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Created April 5, 2022 15:39
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Collaborative Filter Example in Spark
import pandas as pd
from pyspark.mllib.recommendation import ALS, Rating
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession, SQLContext
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
if __name__ == "__main__": # run this by typing "python"
app_name = "collab_filter_example"
# create a Spark context
spark = SparkSession.builder.master("local").appName(app_name).getOrCreate()
# create a Spark SQL context to allow us to run SQL commands
sql_context = SQLContext(spark.sparkContext)
df ="ratings_small.csv", header=True, sep=",")
print(df) # DataFrame[userId: string, movieId: string, rating: string, timestamp: string]
# we'll filter out ratings from users with less than 10 ratings, and from films with less than 20 ratings
df = sql_context.sql("SELECT * "
"FROM ratings "
"FROM ratings GROUP BY userID HAVING COUNT(*) >= 10) "
"AND movieID IN (SELECT movieID FROM ratings GROUP BY movieID "
"HAVING COUNT(*) >= 20)")
# load in the movies names
movies ="movies.csv", header=True, sep=",")
print(movies) # DataFrame[userId: string, movieId: string, rating: string]
movies.createOrReplaceTempView("movies") # create a SQL table called movies
# the Alternating Least Squares model that PySpark uses requires you to have a Rating object for each
# row, with the user ID, product ID, and rating as the three columns. So I am mapping the dataframe from a
# regular dataframe into an RDD (resilient distributed dataset) of Ratings objects
ratings = l: Rating(int(l[0]), int(l[1]), float(l[2])))
print(ratings) # PythonRDD[13] at RDD at PythonRDD.scala:53
# at this point, conceptually, we have a matrix that is U x P. U is the # of distinct users. P is the # of distinct
# products, or films, in this case.
rank = 10 # this is the number of dimensions D we want to reduce down to
numIterations = 15
# In collaborative filter, there is a U x P original matrix that is made up of two smaller
# U x D and D x P matrices. The D represents the number of reduced dimensions - in this case 20 (the rank variable).
# Also remember that the original U x P matrix has lots of missing values in it, since most users have not
# watched/rated most films. The ALS model will iteratively try to update the values in the U x D and D x P matrices
# until they match as close to possible the known values in the U x P (the original user-product ratings matrix).
model = ALS.train(ratings, rank, numIterations)
# Now that the model has finished, we have two new completely updated matrices: U x D and D x P. We care about the
# D x P matrix. This basically represents out reduced dimensions for each product (film). For each film, we get this
# vector. It will be of size 20.
# get the film features (each row will be a tuple - (film_id, array of features representing film size 20)
film_features = model.productFeatures()
spark.createDataFrame(film_features) \
.toDF("film_id", "features") \
.createOrReplaceTempView("film_features") # from the film_features, create a sql table called product_features
pandas_film_features_df = sql_context.sql("SELECT m.original_title as film, ff.features "
"FROM film_features ff "
"JOIN movies m ON = ff.film_id").toPandas()
print(pandas_film_features_df) # now it's just another normal pandas dataframe, with a film column
# that contains the filmn name, a column with the film ID, and another column with numpy arrays representing the
# reduced dimensional vector that represents a film
film_names = list(pandas_film_features_df["film"].values)
film_similarities = pd.DataFrame(cosine_similarity(list(pandas_film_features_df["features"].values)), index=film_names,
similarities_df = film_similarities.unstack().reset_index()
similarities_df.columns = ["film1", "film2", "similarity"]
similarities_df = similarities_df[similarities_df["similarity"] < 0.99999999]
similarities_df = similarities_df[similarities_df["similarity"] >= 0.50]
similarities_df.sort_values(by="similarity", ascending=False, inplace=True)
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