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Wei Hsu yayitswei

  • San Francisco, CA
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tnine / ebs_raid.rb
Created April 27, 2011 03:03
Ebs raid mounting. Links to this jira issue
include Opscode::Aws::Ec2
#Auto locates and attached ebs devices based on the data bag they reside in. The following test cases need to be performed
# Create multiple resources with new node: PASS
# Re-attach multiple resources after a reboot: PASS
# Create resources across 2 runs. First run creates first raid set, second run re-attaches then creates: PASS
bobby / datomic-helpers.clj
Created July 20, 2012 14:12
Some Datomic helpers I sometimes use with ring or pedestal-service apps
(ns datomic-helpers
(:require [datomic.api :as d]))
;;; Expose Datomic vars here, for convenience
;;; Ring middleware
(defn wrap-datomic
"A Ring middleware that provides a request-consistent database connection and
value for the life of a request."
jsnikeris / gist:3386949
Created August 18, 2012 13:47
Macro for defining Datomic database functions
(require '[datomic.api :as d])
(defn maybe-assoc [m k v]
(if v (assoc m k v) m))
(defmacro defn-db [name & args]
(let [[doc-string & args] (if (string? (first args)) args (cons nil args))
[attr-map & args] (if (map? (first args)) args (cons {} args))
[[& params] & body] args
ragnard / redis.clj
Last active February 20, 2021 16:27
Using Redis for persistent memoization of Clojure functions
(ns util.redis
(:refer-clojure :exclude [memoize])
(:require [taoensso.carmine :as car]))
;; boilerplate stuff that is not in Carmine
(def ^:dynamic ^:private *pool*)
(def ^:dynamic ^:private *spec*)
(defmacro with-redis
robert-stuttaford / datomic.clj
Last active April 27, 2018 15:10
Handy protocols for working with Datomic
;;; Connection
(defprotocol DatomicConnection
(as-conn [_]))
(extend-protocol DatomicConnection
(as-conn [c] c)
daveliepmann / localstorage.cljs
Created September 23, 2014 08:23
HTML5 localStorage utility functions for ClojureScript. I find it makes for cleaner code when I wrap the native JS.
(ns localstorage)
(defn set-item!
"Set `key' in browser's localStorage to `val`."
[key val]
(.setItem (.-localStorage js/window) key val))
(defn get-item
"Returns value of `key' from browser's localStorage."
borkdude / main.cljs
Created September 28, 2014 19:54
Nested wizard example in reagent
;; Create a new project with
;; lein new liberagent reagent-complex-gui-example
;; and replace main.cljs with this file
(ns reagent-complex-gui-example.main
(:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer (go)])
[reagent.core :as reagent :refer [atom]]
[sablono.core :as html :refer-macros [html]]
[cljs-http.client :as http]
oliyh / clj-sse.clj
Last active September 22, 2023 06:04
Clojure client for Server Sent Events (SSE)
(require '[clj-http.client :as http])
(require '[clojure.core.async :as a])
(require '[clojure.string :as string])
(require '[ :as io])
(import '[ InputStream])
(def event-mask (re-pattern (str "(?s).+?\r\n\r\n")))
(defn- parse-event [raw-event]
(->> (re-seq #"(.*): (.*)\n?" raw-event)
twang2218 / Dockerfile
Created July 14, 2016 16:00
Docker cron example
FROM python:3.5.2
ENV TZ=Asia/Shanghai
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y cron \
&& apt-get autoremove -y
COPY ./cronpy /etc/cron.d/cronpy
CMD ["cron", "-f"]
ziadoz /
Last active April 20, 2024 10:18
Install Chrome, ChromeDriver and Selenium on Ubuntu 16.04
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Versions