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Last active May 20, 2021 18:36
import Foundation
guard CommandLine.argc > 0 else { exit(-1) }
let schemes = CommandLine.arguments
.first { $0.starts(with: "schemes_") }?
.split(separator: ",") ?? []
let junitUrls = schemes
.compactMap { URL(string: "file://"+FileManager.default.currentDirectoryPath+"/tests/\($0)_report/report.junit") }
var allTests = 0
var allFailures = 0
var failedSchemes: [String: Int] = [:]
class ParserDelegate: NSObject, XMLParserDelegate {
func parser(_ parser: XMLParser, didStartElement elementName: String, namespaceURI: String?, qualifiedName qName: String?, attributes attributeDict: [String: String] = [:]) {
guard elementName == "testsuite",
let name = attributeDict["name"],
let failures = attributeDict["failures"],
let tests = attributeDict["tests"],
let failuresInt = Int(failures),
let testsInt = Int(tests)
else { return }
allTests += testsInt
allFailures += failuresInt
if failuresInt > 0,
let targetName = name.split(separator: ".").map(String.init).first {
let count = failedSchemes.contains { $0.key == targetName }
? failedSchemes[targetName]! + failuresInt
: failuresInt
failedSchemes[targetName] = count
for (url) in junitUrls {
let delegate = ParserDelegate()
let p = XMLParser(contentsOf: url)
p?.delegate = delegate
let failedInSchemes ={ "\($0.key): \($0.value)" }).joined(separator: ", ")
var testsDone = allFailures == 0
? "💹 Все тесты прошли успешно."
+ "\n♻️ Всего тестов: \(allTests)"
: "❗ Тесты завершены с ошибками."
+ "\n❗ Ошибки в схемах \(failedInSchemes)."
+ "\n❗ Всего: \(allTests)"
+ "\n❗ Провалено: \(allFailures)"
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