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Last active December 3, 2020 16:12
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Preprocess kilosort data
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import h5py
def read_spiketimes(folder):
spiketimes_insamples = np.load(os.path.join(folder,
return spiketimes_insamples
def read_spikeclusters(folder):
return np.load(os.path.join(folder, 'spike_clusters.npy'))
def read_sample_perstim(folder):
with h5py.File(os.path.join(folder, 'bininfo.mat'), mode='r') as f:
stimsamples = f['bininfo']['stimsamples'][()].astype(int)
return stimsamples
def get_stim_boundaries(folder):
return np.cumsum(read_sample_perstim(folder))
def cluster_spikes_perstim(folder, stimnr, spiketimes, spikeclusters):
read_bounds = get_stim_boundaries(folder)
bounds = np.zeros(read_bounds.shape[0]+1)
bounds[1:] = read_bounds
stimrange = np.logical_and(spiketimes > bounds[stimnr-1],
spiketimes < bounds[stimnr])
return spiketimes[stimrange], spikeclusters[stimrange]
def read_samplingrate(folder):
with open(os.path.join(folder, ''), 'r') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
if line.startswith('sample_rate'):
return int(line.split('= ')[1].split('.')[0])
def get_goodcells(folder):
df = read_infofile(folder)
df = add_clusternumbers(df)
return df
def goodcell_ids(folder):
return get_goodcells(folder).id
def goodspikes_boolmask(folder):
goodcells = get_goodcells(folder)
spc = read_spikeclusters(folder)
goodspikes = np.in1d(spc, goodcells)
return goodspikes
def onlygoodclustersandspikes(folder):
spt = read_spiketimes(folder)
spc = read_spikeclusters(folder)
goodspikes = goodspikes_boolmask(folder)
return spt[goodspikes], spc[goodspikes]
def chopintostimuli(folder):
spiketimes, spikeclusters = onlygoodclustersandspikes(folder)
stimbounds = get_stim_boundaries(folder)
nstim = stimbounds.shape[0]
spikes = []
for i in range(nstim):
spt_stim, spc_stim = cluster_spikes_perstim(folder, i+1,
if i == 0:
begin_sample = 0
begin_sample = stimbounds[i-1]
# Start each stimulus from zero
spt_stim = spt_stim - begin_sample
spikes.append([spt_stim, spc_stim])
return spikes
def assign_spikes_toclusters(folder, spikes):
spt_stim, spc_stim = spikes
goodcells = np.array(get_goodcells(folder), dtype=int)
ncells = goodcells.shape[0]
all_cl = [[] for i in range(ncells)]
for i in range(ncells):
cellspikes = spt_stim[spc_stim == goodcells[i]]
return all_cl
def save_spikes_perstimuli(folder, spikes, goodcells):
spikes should be list of lists, containing [spiketimes, spikeclusters] for each stimuli
goodcells should be a dataframe with only the good cells
os.makedirs(os.path.join(folder, 'spikes'), exist_ok=True)
for i, stimspikes in enumerate(spikes):
spikespercell_stim = []
for aydi in
# Find all spikes belonging to one cluster in a stimulus
single_cell_spikes = stimspikes[0][stimspikes[1] == aydi]
# Convert from samples to seconds
spikespercell_stim.append(single_cell_spikes / read_samplingrate(folder))
np.savez(os.path.join(folder, 'spikes', f'{i+1}.npz'),
def generate_clusternumbers(channels):
Generate consecutive cluster numbers for each channel, similar
to IGOR cluster naming.
ch_prev = None
cl_prev = 0
clusters = []
for ch in channels:
if ch == ch_prev:
cl_prev += 1
cl_prev = 1
ch_prev = ch
return clusters
def pick_goodcells(dataframe):
return dataframe[ == 'good']
def pick_usefulcols(dataframe):
return dataframe.loc[:, ['id', 'ch', 'qual', 'comment', 'KSLabel', 'group', 'n_spikes']]
def drop_columns(dataframe):
return dataframe.drop(['amp', 'depth', 'sh', 'fr', 'ContamPct', 'Amplitude'], axis=1)
def sortbychannel(dataframe):
Sort by channel, then id to make ordering as deterministic as possible.
return dataframe.sort_values(['ch', 'id'])
def add_clusternumbers(dataframe):
df = sortbychannel(pick_usefulcols(pick_goodcells(dataframe)))
clusters = generate_clusternumbers(
# Insert the cluster column next to channel column
col_ind_cha = int(np.where(df.columns == 'ch')[0])
df.insert(col_ind_cha+1, 'cluster', clusters)
return df
def read_infofile(folder):
return pd.read_csv(os.path.join(folder, 'cluster_info.tsv'),
sep='\t', header=0)
def preprocess_ks(folder):
Main function to extract the spikes per cluster and parse the
information file.
goodcells = add_clusternumbers(read_infofile(folder))
spikes = chopintostimuli(folder)
save_spikes_perstimuli(folder, spikes, goodcells)
goodcells.to_csv(os.path.join(folder, 'spikes', 'clusters.csv'))
def load_spikes(folder, stimnr):
Loads the spike times in seconds for all cells in a single stimulus.
An object array containing a numpy array for each cell is returned.
data = np.load(os.path.join(folder, 'spikes', f'{stimnr}.npz'),
return data
def check_clusters(folder):
Check that all clusters are labeled as expected.
There should be no noise clusters with a quality rating.
There should be no good clusters without a quality rating.
df = read_infofile(folder)
noise_w_qual = pick_usefulcols(df[( == 'noise') & ~df.qual.isna()])
good_wo_qual = pick_usefulcols(df[( == 'good') & df.qual.isna()])
if noise_w_qual.size != 0:
print('Warning: following clusters are labeled as noise but have quality ratings:')
if good_wo_qual.size != 0:
print('Warning: following clusters are labeled as good but have no quality rating:')
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