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Created June 26, 2011 16:02
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Lisp by R
opt <- options(warn=-1)
## ------------------------------------------------------------
## Test
## ------------------------------------------------------------
## > rm(list=ls()); source("Eval.R")
## > repl()
## rlisp > (<- make.counter (function (c) (function () (<<- c (+ c 1)))))
## <Closure Function Sexp>
## rlisp > (<- c1 (make.counter 3))
## <Closure Function Sexp>
## rlisp > (c1)
## <Number Sexp: 4.000000>
## rlisp > (c1)
## <Number Sexp: 5.000000>
## rlisp > (c1)
## <Number Sexp: 6.000000>
## rlisp > (<- c2 (make.counter 100))
## <Closure Function Sexp>
## rlisp > (c2)
## <Number Sexp: 101.000000>
## rlisp > (c2)
## <Number Sexp: 102.000000>
## rlisp > (c2)
## <Number Sexp: 103.000000>
## rlisp > (c1)
## <Number Sexp: 7.000000>
## rlisp >
## ------------------------------------------------------------
## S Expressions and Env
## ------------------------------------------------------------
Num <- function(num.value) {
obj <- list(num.value=num.value)
class(obj) <- c("Num", "Sexp")
## Str <- function(str.value) {
## obj <- list(str.value=str.value)
## class(obj) <- c("Str", "Sexp")
## obj
## }
Symbol <- function(symbol.value) {
obj <- list(symbol.value=symbol.value)
class(obj) <- c("Symbol", "Sexp")
Closure <- function(formals, body, env) {
obj <- list(formals=formals, body=body, env=env)
class(obj) <- c("Closure", "Sexp")
Primitive <- function( {
obj <- list(
class(obj) <- c("Primitive", "Sexp")
Env <- function(frame, parent) {
obj <- dict()
obj$frame <- frame
obj$parent <- parent
class(obj) <- "Env"
## ------------------------------------------------------------
## S Expressions Print Fucntions
## ------------------------------------------------------------
toString.Num <- function(sexp) sprintf("<Number Sexp: %f>", sexp$num.value)
## toString.Str <- function(sexp) sprintf("<String Sexp: '%s'>", sexp$str.value)
toString.Symbol <- function(sexp) sprintf("<Symbol Sexp: %s>", sexp$symbol.value)
toString.Closure <- function(sexp) "<Closure Function Sexp>"
toString.Primitive <- function(sexp) "<Primitive Function Sexp>"
toString.list <- function(list) {
paste("[","paste", c(lapply(list, toString), sep=", ")), "]", sep="")
print.Sexp <- function(sexp) print(toString(sexp))
## ------------------------------------------------------------
## my.parse
## ------------------------------------------------------------
read <- function(program.text) {
my.parse <- read
tokenize <- function(program.text) {
strsplit(gsub("\\)", " )", gsub("\\(", "( ", program.text)), "\\s+")[[1]]
read.from <- function(tokens) {
if (length(tokens) == 0) stop("unexpected EOF")
token <- tokens[[1]]
tokens <- tokens[-1]
if (token == "(") {
l <- list()
while (tokens[[1]] != ")") {
read.result <- read.from(tokens)
value <- read.result$value
tokens <- read.result$tokens
if (mode(value) == "list") value <- list(value)
l <- append(l, value)
tokens <- tokens[-1]
list(value=l, tokens=tokens)
} else if (token == ")") {
stop("unexpected ')'")
} else {
list(value=sexp(token), tokens=tokens)
sexp <- function(token) {
if (!
## ------------------------------------------------------------
## my.eval
## ------------------------------------------------------------
my.eval <- function(exp, ...) UseMethod("my.eval", exp)
my.eval.Num <- function(exp, env) exp
## my.eval.Str <- function(exp, env) exp
my.eval.Symbol <- function(exp, env) lookup.env(env, exp$symbol.value)
my.eval.Closure <- function(exp, env) exp
my.eval.Primitive <- function(exp, env) exp
my.eval.list <- function(exp, env) {
op <- exp[[1]]
args.exp <- exp[-1]
if (inherits(op, "Symbol") && op$symbol.value == "<-") {
var.exp <- args.exp[[1]]
val.exp <- args.exp[[2]]
if (!inherits(var.exp, "Symbol")) stop(var.exp, " is not a symbol.")
define(env, var.exp$symbol.value, my.eval(val.exp, env))
} else if (inherits(op, "Symbol") && op$symbol.value == "<<-") {
var.exp <- args.exp[[1]]
val.exp <- args.exp[[2]]
if (!inherits(var.exp, "Symbol")) stop(var.exp, " is not a symbol.")
deep.define(env, var.exp$symbol.value, my.eval(val.exp, env))
} else if (inherits(op, "Symbol") && op$symbol.value == "function") {
formals <- args.exp[[1]]
body <- args.exp[[2]]
Closure(formals, body, env)
} else if (inherits(op, "Symbol") && op$symbol.value == "if") {
cond <- args.exp[[1]]
true.clause <- args.exp[[2]]
false.clause <- args.exp[[3]]
if (my.eval(cond, env)$num.value == 0) {
my.eval(false.clause, env)
} else {
my.eval(true.clause, env)
} else {, env),, env))
} <- function (exp.list, env) {
lapply(exp.list, function(exp) my.eval(exp, env))
## ------------------------------------------------------------
## Utilities
## ------------------------------------------------------------
dict <- new.env <- function(...)"cat", lapply(list(...), toString))
lookup.env <- function(env, var) {
if (is.null(env)) stop(var, " not found.")
if (var %in% names(env$frame)) {
} else {
lookup.env(env$parent, var)
define <- function(env, var, val) {
env$frame[[var]] <- val
deep.define <- function(env, var, val) {
if (is.null(env$parent)) {
env$frame[[var]] <- val
} else if (var %in% names(env$parent$frame)) {
env$parent$frame[[var]] <- val
} else {
deep.define(env$parent, var, val)
} <- function(fun, args) {
if (inherits(fun, "Closure")) {
formals <- fun$formals
body <- fun$body
env <- fun$env
my.eval(body, extend.env(env, formals, args))
} else {
extend.env <- function(env, formals, args) {
frame <- list()
if (length(formals) == 0) {
Env(frame=frame, parent=env)
} else {
for (i in 1:length(formals)) {
name <- formals[[i]]$symbol.value
value <- args[[i]]
frame[[name]] <- value
Env(frame=frame, parent=env)
repl <- function(env=default.env, prompt="rlisp > ") {
while(TRUE) {
val <- my.eval(my.parse(readline()), env), "\n")
## ------------------------------------------------------------
## Primitive Fucntions
## ------------------------------------------------------------
add <- Primitive(function(args) {
x <- args[[1]]; y <- args[[2]]
Num(x$num.value + y$num.value)
sub <- Primitive(function(args) {
x <- args[[1]]; y <- args[[2]]
Num(x$num.value - y$num.value)
mult <- Primitive(function(args) {
x <- args[[1]]; y <- args[[2]]
Num(x$num.value * y$num.value)
div <- Primitive(function(args) {
x <- args[[1]]; y <- args[[2]]
Num(x$num.value / y$num.value)
## join.str <- Primitive(function(args) {
## x <- args[[1]]; y <- args[[2]]
## Str(paste(x$str.value, y$str.value, sep=""))
## })
eq <- Primitive(function(args) {
x <- args[[1]]; y <- args[[2]]
if (x$num.value == y$num.value) Num(1) else Num(0)
gt <- Primitive(function(args) {
x <- args[[1]]; y <- args[[2]]
if (x$num.value > y$num.value) Num(1) else Num(0)
lt <- Primitive(function(args) {
x <- args[[1]]; y <- args[[2]]
if (x$num.value < y$num.value) Num(1) else Num(0)
## ------------------------------------------------------------
## default.env
## ------------------------------------------------------------
default.env <- Env(list("TRUE"=Num(1),
## "++"=join.str,
"<"=lt), NULL)
## options(opt)
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