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Created July 5, 2020 09:45
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A simple Ruby script to parse text from the Quran into text without diacritics
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# 1. Copy the raw text from
# 2. Run "ruby parse.rb"
# 3. Paste the copied text
# 4. Press "Ctrl + D" to see the output
def parse(str)
.map { |aya| remove_verse_number(aya) }
.map { |aya| remove_diacritics(aya) }
def remove_verse_number(str)
str.gsub(/﴿.*?﴾/, '').strip
def remove_diacritics(str)
diacritics = 'ِ', 'ُ', 'ٓ', 'ٰ', 'ْ', 'ٌ', 'ٍ', 'ً', 'ّ', 'َ', ' ۛ', ' ۖ', ' ۗ'
str.gsub Regexp.union(diacritics), ''
puts parse(
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