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Last active February 7, 2017 01:29
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OpenID Flows
<!doctype html>
<form id="form3" action="" method="POST">
<input type="text" name="j_username" value="admin" /><br/>
<input type="text" name="j_password" value="password" /><br/>
<input type="submit" value="進入系統" />
<iframe src="" style="display:none">

Regular flow

請用 開啟下列語法

Browser -> RP  : GET/authorize
RP ->  Browser : 302 Redirect OP authz EP
Browser -> OP  : GET/<Provider>/authorize/endpoint
Note Right of OP : Check session, if session does not exist ...
OP -> Browser  : 302 Redirect login
Browser -> OP  : GET/<Provider>/login/endpoint
OP -> Browser  : 200 login page
Note over Browser,OP : User typing Account / Password
Browser -> OP  : POST Credentials/<Provider>/login/endpoint
OP -> Browser  : 200 Consent page
Note over Browser,OP : User Authorize Asking
Browser -> OP  : POST Consent/<Provider>/authz/endpoint
OP -> Browser  : 302 Redirect RP Callback
Browser -> RP  : GET/client/callback
RP -> OP : POST /<Provider>/token/endpoint
OP -> RP : 200 Response with tokens
RP ->  Browser : 200 Response with home page
RP -> OP : GET/<Provider>/user/info
OP -> RP : 200 Response 

refer link:


  • Client App's Login:登入完成後將不會有 Redirect 的行為
    • 在 login page 中藏一個 iframe 來改善
  • Client App's Logout:登出 client app,重導到 client app 的 login page
  • 如果 user 嘗試進入 client app 的受限資源時,會發現其實已經登入了,因為 login page 的背景行為
  • Global Logout: 用一個 logout page 來分別進行 client app 與 OP 的 logout(session destroy)

請用 載入下面這段 code:

digraph App {
	subgraph starter {
		start [label = "嘗試進入 Foo 網站的受限資源", shape = box3d];

	subgraph normal {
	    check01 [label = "是否授權?", shape = diamond];
		loginPage [label = "登入畫面"];
		limitedPage [label = "受限資源頁面"];
		actInput [label = "輸入帳號密碼"];
		actOIDC [label = "選擇 OIDC"];
	    check02 [label = "check session", shape = diamond];
		actOIDC [label = "選擇 OIDC"];
		loginPageOIDC [label = "OIDC 登入畫面\n&\n輸入帳號密碼"];
	    check03 [label = "是否曾授權?", shape = diamond];
	    authzOIDC [label = "授權准許畫面"];
	    redriect [label = "Redirect"];
	    callBack [label = "CallBack"];
	    check04 [label = "RP 向 OP 驗證"];
        build [label = "產生 Client 端對 user 的授權"];

		{rank = same; actInput; actOIDC}


	start -> check01;
	check01 -> loginPage [label = "否"];
	check01 -> limitedPage [label = "是"];
	loginPage -> actInput
	loginPage -> actOIDC
	actInput -> build [label = "驗證完成"];
	actOIDC -> check02
	check02 -> loginPageOIDC [label = "Not Exist"];
	check02 -> check03 [label = "Exist"];
	loginPageOIDC -> check03 [label = "驗證完成"];
	check03 -> authzOIDC [label = "否"];
	check03 -> redriect [label = "是"];
	authzOIDC -> redriect [label = "准許"];
	redriect -> callBack [label = "authz code"];
	callBack -> check04 [label = "用 code 交換 ID Token, Access Token"];
	check04 -> build  [label = "驗證完成"];
	build -> limitedPage
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