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Last active January 14, 2023 14:46
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id: acc4c247-aaf7-494b-b5da-17f18863878a
name: External guest invitation followed by Azure AD PowerShell signin
description: |
'By default guests have capability to invite more external guest users, guests also can do suspicious Azure AD enumeration. This detection look at guests
users, who have been invited or have invited recently, who also are logging via various PowerShell CLI.
Ref : ''
severity: Medium
- connectorId: AzureActiveDirectory
- AuditLogs
- connectorId: AzureActiveDirectory
- SigninLogs
queryFrequency: 1h
queryPeriod: 1d
triggerOperator: gt
triggerThreshold: 0
status: Available
- InitialAccess
- Persistence
- Discovery
- T1078.004
- T1136.003
- T1087.004
query: |
let queryfrequency = 1h;
let queryperiod = 1d;
| where TimeGenerated > ago(queryperiod)
| where OperationName in ("Invite external user", "Bulk invite users - started (bulk)", "Invite external user with reset invitation status")
| extend InitiatedBy = iff(isnotempty(InitiatedBy.user.userPrincipalName), InitiatedBy.user.userPrincipalName,
// Uncomment the following line to filter events where the inviting user was a guest user
//| where InitiatedBy has_any ("", "#EXT#")
| extend InvitedUser = TargetResources[0].userPrincipalName
| mv-expand UserToCompare = pack_array(InitiatedBy, InvitedUser) to typeof(string)
| where UserToCompare has_any ("", "#EXT#")
| extend
parsedUser = replace_string(tolower(iff(UserToCompare startswith "", tostring(split(UserToCompare, "#")[1]), tostring(split(UserToCompare, "#EXT#")[0]))), "@", "_"),
InvitationTime = TimeGenerated
| join (
(union isfuzzy=true SigninLogs, AADNonInteractiveUserSignInLogs)
| where TimeGenerated > ago(queryfrequency)
| where UserType != "Member"
| where AppId has_any // This web may contain a list of these apps:
("1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894",// Azure Active Directory PowerShell
"04b07795-8ddb-461a-bbee-02f9e1bf7b46",// Microsoft Azure CLI
"1950a258-227b-4e31-a9cf-717495945fc2",// Microsoft Azure PowerShell
"a0c73c16-a7e3-4564-9a95-2bdf47383716",// Microsoft Exchange Online Remote PowerShell
"fb78d390-0c51-40cd-8e17-fdbfab77341b",// Microsoft Exchange REST API Based Powershell
"d1ddf0e4-d672-4dae-b554-9d5bdfd93547",// Microsoft Intune PowerShell
"9bc3ab49-b65d-410a-85ad-de819febfddc",// Microsoft SharePoint Online Management Shell
"12128f48-ec9e-42f0-b203-ea49fb6af367",// MS Teams Powershell Cmdlets
"23d8f6bd-1eb0-4cc2-a08c-7bf525c67bcd",// Power BI PowerShell
"31359c7f-bd7e-475c-86db-fdb8c937548e",// PnP Management Shell
"90f610bf-206d-4950-b61d-37fa6fd1b224",// Aadrm Admin Powershell
"14d82eec-204b-4c2f-b7e8-296a70dab67e" // Microsoft Graph PowerShell
| summarize arg_min(TimeGenerated, *) by UserPrincipalName
| extend
parsedUser = replace_string(UserPrincipalName, "@", "_"),
SigninTime = TimeGenerated
on parsedUser
| project InvitationTime, InitiatedBy, OperationName, InvitedUser, SigninTime, SigninCategory = Category1, SigninUserPrincipalName = UserPrincipalName, IPAddress, AppDisplayName, ResourceDisplayName, UserAgent, InvitationAdditionalDetails = AdditionalDetails, InvitationTargetResources = TargetResources
- entityType: Account
- identifier: FullName
columnName: InvitedUser
- entityType: Account
- identifier: FullName
columnName: InitiatedBy
- entityType: IP
- identifier: Address
columnName: IPAddress
version: 1.0.6
kind: Scheduled
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