on an independent ticket and burlesqued the issues of the day. The comics follow the seasons and their holidays, and, despite the fact that they must be planned days in advance, often mirror the news of the world.
It is customary to have two separate stories running through the cartoons, one in the daily strips and another for the full pages on Sunday, which appear in colors in the comic sections. The reason is that the papers which use the daily strip do not all have Sunday editions using comics, and some of those using the full page on Sunday do not use the daily strip. In addition, the artist, from time to time, must prepare extra strips and pages introducing the characters and giving a synopsis of their lives, to be used by new mem-
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