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Created May 12, 2011 15:18
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Save yavor-atanasov/968717 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
/* Usage:
* jQuery.csv()(csvtext) returns an array of arrays representing the CSV text.
* jQuery.csv("\t")(tsvtext) uses Tab as a delimiter (comma is the default)
* jQuery.csv("\t", "'")(tsvtext) uses a single quote as the quote character instead of double quotes
* jQuery.csv("\t", "'\"")(tsvtext) uses single & double quotes as the quote character
csv: function(delim, quote, linedelim) {
delim = typeof delim == "string" ? new RegExp( "[" + (delim || "," ) + "]" ) : typeof delim == "undefined" ? "," : delim;
quote = typeof quote == "string" ? new RegExp("^[" + (quote || '"' ) + "]" ) : typeof quote == "undefined" ? '"' : quote;
lined = typeof lined == "string" ? new RegExp( "[" + (lined || "\r\n") + "]+") : typeof lined == "undefined" ? "\r\n" : lined;
function splitline (v) {
// Split the line using the delimitor
var arr = v.split(delim),
out = [], q;
for (var i=0, l=arr.length; i<l; i++) {
if (q = arr[i].match(quote)) {
for (j=i; j<l; j++) {
if (arr[j].charAt(arr[j].length-1) == q[0]) { break; }
var s = arr.slice(i,j+1).join(delim);
i = j;
else { out.push(arr[i]); }
return out;
return function(text) {
var lines = text.split(lined);
for (var i=0, l=lines.length; i<l; i++) {
lines[i] = splitline(lines[i]);
return lines;
You wrap the plugin in a define() statement
that requires jquery-1 as a dependency
and you extend the jQuery object in the callback ($)
define(['jquery-1'], function($){
csv: function(delim, quote, linedelim) {
delim = typeof delim == "string" ? new RegExp( "[" + (delim || "," ) + "]" ) : typeof delim == "undefined" ? "," : delim;
quote = typeof quote == "string" ? new RegExp("^[" + (quote || '"' ) + "]" ) : typeof quote == "undefined" ? '"' : quote;
lined = typeof lined == "string" ? new RegExp( "[" + (lined || "\r\n") + "]+") : typeof lined == "undefined" ? "\r\n" : lined;
function splitline (v) {
// Split the line using the delimitor
var arr = v.split(delim),
out = [], q;
for (var i=0, l=arr.length; i<l; i++) {
if (q = arr[i].match(quote)) {
for (j=i; j<l; j++) {
if (arr[j].charAt(arr[j].length-1) == q[0]) { break; }
var s = arr.slice(i,j+1).join(delim);
i = j;
else { out.push(arr[i]); }
return out;
return function(text) {
var lines = text.split(lined);
for (var i=0, l=lines.length; i<l; i++) {
lines[i] = splitline(lines[i]);
return lines;
And this is how you consume the module and use the plugin inside it.
NOTE: in your path to the cvs plugin file you do not include the '.js'
require(["jquery-1","/path/to/local/scripts/jquery.cvs",], function($) {
$(function() {
// $.csv() should be available
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