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Last active January 6, 2017 02:16
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O.K 操作流程

請用 載入下面這段 code:

digraph App {
	subgraph starter {
		start [label = "一般操作流程", shape = box3d];

	subgraph normal {
		label = "一般操作流程"

		orgList [label = "医院列表"];
		summarizeFlow [label = "归户流程", shape = box3d];
		modalityList [label = "报告列表"];
		imageList [label = "影像列表"];
		reportDetail [label = "报告画面"];
		dicomViewer [label = "DICOM Viewer"];

		{rank = same; summarizeFlow; modalityList}
		{rank = same; reportDetail; imageList}


	start -> orgList;
	orgList -> summarizeFlow [label = "点选「找不到医院」"];
	orgList -> modalityList [label = "点选医院"];
	modalityList -> reportDetail [label = "点选报告"];
	modalityList -> imageList [label = "点选影像"];
	imageList -> dicomViewer [label = "点选 DICOM"];
	reportDetail -> dicomViewer [label = "点选 DICOM"];

請用 載入下面這段 code:

digraph App {
	subgraph starter {
		start [label = "归户流程", shape = box3d];

	subgraph summarize {
		label = "归户流程"

		inputStudyIdForm [label = "请输入检查单号"];
		isOnlyOne [label = "是否只对应\n一间医院", shape = diamond];
		orgList [label = "医院列表"];
		isSummarized [label = "是否曾归户", shape = diamond];
		patientInfoCompare [label = "归户资料是否与\n检单资料一致", shape = diamond];
		isSummarizedHere [label = "是否已在\n此医院归户", shape = diamond];
		inputInfoForm [label = "个资输入"];
		inputInfoCompare [label = "输入资料是否与\n检单资料一致", shape = diamond];
		studyIdSummerized [label = "检单资料\n是否已被归户", shape = diamond];
		summarizeComplete [label = "归户完成", shape = component];
		normalFlow [label = "一般操作流程", shape = box3d];
		error [label = "错误讯息", shape = component];

	////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////

	start -> inputStudyIdForm;
	inputStudyIdForm -> isOnlyOne [label = "输入检查单号"];
	isOnlyOne -> orgList [label = "否"];
	orgList -> isSummarized [label = "点选医院"];
	isOnlyOne -> isSummarized [label = "是"];

	isSummarized -> inputInfoForm [label = "否"];
	inputInfoForm -> inputInfoCompare [label = "送出"];
	inputInfoCompare -> studyIdSummerized [label = "是"];

	isSummarized -> patientInfoCompare [label = "是"];
	patientInfoCompare -> isSummarizedHere [label = "是"];
	isSummarizedHere -> studyIdSummerized [label = "否"];

	studyIdSummerized -> summarizeComplete [label = "否"];
	summarizeComplete -> normalFlow;

	patientInfoCompare -> error [label = "否", color = red];
	inputInfoCompare -> error [label = "否", color = red];
	isSummarizedHere -> error [label = "是", color = red];
	studyIdSummerized -> error [label = "是", color = red];

請用 載入下面這段 code:

digraph App {
	subgraph starter {
		start [label = "启动 App", shape = doublecircle];

	subgraph total {
		firstExec [label = "首次启动 App?", shape = diamond];
		isSummarized [label = "是否曾归户", shape = diamond];

		verifyFlow [label = "验证流程", shape = box3d];
		normalFlow [label = "一般操作流程", shape = box3d];
		summarizeFlow [label = "归户流程", shape = box3d];

		{rank = same; isSummarized; verifyFlow}
		{rank = same; normalFlow; summarizeFlow}


	start -> firstExec;
	firstExec -> verifyFlow [label = "是"];
	verifyFlow -> isSummarized [label = "验证完成"];
	firstExec -> isSummarized [label = "否"];
	isSummarized -> normalFlow [label = "是"];
	isSummarized -> summarizeFlow [label = "否"];
	normalFlow -> summarizeFlow [label = "找不到医院"];
	summarizeFlow -> normalFlow [label = "归户完成"];


請用 開啟下列語法

User -> App : 輸入 ID、電話號碼
App -> SMS Provider : 以電話號碼請求認證碼
App -> User : 等待輸入認證碼
User -> App : 輸入認證碼
App -> SMS Provider : Confirm
App -> Web : 以 ID 開始歸戶流程
Web -> User : 等待輸入「檢查單號」
User -> Web : 輸入「檢查單號」
Web -> User : 等待輸入姓名、性別
User -> Web : 輸入後進行驗證
Web -> User : 歸戶完成,顯示醫院列表

請用 載入下面這段 code:

digraph App {
	subgraph starter {
		start [label = "验证流程", shape = box3d];

	subgraph verify {
		label = "验证流程"

		mainForm [label = "主画面"];
		getCode [label = "点击「获取验证码」", shape = cds];
		doVerify [label = "点击「执行验证」", shape = cds];
		isVerifyOk [label = "验证码是否正确", shape = diamond];
		isSummarized [label = "曾经归户", shape = diamond];
		normalFlow [label = "一般操作流程", shape = box3d];
		summarizeFlow [label = "归户流程", shape = box3d];

		{rank = same; normalFlow; summarizeFlow}


	start -> mainForm;
	mainForm -> getCode [label = "输入身分证号、电话号码"];
	getCode -> doVerify [label = "输入验证码"];
	doVerify -> isVerifyOk;
	isVerifyOk -> doVerify [label = "否,重新输入验证码", color = red];
	isVerifyOk -> getCode [label = "否,重新取得验证码", color = red];
	isVerifyOk -> isSummarized [label = "是"];
	isSummarized -> normalFlow [label = "是"];
	isSummarized -> summarizeFlow [label = "否"];
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