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Created December 25, 2019 09:06
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Tri Peaks AI
"""A small script that implements a Tri Peaks game as well as a Tri Peaks
approximate solver. The solver uses several heuristics to make moves, that a
human would be able to perform.
More information at
Solver improvement idea: take into account the probability of uncovering a card
that would increase the popping sequence length.
Architecture improvement idea: use a TriPeaksState class to store information
relative to the game state, that can be easily parsed from a real game
screenshot and passed as an argument to the solver.
by Yohan Chalier (
on December 24, 2019
import enum
import random
import functools
class CardColor(enum.Enum):
"""Color of a playing card."""
class CardValue(enum.Enum):
"""Value of a playing card."""
TWO = 0
FOUR = 2
FIVE = 3
SIX = 4
NINE = 7
TEN = 8
JACK = 9
QUEEN = 10
KING = 11
ACE = 12
class Card:
"""Representation of a playing card."""
def __init__(self, color, value):
self.color = color
self.value = value
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.color == other.color\
and self.value == other.value
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.value.value < other.value.value
def __repr__(self):
color_map = {
CardColor.SPADES: "♠",
CardColor.HEARTS: "♥",
CardColor.CLUBS: "♣",
CardColor.DIAMONDS: "♦",
value_map = {
CardValue.TWO: "2",
CardValue.THREE: "3",
CardValue.FOUR: "4",
CardValue.FIVE: "5",
CardValue.SIX: "6",
CardValue.SEVEN: "7",
CardValue.EIGHT: "8",
CardValue.NINE: "9",
CardValue.TEN: "X",
CardValue.JACK: "J",
CardValue.QUEEN: "Q",
CardValue.KING: "K",
CardValue.ACE: "A"
return value_map[self.value] + color_map[self.color]
def generate_deck():
"""Generate a 52 cards deck."""
return [
Card(color, value)
for color in CardColor
for value in CardValue
1: [],
2: [],
3: [],
4: [1],
5: [1],
6: [2],
7: [2],
8: [3],
9: [3],
10: [4],
11: [4, 5],
12: [5],
13: [6],
14: [6, 7],
15: [7],
16: [8],
17: [8, 9],
18: [9],
19: [10],
20: [10, 11],
21: [11, 12],
22: [12],
23: [13],
24: [13, 14],
25: [14, 15],
26: [15],
27: [16],
28: [16, 17],
29: [17, 18],
30: [18],
for k, v in PARENTS_MAP.items():
CHILDREN_MAP.setdefault(k, list())
for vv in v:
CHILDREN_MAP.setdefault(vv, list())
%s %s %s
%s %s %s %s %s %s
%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s
%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s
Deck (%d): %s
class IllegalMove(Exception):
"""The player tried to make a move that the game rules do not allow."""
class LossEnd(Exception):
"""The TriPeaks game is lost."""
def valid_pair(card_a, card_b):
"""Return True iif. card A and card B values are sequential."""
if card_a.value == card_b.value:
return False
if card_a > card_b:
return valid_pair(card_b, card_a)
if card_a.value.value + 1 == card_b.value.value:
return True
if card_a.value == CardValue.TWO and card_b.value == CardValue.ACE:
return True
return False
class TriPeaksNode:
"""Logical location of a card within the game."""
def __init__(self, position, card):
self.position = position
self.card = card
self.revealed = False
self.popped = False
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.position == other.position
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.position < other.position
def __str__(self):
if self.popped:
return " "
if not self.revealed:
return "**"
return str(self.card)
def __hash__(self):
return self.position
class SequenceNode:
"""A move in a sequence of possible moves."""
def __init__(self, position, card, popables):
self.position = position
self.card = card
self.popables = popables
self.children = list()
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.card)
def __str__(self, indent=0):
text = "|\t" * indent + str(self.card)
for children in self.children:
text += "\n" + children.__str__(indent + 1)
return text
def depth(self):
"""Return the length of the longest sequence starting from this move."""
children_depth = [child.depth() for child in self.children]
if len(children_depth) == 0:
return 1
return 1 + max(children_depth)
def discovered(self, tri_peaks, prefix=None):
"""Return the maximal number of discovered nodes starting from this
if prefix is None:
prefix = list()
if len(self.children) == 0:
score = 0
popped = set()
for node in tri_peaks.nodes.values():
if node.popped:
predict_popped = frozenset(popped.union(prefix + [self.position]))
for node in tri_peaks.nodes.values():
if node.revealed or node.popped:
if len(set(CHILDREN_MAP[node.position])
.difference(predict_popped)) == 0:
score += 1
return score
return max([
child.discovered(tri_peaks, prefix + [self.position])
for child in self.children
class TriPeaks:
"""Representation of the TriPeaks game."""
def __init__(self):
self.deck = generate_deck()
self.nodes = {
i: TriPeaksNode(i, self.deck.pop())
for i in range(1, 31)
for i in range(19, 31):
self.nodes[i].revealed = True
self.waste = self.deck.pop()
self.remaining = len(self.nodes)
def __str__(self):
return PLACEHOLDER % tuple(
+ [len(self.deck), self.waste]
def _pop(self, position):
if not self.nodes[position].revealed:
raise IllegalMove()
if self.nodes[position].popped:
raise IllegalMove()
if not valid_pair(self.nodes[position].card, self.waste):
raise IllegalMove()
self.nodes[position].popped = True
for parent in PARENTS_MAP[position]:
free = True
for children in CHILDREN_MAP[parent]:
free = free and (self.nodes[children].popped)
if free:
self.nodes[parent].revealed = True
self.waste = self.nodes[position].card
self.remaining -= 1
def _draw(self):
if len(self.deck) == 0:
raise LossEnd
self.waste = self.deck.pop()
def _play(self, input_function, display):
while self.remaining > 0:
if display:
next_move = input_function()
if next_move is None:
except LossEnd:
if display:
print("You lost.")
return False
if display:
print("You won.")
return True
def find_sequences(self):
"""Return the best move to make next."""
popables = set(
(position, node)
for position, node in self.nodes.items()
if node.revealed and not node.popped
root = SequenceNode(None, self.waste, popables)
buffer = [root]
while len(buffer) > 0:
sequence_node = buffer.pop(0)
for position, tri_peaks_node in sequence_node.popables:
if valid_pair(sequence_node.card, tri_peaks_node.card):
child = SequenceNode(
.difference([(position, tri_peaks_node)])
next_moves = [
(seq_node, seq_node.depth(), seq_node.discovered(self))
for seq_node in root.children
next_moves.sort(key=lambda x: (-x[1], -x[2]))
if len(next_moves) == 0:
return None
return next_moves[0][0].position
def human_play(self, display=True):
"""Start a game with human interation."""
def input_function():
choice = input("Next move > ")
if choice == "":
return None
return int(choice)
return self._play(input_function, display)
def computer_play(self, display=True):
"""Start a game using the solver."""
return self._play(self.find_sequences, display)
def manual_test():
"""Start a game with human interaction."""
def computer_test():
"""Start a game using the solver."""
def estimate_win_rate(rounds=1000):
"""Compute an empirical estimation of the solver winning rate."""
stats = {False: 0, True: 0}
for _ in range(rounds):
stats[TriPeaks().computer_play(display=False)] += 1
return stats[True] / (stats[False] + stats[True])
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