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Created July 22, 2017 02:18
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1 yum -y update
2 yum -y install epel-release
3 yum -y install vim htop screen
4 rpm -Uvh
5 exit
6 yum install puppet-agent
7 puexport PATH=/opt/puppetlabs/bin:$PATH
8 export PATH=/opt/puppetlabs/bin:$PATH
9 puppet module search elasticsearch
10 puppet module install elastic-elasticsearch
11 elastic.pp
12 vim elastic.pp
13 git submodule add -f git:// .vim/bundle/puppet
14 yum install git
15 git submodule add -f git:// .vim/bundle/puppet
16 git submodule add -f git:// .vim/bundle/puppet
17 git clone
18 ls
19 cd vim-puppet/
20 ls
21 vim
22 git submodule add -f git:// .vim/bundle/puppet
23 cd
24 ls
25 vim elastic.pp
26 vim elastic.pp
27 history
28 puppet parser validate elastic.pp
29 puppet apply elastic.pp
30 htop
31 cd /etc/elasticsearch/
32 ls
33 vim jvm.options
34 ls
35 cd
36 vim elastic.pp
37 vim /etc/elasticsearch/jvm.options
38 vim elastic.pp
39 puppet parser validate elastic.pp
40 puppet apply elastic.pp
41 vim /etc/elasticsearch/jvm.options
42 htop
43 cat /etc/sysconfig/elasticsearch
44 exit
45 history
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