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Last active December 15, 2015 19:59
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Save yattom/5315579 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Cheatsheet for SpiderWeb in FitLibraryWeb / FitNesse. Excerpted and rearranged from its own tests included in FitLibraryWeb. This file is in FitNesse wiki format so create a wiki page and just paste.
!contents -R2 -g -p -f -h
see also
* <FitLibraryWeb.SpiderFixture.DocuMentation.CommandUserGuide
* <FitLibraryWeb.SpiderFixture.SpecifySpiderFixture
URLを開く open url
|''get url''|http://localhost:@{serverPort}/files/@{webDriver.driver}/test.html|
タイトルを確認する confirm title
|''title''|'''is'''|A title|
|''title''|'''becomes'''|A title|
URLを確認する confirm url
戻る、進む、再表示 back, forward and reload
|''refresh page''|
|''click on named link''|Link|
テキストを確認する(要素内テキスト, 入力テキスト INPUT type=TEXT|PASSWORD, TEXTAREA) confirm text
|''text of''|css=input[id=withValue]|''is''|red|
|''text of''|//textarea[@id="withMultiText"]|''matches''|yellow.*orange|
|''plain text of''|css=input[id=withValue]|''is''|red|
''plain text of''はタグや空白を取り除く?
innterHtmlを確認する confirm innerHtml
|''inner html of''|//td[@class="bodyCopy"]|'''is'''|<p>This text will be preserved with <b>bold</b> tags and <em>emphasis</em> tags etc</p>|
テキストを入力する (DIVやPにも使える?) set / add text
|''with''|css=input#withValue|''set text''|RED|
|''with''|css=input#withValue|''add text''|RED|
ページ中のテキストを確認する confirm text somewhere in the page
|''page source''|'''contains'''|lines|
|''page source''|'''eventually contains'''|Various text|
|''page source''|'''matches'''|sp.*d|
部分文字列は開始部分と終了部分の文字列を指定する (exclusive)
|''page substring from''|spread|''to''|sev|''matches''|.over|
|''page substring from''|te|''to''|t|''is''|x|
要素を確認する confirm element, attributes, count
|''element''|//input[@id="missing"]|''does not exist''|
|''element value''|//input[@id="in"]|'''is'''|t|
|''count of''|//pq[@id="p"]|''is''|3|
SELECT操作 select options
|''option of''|//select[@name="colour"]|'''is'''|red|
|''with''|//select[@name="colour"]|''select option''|red|
|''with''|//select[@name="colour"]|''select option at''|4|
|''option of''|//select[@name="colour"]|''is not selected''|
クッキー操作 cookies
|''delete all cookies''|
|''add cookie''|brownie|''with value''|chocolate|
|''delete cookie''|brownie|
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