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Created March 5, 2024 09:49
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class ShopCollectionViewCell: UICollectionViewCell {
func collapse() {
zeroHeightConstraint.isActive = true
func expand() {
zeroHeightConstraint.isActive = false
extension ShopViewController: UICollectionViewDelegate {
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, didSelectItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
let item = indexPath.item
self.selectedShop = shops[item]
for i in (0..<isExpanded.count) {
if i == item {
// ensure always visible
isExpanded[i] = true
} else {
// set all other rows to false
isExpanded[i] = false
if let shopCollectionViewCell = collectionView.cellForItem(at: IndexPath(item: i, section: 0)) as? ShopCollectionViewCell {
if isExpanded[i] {
} else {
UIView.animate(withDuration: Constants.config_shortAnimTime, animations: {
collectionView.performBatchUpdates(nil, completion: { [weak self] _ in
guard let self = self else { return }
let minY = collectionView.contentOffset.y
let maxY = collectionView.bounds.height + minY
if let attribute = collectionView.layoutAttributesForItem(at: indexPath) {
let rectMinY = attribute.frame.minY
let rectMaxY = attribute.frame.maxY + self.PADDING
if rectMinY < minY {
} else if rectMaxY > maxY {
let cgPoint = CGPoint(
x: collectionView.contentOffset.x,
y: collectionView.contentOffset.y + (rectMaxY - maxY)
collectionView.setContentOffset(cgPoint, animated: true)
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