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Last active July 14, 2020 06:38
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Grav is a Fast, Simple, and Flexible file-based Web-platform. There is Zero installation required. Just extract the ZIP archive, and you are already up and running. Although Grav follows principles similar to other flat-file CMS platforms, it has a different design philosophy than most. The name Grav is just a shortened version of the word Gravi…

grav V1.6

How to install Grav

Clone the Grav repository from GitHub to a folder in the webroot of your server, e.g. ~/webroot/grav. Launch a terminal or console and navigate to the webroot folder:

cd ~/webroot
git clone -b master

Install vendor dependencies via composer:

cd ~/webroot/grav
composer install --no-dev -o

Copy Install the plugin and theme dependencies by using the Grav CLI application bin/grav:

cd ~/webroot/grav
bin/grav install

This will automatically clone the required dependencies from GitHub directly into this Grav installation.

How to install admin panel grav

cd ~/webroot/grav

cek update version grav

bin/gpm selfupgrade -f

install admin panel

bin/gpm install admin

More Detail

docs grav
docs grav admin

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