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Created October 18, 2017 02:42
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check the type (i.e. Phone Number) of words in the list. Check the proportion is larger than given threshold.
import re
import numpy as np
class BaseMatcher(object):
def __init__(self, pattern, threshold):
self.pattern = pattern
self.compiled_pattern = re.compile(pattern=self.pattern)
self.threshold = threshold
def match(self, X):
macth_proportions = map(self.get_match_proportion, X)
return [proportion >= self.threshold for proportion in macth_proportions]
#todo is fullmatch valid?
#todo strip should be transferred to preprocessor
def pattern_match(self, word_list):
return [self.compiled_pattern.fullmatch(x.strip()) is not None for x in word_list
if x is not None and x != ""]
def get_match_proportion(self, word_list):
return np.mean(self.pattern_match(word_list))
class MailaddressMatcher(BaseMatcher):
pattern = r"[a-zA-Za-zA-Z0-90-9*!#$%&’*+/=?^`{\|\-_.}]+?@[a-zA-Za-zA-Z0-90-9*!#$%&’*+/=?^`{\|\-_.}]+?"
def __init__(self, threshold=0.8):
super().__init__(pattern=MailaddressMatcher.pattern, threshold=threshold)
# if __name__ == "__main__":
# import pandas as pd
# matcher = MailaddressMatcher()
# X_df = pd.read_csv("../datasets/demo-referred_V0.1.0.csv")
# X = [X_df[value].astype(str).tolist() for value in X_df.columns.values]
# #X = [[""]]
# #print(list(map(, X[0])))
# result = matcher.match(X)
# print(result)
class UrlMatcher(BaseMatcher):
pattern = r"(https?://)?www.[a-zA-Za-zA-Z0-90-9!#\$%&’\*\+/=\?^`\|\-_\.]+"
#r"/.[a-zA-Za-zA-Z0-90-9*!#$%&’*+/=?^`" \
def __init__(self, threshold=0.8):
super().__init__(pattern=UrlMatcher.pattern, threshold=threshold)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import pandas as pd
matcher = UrlMatcher()
X_df = pd.read_csv("../datasets/demo-referred_V0.1.0.csv")
X = [X_df[value].astype(str).tolist() for value in X_df.columns.values]
X = [["\u3000", "", ""]]
#"〒1234567", "080ー9561", "gdsajgl;daj"]]
#print(list(map(, X[0])))
result = matcher.match(X)
class PostalcodeMatcher(BaseMatcher):
pattern = r"[〒]{0,1}[0-90-9]{3}[-ー]{0,1}[0-90-9]{4}"
def __init__(self, threshold=0.8):
super().__init__(pattern=PostalcodeMatcher.pattern, threshold=threshold)
# if __name__ == "__main__":
# import pandas as pd
# matcher = PostalcodeMatcher()
# X_df = pd.read_csv("../datasets/demo-referred_V0.1.0.csv")
# X = [X_df[value].astype(str).tolist() for value in X_df.columns.values]
# #X = [["\u3000 654-3515 ", " 567-9999 ", "〒1234567", "080ー9561", "gdsajgl;daj"]]
# #print(list(map(, X[0])))
# result = matcher.match(X)
# print(result)
class DataMatcher(BaseMatcher):
year_kansuuji = r"一二三四五六七八九十壱弐参拾百千\u25CB\u25EF\u3007"
mon_day_kannsuuji = r"一二三四五六七八九十壱弐参拾\u25CB\u25EF\u3007"
a_year = r"[西暦]?[ \u3000]?[\d一二三四五六七八九壱弐参\u25CB\u25EF\u3007]?" \
r"[\d一二三四五六七八九壱弐参][十拾]?[\d一二三四五六七八九壱弐参][年]?[ \u3000\-_/]?"
b_year = "[西暦]?[ \u3000]?[\d一二三四五六七八九壱弐参][十拾\u25CB\u25EF\u3007]?[\d一二三四五六七八九壱弐参\u25CB\u25EF\u3007][年]?[ \u3000\-_/]?"
a_mon = r"[0-101一壱]?[十拾\u25CB\u25EF\u3007]?[\d一二三四五六七八九壱弐参\u25CB\u25EF\u3007][月]?" \
r"[ \u3000\-_/]?"
chirist_year_pattern = r"[西暦]?[ \u3000]?[\d一二三四五六七八九十壱弐参拾\u25CB\u25EF\u3007]{1,3}[年]?[ \u3000\-_/]?"
wareki_year_pattern = r"[昭和|平成|大正|西暦]?[ \u3000]?[\d一二三四五六七八九十壱弐参拾\u25CB\u25EF\u3007]{1,4}[年]?[ \u3000\-_/]?"
year_pattern = r"[昭和|平成|大正|西暦]?[ \u3000]?[\d一二三四五六七八九十壱弐参拾\u25CB\u25EF\u3007]{1,4}[年]?[ \u3000\-_/]?"
mon_pattern = r"[0-101一壱]?[十\u25CB\u25EF\u3007]?[\d一二三四五六七八九壱弐参拾\u25CB\u25EF\u3007][月]?" \
r"[ \u3000\-_/]?"
day_pattern = r"[0-3023一二三壱弐参]?[十\u25CB\u25EF\u3007]?[\d一二三四五六七八九壱弐参拾\u25CB\u25EF\u3007][日]?" \
r"[ \u3000\-_/]?"
pattern = year_pattern + mon_pattern + day_pattern
def __init__(self, threshold=0.8):
super().__init__(pattern=DataMatcher.pattern, threshold=threshold)
# if __name__ == "__main__":
# import pandas as pd
# matcher = DataMatcher()
# #X_df = pd.read_csv("../datasets/demo-referred_V0.1.0.csv")
# #X = [X_df[value].astype(str).tolist() for value in X_df.columns.values]
# X = [["2016年09月26日", "1600-8-10", "平成 28年 4月 8日", "昭和三十二年五月壹〇日", "353", "20160"], ["212-0000"],
# ["20160809"]]
# #X = [["2016年", "1600", "平成 28年", "昭和三十二年", "2016"], ["212-0000"],
# # ["2016"]]
# #print(list(map(, X[0])))
# result = matcher.match(X)
# print(result)
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