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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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# > source("typedFunction.R")
# > cat(src)
# double calcPiLoop_typed() {
# int circle_in;
# int i;
# double l;
# circle_in = 0;
# for (i = 1; i <= 1e+08; i++) {
# l = sqrt(pow(R::runif(0.0, 1.0), 2) + pow(R::runif(0.0, 1.0), 2));
# if (l <= 1) {
# circle_in = circle_in + 1;
# } ;
# };
# return(4 * circle_in / 1e+08);
# }
# > system.time(calcPiLoop())
# ユーザ システム 経過
# 745.301 93.825 839.292
# > system.time(calcPiVector())
# ユーザ システム 経過
# 9.806 1.197 11.168
# > system.time(calcPiLoopCpp())
# ユーザ システム 経過
# 3.245 0.008 3.258
# > system.time(calcPiLoop_typed())
# ユーザ システム 経過
# 3.240 0.008 3.254
typedFunction <- function(closure, ...) {
type <- list(...) <- as.character(substitute(closure))
func.type <- type[[]]
type[[]] <- NULL
cppformals <- function() {
formals <- names(formals(closure))
if (length(formals) == 0) ""
else Reduce(function(a, b) paste(a, b, sep=", "),
Map(function(n) paste(type[[n]], n, sep=" "),
cpptypedecs <- function() {
formals <- names(formals(closure))
type[formals] <- NULL
if (length(names(type)) == 0) ""
else paste(Reduce(function(a, b) paste(a, b, sep=";\n"),
Map(function(n) paste(type[[n]], n, sep=" "),
";\n", sep="")
cppbody <- function() {
body <- body(closure)
visit.exp <- function(e) {
if (is.symbol(e) || is.numeric(e)) return(as.character(e))
op <- as.character(e[[1]])
args <- e[-1]
if (op == 'for') visit.for(args)
else if (op == 'if') visit.if(args)
else if (op %in% c('+', '-', '*', '/', '^', '<-', '=',
'>', '>=', '<', '<=', '==')) {
visit.binop(op, args)
else if (op == '{') visit.block(args)
else if (op == '(') visit.paren(args)
else visit.funcall(op, args)
visit.binop <- function(op, args) {
if (op == '^') return(visit.funcall('pow', args))
if (op == '<-') op <- '='
arg1 <- visit.exp(args[[1]])
arg2 <- visit.exp(args[[2]])
sprintf("%s %s %s", arg1, op, arg2)
visit.for <- function(args) {
var <- as.character(args[[1]])
range <- args[[2]]
body <- visit.exp(args[[3]])
if (range[[1]] != quote(`:`)) stop("for: range error")
begin <- visit.exp(range[[2]])
end <- visit.exp(range[[3]])
sprintf("for (%s = %s; %s <= %s; %s++) {\n%s\n}",
var, begin, var, end, var, body)
visit.if <- function(args) {
cond <- visit.exp(args[[1]])
tclause <- sprintf("{\n%s\n}", visit.exp(args[[2]]))
else_fclause <- if (length(args) == 3) {
sprintf(" else {\n%s\n}", visit.exp(args[[3]]))
else ""
sprintf("if (%s) %s%s", cond, tclause , else_fclause)
visit.block <- function(args) {
Reduce(function(a, b) paste(a, b, sep=";\n"),
Map("visit.exp", args)))
visit.funcall <- function(op, args) {
args <- if (length(args) == 0) ""
else Reduce(function(a, b) paste(a, b, sep=", "),
Map("visit.exp", args))
if (op == 'runif') #tenuki!
"R::runif(0.0, 1.0)"
sprintf("%s(%s)", op, args)
visit.paren <- function(args) {
sprintf("(%s)", visit.exp(args[[1]]))
visit.body <- function(body) {
if ( && (body[[1]] == quote(`{`))) {
args <- body[-1]
last <- args[[length(args)]]
if (! || !(last[[1]] =='return'))) {
last <- list('return'), last)
args[[length(args)]] <- last
else sprintf("return %s;", visit.exp(body))
sprintf("%s %s_typed(%s) {\n%s\n%s\n}\n",
calcPiLoop <- function() {
circle_in <- 0
for (i in 1:100000000) {
l <- sqrt(runif(1)^2 + runif(1)^2)
if (l <= 1) {
circle_in <- circle_in + 1
4.0 * circle_in / 100000000
calcPiVector <- function() {
x <- runif(100000000)
y <- runif(100000000)
d <- sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
return(4 * sum(d < 1.0) / 100000000)
"double calcPiLoopCpp() {
int circle_in = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= 100000000; i++) {
double l = sqrt(pow(R::runif(0.0, 1.0), 2) +
pow(R::runif(0.0, 1.0), 2));
if (l <= 1) {
circle_in = circle_in + 1;
return 4.0 * circle_in / 100000000;
src <- typedFunction(calcPiLoop, calcPiLoop='double', circle_in='int', i='int', l='double')
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