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Last active January 14, 2023 14:46
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id: 6852d9da-8015-4b95-8ecf-d9572ee0395d
name: Suspicious Service Principal creation activity
description: |
'This alert will detect creation of an SPN, permissions granted, credentials created, activity and deletion of the SPN in a time frame (default 10 minutes)'
severity: Low
- connectorId: AzureActiveDirectory
- AuditLogs
- AADServicePrincipalSignInLogs
queryFrequency: 1h
queryPeriod: 70m
triggerOperator: gt
triggerThreshold: 0
status: Available
- CredentialAccess
- PrivilegeEscalation
- InitialAccess
- T1078
- T1528
query: |
let queryfrequency = 1h;
let wait_for_deletion = 10m;
let account_created =
| where ActivityDisplayName == "Add service principal"
| where Result == "success"
| extend AppID = tostring(AdditionalDetails[1].value)
| extend creationTime = ActivityDateTime
| extend userPrincipalName_creator = tostring(parse_json(tostring(InitiatedBy.user)).userPrincipalName)
| extend ipAddress_creator = tostring(parse_json(tostring(InitiatedBy.user)).ipAddress);
let account_activity =
| extend Activities = pack("ActivityTime", TimeGenerated ,"IpAddress", IPAddress, "ResourceDisplayName", ResourceDisplayName)
| extend AppID = AppId
| summarize make_list(Activities) by AppID;
let account_deleted =
| where OperationName == "Remove service principal"
| where Result == "success"
| extend AppID = tostring(AdditionalDetails[1].value)
| extend deletionTime = ActivityDateTime
| extend userPrincipalName_deleter = tostring(parse_json(tostring(InitiatedBy.user)).userPrincipalName)
| extend ipAddress_deleter = tostring(parse_json(tostring(InitiatedBy.user)).ipAddress);
let account_credentials =
| where OperationName has_all ("Update application", "Certificates and secrets management")
| where Result == "success"
| extend AppID = tostring(AdditionalDetails[1].value)
| extend credentialCreationTime = ActivityDateTime;
let roles_assigned =
| where ActivityDisplayName == "Add app role assignment to service principal"
| extend AppID = tostring(TargetResources[1].displayName)
| extend AssignedRole = iff(tostring(parse_json(tostring(TargetResources[0].modifiedProperties))[1].displayName)=="AppRole.Value", tostring(parse_json(tostring(parse_json(tostring(TargetResources[0].modifiedProperties))[1].newValue))),"")
| extend AssignedRoles = pack("Role", AssignedRole)
| summarize make_list(AssignedRoles) by AppID;
| where TimeGenerated between (ago(wait_for_deletion+queryfrequency)..ago(wait_for_deletion))
| join kind= inner (account_activity) on AppID
| join kind= inner (account_deleted) on AppID
| join kind= inner (account_credentials) on AppID
| join kind= inner (roles_assigned) on AppID
| where deletionTime - creationTime between (time(0s)..wait_for_deletion)
| extend AliveTime = deletionTime - creationTime
| project AADTenantId, AppID, creationTime, deletionTime, userPrincipalName_creator, userPrincipalName_deleter, ipAddress_creator, ipAddress_deleter, list_Activities, list_AssignedRoles, AliveTime
- entityType: Account
- identifier: FullName
columnName: userPrincipalName_creator
- entityType: Account
- identifier: FullName
columnName: userPrincipalName_deleter
- entityType: IP
- identifier: Address
columnName: ipAddress_creator
- entityType: IP
- identifier: Address
columnName: ipAddress_deleter
version: 1.0.2
kind: Scheduled
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