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scarab-osd/MW_OSD/Config.h for dRonin and FFPV_INNOVA
/*-------------------------- MANDATORY configurable parameters ----------------------------------------------------*/
/*-------------------------- MANDATORY configurable parameters ----------------------------------------------------*/
/******************** OSD HARDWARE settings *********************/
//Choose ONLY ONE option:
//#define MINIMOSD // Uncomment this if using standard MINIMOSD hardware (default)
//#define MICROMINIMOSD // Uncomment this if using the MICRO MINIMOSD hardware
//#define AEROMAX // Uncomment this if using MWOSD AEROMAX hardware
//#define RTFQV1 // Uncomment this if using standard RTFQ/Witespy V1.1 OSD, select this to correct for both swapped bat1/bat 2 and to also use alternative resistors / pinouts.
//#define RTFQMICRO // Uncomment this if using micro RTFQ/Witespy Micro Minim OSD, select this to correct for swapped bat1/bat 2.
//#define RUSHDUINO // Uncomment this if using Rushduino
//#define KYLIN250PDB // Uncomment this if using a Kylin 250 FPV PDB (Using A6 as VOLTAGEPIN)
//#define AIRBOTMICRO // Uncomment this if using an airbot MicroOSD
//#define ANDROMEDA // Uncomment this if using an Andromeda
//#define HOLYBROPDB // Uncomment this if using a HOLYBRO PDB (Using A6 as VOLTAGEPIN)
//#define IMPULSERC_HELIX // Uncomment this if using an ImpulseRC integrated OSD/VTX (STILL UNDER DEVELOPMENT PENDING TESTING)
#define FFPV_INNOVA // Uncomment this if using a FURIOUS FPV Innova integrated OSD/VTX (STILL UNDER DEVELOPMENT PENDING TESTING)
// NOTE-some boards have swapped bat1/bat2 pins and alternative voltage measuring resistors
// If having difficulties, first select default MINIMOSD as above, then use the following to correct:
// #define SWAPVOLTAGEPINS // For boards with batt voltage appearing on vid voltage
// #define ALTERNATEDIVIDERS // For boards with voltage unable to be adjusted high enough
/******************** CONTROLLER SOFTWARE *********************/
// Choose ONLY ONE option:-
// Note - choose carefully to ensure correct settings are written to flight controller.
// The first three are for convenience - they set the OSD for the latest FC version.
// IMPORTANT - remember to update MWOSD when updating FC software!!
// Choose ONLY ONE option from the following long list :-
// latest release...
//#define BETAFLIGHT // Uncomment this if you are using latest BETAFLIGHT version 3.1 onwards
//#define CLEANFLIGHT // Uncomment this if you are using latest CLEANFLIGHT version from repository (2.2.0 at time of this MWOSD release)
//#define iNAV // Uncomment this if you are using latest iNAV version from repository (1.01 at time of this MWOSD release)
//#define iNAV_KK // Uncomment this if you are using AEROMAX OSD and BARO sensor addition with iNAV with KK audio vario
//#define APM // Uncomment this if you are using Ardupilot on APM / PIXHAWK / other supported hardware. Supports most MAVLINK 1.0 compatible FC
//#define PX4 // Uncomment this if you are using PX4 stack on PIXHAWK and other supported hardware
//#define BASEFLIGHT // Uncomment this if you are using latest BASEFLIGHT version from repository (Stable 2015.08.27 at time of this MWOSD release)
//#define MULTIWII // Uncomment this if you are using latest 2.4 MULTIWII
//#define MAHOWII // Uncomment this if you are using MAHOWII (
//#define KISS // Uncomment this if you are using KISS FC
#define DRONIN // Uncomment this if you are using the latest DRONIN MSP Module
//#define NAZA // Uncomment this if you are using NAZA flight controller
//#define LIBREPILOT // Uncomment this if you are using the latest LibrePilot MSP Module
//#define TAULABS // Uncomment this if you are using the latest Tau Labs MSP Module
//#define FIXEDWING_BF // Uncomment this if you are using fixed wing Baseflight
//#define FIXEDWING_BF_SERVO // Uncomment this if you are using fixed wing Baseflight with additional SERVO adjustment menu.
//#define HARAKIRI // Uncomment this if you are using HARAKIRI (for BOXNAMES compatibility)
//#define RACEFLIGHT // Uncomment this if you are using RACEFLIGHT - untested. Test and feedback required
//#define SKYTRACK // Under development
//#define GPSOSD_UBLOX // Uncomment this if you are using a UBLOX GPS module for a GPS based OSD
//#define GPSOSD_UBLOX_KK // Uncomment this if you are using AEROMAX OSD and BARO sensor addition with UBLOX GPS module and KK audio vario
//#define GPSOSD_NMEA // Uncomment this if you are using a NMEA compatible GPS module for a GPS based OSD
//#define GPSOSD_MTK // Uncomment this if you are using a MTK module for a GPS based OSD
//#define NOCONTROLLER // Uncomment this if you have nothing connected to the serial port - no controller or GPS module
// old releases supported...
//#define MULTIWII_V23 // Uncomment this if you are using MW versions 2.2/2.3
//#define MULTIWII_V21 // Uncomment this if you are using MW versions 2.0/2.1 (for BOXNAMES compatibility)
//#define BASEFLIGHT20150327 // Uncomment this if you are using BASEFLIGHT up to and including version Stable 2015.03.27
//#define CLEANFLIGHT190 // Uncomment this if you are using CLEANFLIGHT versions 1.9 through 1.14.2
//#define CLEANFLIGHT172 // Uncomment this if you are using CLEANFLIGHT versions up to and including 1.7.2
//#define CLEANFLIGHT180 // Uncomment this if you are using CLEANFLIGHT versions 1.8.0 & 1.8.1
//#define BETAFLIGHT3 // Uncomment this if you are using BETAFLIGHT versions prior to 3.1
//#define SUBMERSIBLE // Uncomment this if you are using a submersible with MS5837 and optional MSP based FC
/******************** AIRCRAFT/INSTALLATION TYPE settings *********************/
//Choose ONLY ONE option:
#define ROTORCRAFT // Default for multirotors etc.
//#define FIXEDWING // Uncomment this if you are using fixed wing with MultiWii or Baseflight
/******************** Debug *********************/
//#define MENU_DEBUG // Enable to display debug values in OSD menu
/*-------------------------- INITIALISATION options ----------------------------------------------------*/
/*-------------------------- INITIALISATION options ----------------------------------------------------*/
// Ignore this section unless you know you need to use it !!
// This section contains initialisation options that only require to be run once.
// Once the initialisation has completed, all sections should be commented and the sketch re-uploaded.
// Font upload will take 90 seconds after upload is completed. If connected to a camera, you will see teh font table displayed.
//#define EEPROM_CLEAR // Uncomment to force a wipe and reload of default settings at each OSD start. Same as EEPROM_CLEAR sketch.
//#define LOADFONT_DEFAULT // Uncomment to force an upload of default font instead of using GUI
//#define LOADFONT_LARGE // Uncomment to force an upload of large font instead of using GUI
//#define LOADFONT_BOLD // Uncomment to force an upload of bold font instead of using GUI
//#define DISPLAYFONTS // Uncomment to display installed fonts for testing
/*-------------------------- OPTIONAL configurable parameters ----------------------------------------------------*/
/*-------------------------- OPTIONAL configurable parameters ----------------------------------------------------*/
/******************** FEATURES *********************/
// Disable features if you require memory for other features
// Further configuration may be require elsewhere in config.h + option enabled on GUI
#define HORIZON // Enable/disable HORIZON indicator
#define MAPMODE // Enable/disable MAP MODE - map indication of relative positions of home and aircraft
//#define SBDIRECTION // Enable/disable sidebar indicators (icons indicationg changes in speed or altitude)
#define SPORT // Enable/disable FRSKY S.PORT cell code
#define CANVAS_SUPPORT // Enable CANVAS mode support for post betaflight 3.1.0 CMS
#define INVERTED_CHAR_SUPPORT // Enable inverted char support
/******************** DATE & TIME settings *********************/
//Select ONLY if you are sure your OSD is connected to a telemetry feed such as MAVLINK/LTM:
#define GPSTIME // Enable to use GPS time display functions with FC that support features
#define DATEFORMAT_UTC // Display UTC date when enabled - do not use time zone settings. Updated GUI to support non UTC will be released
//#define DATEFORMAT_US // Display date in US format when used in conjunction with GPSTIME
#define MENU_GPS_TIME // Enable GPS time adjustments in OSD menu
/******************** TELEMETRY settings *********************/
//Select ONLY if you are sure your OSD is connected to a telemetry feed such as MAVLINK/LTM:
//#define RESETHOMEARMED // Uncomment this ONLY if armed information is sent within telemetry feed AND you do not want to reset home position when re-arming. DO NOT DISARM IN FLIGHT. Enabled in APM/PX4
//#define FORCE_MSP // Uncomment to enable use of MSP as well as telemetry. Uses more memory
//#define PROTOCOL_LTM // To use LTM protocol instead of MSP
/******************** GPS OSD settings (GPS / NAZA) *********************/
#define GPSHOMEFIX 10 // Number of consecutive seconds of valid fixes before home will be set. Max 32
#define HOMESATFIX 6 // Minimum number of sats required when setting initial home location.
#define GPSOSDARMDISTANCE 20 // distance from home in meters when GPSOSD arms. Starts flight timer etc.
//#define GPSOSDHOMEDISTANCE 40 // distance from home in meters when GPSOSD is home. When speed is low it disarms and displays summary screen.
#define GPSOSDLANDED 8 // seconds OSD needs to have landed (within home distance and speed less than xxx) before triggering summary. Max 32
#define GPSDOP 500 // UBLOX only - minimum PDOP required for sat fix. A DOP of 2.00 is considered good
//#define PPM_CONTROL // Enables full OSD menu, screen switching, RSSI, Throttle feature, virtual current sensor, etc using a PPM signal into OSD PWM input pin (RSSI pin on basic MINIM hardware). Requires TX type to be set below.
//#define PWM_OSD_SWITCH // Enables 3 way screen switch from a RX PWM channel connected to the OSD PWM input pin (RSSI pin on basic MINIM hardware). AEROMAX OSD has a dedicated connection.
//#define PWM_THROTTLE // Enables throttle feature, virtual current sensor using RC throttle connected into OSD PWM input pin (RSSI pin on basic MINIM hardware). AEROMAX OSD has a dedicated connection with this enabled by default.
/******************** FILTER settings *********************/
//Choose ONLY ONE option to enable filtered smoother readings of voltage / current / RSSI :
//#define FILTER_AVG // Enable standard averaging filter
#define FILTER_HYSTERYSIS 2 // Alternative filter with hysteris to provide smoother changes. Higher number = more filtering. Max 4
/******************** GPS settings *********************/
#define MINSATFIX 5 // Number of sats required for a fix. 5 minimum. More = better.
/******************** ALARM/STATUS settings *********************/
#define ALARM_ARMED // Text alert of armed/disarmed status.
#define ALARM_VOLTAGE // Text alerts if voltage below voltage alarm - in addition to flashing voltage indicator
#define ALARM_SATS // Text alerts if sats below MINSATFIX - in addition to flashing sat indicator
//#define ALARM_GPS 5 // Text alerts if no GPS data for more than x secs. intended for GPSOSD only. Sets GPS sats to zero
#define ALARM_MSP 5 // Text alerts if no Flight controller data for more than x secs.
/******************** AIRCRAFT type=FIXEDWING settings *********************/
// **ONLY** valid when using fixed wing
//#define DISABLEGPSALTITUDERESET // Disables automatic reset of GPS Altitude to zero at arm for FC that already provide this functionality.
//#define AUTOSENSEMAG // Undefine this to force autodetect MAG (to use MAG or GPS data for heading - otherwise use GUI). MSP data FC only.
//#define AUTOSENSEBARO // Undefine this to force autodetect BARO(to use BARO or GPS data for altitude - otherwise use GUI). MSP data FC only.
/******************** GLIDESCOPE / FRESNEL zone settings *********************/
// glidescope is an assistant indicator to help with landing approach. glide angle can be uses as alternative to glidescope or as an indicator for minimim distance/altitude ratio to maintain signal quality
#define USEGLIDESCOPE // ILS glidescope can be enabled / disabled on GUI.
//#define USEGLIDEANGLE 100 // alternativel option - display ILS approach angle/ aircraft elevation from home as real value instead of glidescope. Set angle below which glideangle is displayed. 100 = permanent.
#define GLIDEANGLE 80 // ILS glidescope angle where 40 = 4.0° requires enabling in layouts.
#define GLIDEWINDOW 40 // ILS glidescope angle where Window of 40 = 4.0° - 1.0 deg scope gradients, 80 = 2.0 deg scope gradients. Requires enabling in layouts.
/******************** Serial speed settings *********************/
// Overides defaults if required (57.6k for MAVLINK based or 115k for all others).
//#define BAUDRATE 115200
//#define BAUDRATE 57600
//#define BAUDRATE 38400
//#define BAUDRATE 19200
//#define BAUDRATE 9600
/******************** Mavlink settings *********************/
#define MAV_COM_ID 1 // Component ID of MAV. Change if required.
#define MAV_STATUS 6 // Enable to display mavlink system messages up to and including category X. 5 = default
#define MAV_STATUS_TIMER 4 // How long to display MAV status messages. 4 = default
//#define MAVLINKREQ // Enable this for mavlink systems where the Mavlink data requires requesting.
//#define MAV_ALL // To act on data from all MAV SYSID in stream. NOT recommended. Specify ID in GUI. Default=1 upon reset.
//#define MAV_COMP_ALL // To act on data from all MAV COMPONENTS in stream. Overrides MAV_COM_ID. Use if do not know MAV_COM_ID. Recommended for iNAV telemetry.
//#define MAV_ARMED // Forces OSD to be always armed (for when MAV does not send armed status in heartbeat).
//#define MAV_RESET_HOME // Resets home position when not armed. When enabled, note that RX glitch etc. could potentially reset home position.
//#define MAV_ALT_THROTTLE // Use alternative MAV throttle value. Not raw RC channel.
//#define MAV_WIND_DIR_REVERSE // SHow direction in which wind is coming from. Same as otehr OSD. Default is to show direction of wind flow.
//#define MAV_VBAT2 // Use VBAT2 from mavlink instead of direct connect
/******************** Mavlink distance sensor settings *********************/
//#define MAVSENSORGPSACTIVE 5 // When enabled, displays sensor distance instead of GPS altitude. Default = 5m. Requires stream configured on MAV FC
//#define MAVSENSOR173 // When enabled, uses RANGEFINDER - MAVLINK #173 command for the distance. Requires MAVSENSORGPSACTIVE enabled
//#define MAVSENSOR132 // When enabled, uses INFO_DISTANCE - MAVLINK #132 command for the distance. Requires MAVSENSORGPSACTIVE enabled
/******************** Serial MSP speed settings *********************/
// Choose ONLY ONE SPEED option: increases speeds of serial update - but with impact to flight controller
//#define MSP_SPEED_LOW // Enable for soft serial / slow baud rates.
//#define MSP_SPEED_MED // Default
#define MSP_SPEED_HIGH // Enable for faster AHI and speed updates. Requires higher baud rates and increases overhead on the FC to process
#define MSP_USE_BARO // Disable if not used to increase serial speed update for MSP based FC: Baro IC data such as altitude
#define MSP_USE_GPS // Disable if not used to increase serial speed update for MSP based FC: GPS data such as speed , distance
#define MSP_USE_ANALOG // Disable if not used to increase serial speed update for MSP based FC: Voltage, Amperage or RSSI from the FC
/******************** CALLSIGN settings *********************/
#define CALLSIGNINTERVAL 60 // How frequently to display Callsign (in seconds)
#define CALLSIGNDURATION 4 // How long to display Callsign (in seconds)
//#define FREETEXTLLIGHTS // Alternative option - enable to display freetext (or callsign) when LLIGHTS Switch active on TX.
//#define FREETEXTGIMBAL // Alternative option - enable to display freetext (or callsign) when GIMBAL Switch active on TX.
/******************** STARTUP settings *********************/
//#define INTRO_VERSION "MWOSD" // Call the OSD something else if you prefer.
#define INTRO_MENU // Enable to display TX stick MENU
#define INTRO_CALLSIGN // Enable to display callsign at startup
#define INTRO_SIGNALTYPE // Enable to display video type at startup
#define INTRO_FC // Enable to display FC version at startup
#define INTRO_DELAY 5 // Seconds intro screen should show for. Default is 5
//#define STARTUPDELAY 500 // Enable alternative startup delay (in ms) to allow MAX chip voltage to rise fully and initialise before configuring. Deafult = 1000
/******************** I2CGPS type settings *********************/
//#define I2CGPS_SPEED // Uncomment this if you are using older I2CGPS - and need to correct for speed error (10x too slow)
//#define I2CGPS_DISTANCE // Uncomment this if you are using older I2CGPS - and need to correct for distance error (650m max) UNTESTED
/******************** MAP MODE Settings *********************/
//#define MAPMODENORTH // Enable to use North as MAP reference in MODE 1 instead of take off direction (Default = disable)
/******************** Display Settings ************************/
#define MAXSTALLDETECT // Enable to attempt to detect MAX chip stall from bad power. Attempts to restart.
#define AUTOCAM // Disable if no screen display. Enables autodetect Camera type PAL/NTSC. Overrides GUI/OSD settings.
#define USE_VSYNC // Disable if no screen display. Removes sparklies as updates screen during blanking time period.
#define DECIMAL '.' // Decimal point character, change to what suits you best (.) (,)
#define ALT_CENTER // Enable alternative center crosshair
#define FORCECROSSHAIR // Forces a crosshair even if no AHI / horizon used
//#define HIDESUMMARY // Enable to suspend display of summary screen when disarming
//#define SHORTSUMMARY // Display only timer on flight summary
#define MINSUMMARY // Hide summary screen values that are 0
#define FASTPIXEL // Optional - may improve resolution - especially hi res cams
//#define WHITEBRIGHTNESS 0x01 // Optional change from default 0x00=120%,0x01=100%,0x10=90%,0x11=80% default is 0x01=100%
//#define BLACKBRIGHTNESS 0x00 // Optional change from default 0x00=0%,0x01=10%,0x10=20%0x11=30% default is 0x00=0%
//#define I2CERROR 3 // Autodisplay Mutltiwii I2C errors if exceeds specified count
//#define NOTHROTTLESPACE // Enable to remove space between throttle symbol and the data
#define DISPLAY_PR // Display pitch / roll angles. Requires relevant layout ppositions to be enabled
//#define REVERSE_AHI_PITCH // Reverse pitch / roll direction of AHI - for DJI / Eastern bloc OSD users
//#define REVERSE_AHI_ROLL // Reverse pitch / roll direction of AHI - for DJI / Eastern bloc OSD users
#define AHICORRECT -300 // Enable to adjust AHI on display to match horizon. -10 = -1 degree
#define INVERT_PITCH_SIGN // Invert the sign of the displayed numeric value for the pitch angle (ex: pitch up = positive )
//#define INVERT_ROLL_SIGN // Invert the sign of the displayed numeric value for the roll angle (ex: roll right = negative )
#define AHIINVERTSUPPORT // Support for inverted flight. AHI flow terrain when inverted
#define FULLAHI // Enable to display a slightly longer AHI line
#define SECONDARYAHI // Enable to display secondary AHI lines
#define AHIPITCHMAX 200 // Specify maximum AHI pitch value displayed. Default 200 = 20.0 degrees
#define AHIROLLMAX 400 // Specify maximum AHI roll value displayed. Default 400 = 40.0 degrees
//#define AHIPITCHSCALE 100 // Specify scaling sensitvity for Pitch. Higher number = pitches more on OSD
//#define AHIROLLSCALE 100 // Specify scaling sensitvity for Roll. Higher number = rolls more on OSD
#define AHILEVEL // Enable to display AHI level indicators on sidebars
#define APINDICATOR // Enable to display AUTOPILOT instead of RTH distance
#define GUISENSORS // Enable if wish to view raw sensor data on GUI
#define LONG_RANGE_DISPLAY // Enable this to for long range display consolidation - displays distance in KM or feet when exceed 9999m or ft.
#define AIRMODE // Enable this to display airmode icon.
//#define CROPGPSPOSITION // Crop GPS coordinate display to decimals only ".DDDDDDD"
#define MASKGPSLOCATION // Disable to save memory if not used. Enables MASK GPS settings on GUI. Coordinates displayed with major digits XXX set to random location "XXX.DDDDDDD"
//#define TEXTMODE // Enable to display the flyingmode as text instead of symbols
//#define OSD_SWITCH // Forces original 2 way multiwii screen switch using OSD Switch via Flight Controller. MUST Ensure enabled on flight controller - e.g. #define OSD_SWITCH on multiwii
//#define NOSUMMARYTHROTTLERESET // Enable to supress summary display clearing from throttle
#define OSDSUMMARY 30 // Seconds summary is displayed for after landing. Max 254
/******************** Power / efficiency display Settings ************************/
#define DISPLAYWATTS // Disable to save memeory if not used. Enable this to display Watts
#define DISPLAYEFFICIENCY // Disable to save memeory if not used. Enable this to display Watts/KMh or Mph for efficiency
#define DISPLAYMAHMIN // Disable to save memeory if not used. Enable this to display average mAh/minKMh
/******************** Visual Vario / climbrate Settings ************************/
//#define VARIOSTANDARD // Enable this for single icon representation of vario. Less memory.
#define VARIOENHANCED // Enable this for multi line more accurate visual slider representation of vario. Configurable from GUI
//#define VARIOSCALE 150 // Scale used for Vario - 200 =2.00 m/s. Multirotor default = 150, Plane = 400
//#define SHOWNEGATIVECLIMBRATE // Show negative sign for neagtive climb rate values
/******************** FC BARO Audio Vario / climbrate Settings ************************/
// A basic Audio Vario using vario data from FC
// Uses simple circuit added to OSD
// Wiki:
//#define AUDIOVARIO AUDIOPIN // Enable this for audio vario. AUDIOPIN = D2 on AEROMAX hardware. Alternatively use A3 (RSSI) with other hardware
//#define AUDIOVARIOSWITCH // Enable this to use screen layouts to enable/disable vario. If visual vario is displayed, the audio vario is on
#define AUDIOVARIOTHRESHOLDCLIMB 10 // Threshold for climbing (cm/s)
#define AUDIOVARIOTHRESHOLDSINK -20 // Threshold for sinking (cm/s)
#define AUDIOVARIOSILENTDEADBAND // Enable for silent deadband otherwise will hear near thermal tone
/******************** KK Audio Vario / climbrate Settings ************************/
// A highly accurate / sensitive Audio Vario from KapeteinKuk
// Uses MS5611 pressure sensor connected by I2C and simple circuit added to OSD
// Only supported by VIRTUALPILOT AEROMAX hardware unless able to carry out very fine soldering. Refer to links below
// Wiki:
// Hardware:
//#define KKAUDIOVARIO AUDIOPIN // Enable this for audio vario. AUDIOPIN = D2 on AEROMAX hardware. Alternatively use A3 (RSSI) with other hardware
//#define AUDIOVARIOSWITCH // Enable this to use screen layouts to enable/disable vario. If visual vario is displayed, the audio vario is on
#define KKDEADBANDLOW -25 // Deadband threshold for sinking (Set to -500 to disable sink tones). 0 for no deadband
#define KKDEADBANDHIGH 15 // Deadband threshold for climbing. 0 for no deadband
/******************** RC TX Settings *********************/
// R=Roll, P=Pitch, Y=Yaw, T=Throttle
//#define TX_MODE1 // Enable this if wish to use cursor controls on same stick - for MODE 1 TX users
//#define TX_CHANNELS 8 // Amend if require up to 16 RC channels (APM/PX4/MAVLINK are 16 by default)
//#define TX_PYTR // Enable for Robe/Hitec/Futaba (Only use for GPSOSD/NAZA/APM/PX4/MAVLINK)
//#define TX_RPTY // Enable for Graupner/Spektrum (Only use for GPSOSD/NAZA/APM/PX4/MAVLINK)
//#define TX_RPYT // Enable for Multiplex (Only use for GPSOSD/NAZA/APM/PX4/MAVLINK)
//#define TX_PRTY // Enable for Hitec/Sanwa (Only use for GPSOSD/NAZA/APM/PX4/MAVLINK)
//#define TX_TRPY // Enable for JR (Only use for GPSOSD/NAZA/APM/PX4/MAVLINK)
#define TX_CHAN_MID 1400 // Value for determining RC SWITCH LOW / MID transsition
#define TX_CHAN_HIGH 1600 // Value for determining RC SWITCH MID / HIGH transition
/******************** Airspeed Sensor ************************/
// UNTESTED in flight. Uses MPXV700DP sensor connected to AUXPIN A6 (Aeromax OSD hardware only)
/******************** NAZA Settings ************************/
// Note: PWM_OSD_SWITCH can be used in conjunction with NAZAMODECONTROL to display different layout in different modes
//#define NAZAMODECONTROL // Enables NAZA mode control display using a PWM signal into OSD PWM pin.
#define NAZA_MODE_HIGH 3 // NAZA mode TX low: 0=FAIL, 1= MANU, 2=ATTI, 3=GPS ATTI
#define NAZA_MODE_MED 2 // NAZA mode TX low: 0=FAIL, 1= MANU, 2=ATTI, 3=GPS ATTI
#define NAZA_MODE_LOW 1 // NAZA mode TX low: 0=FAIL, 1= MANU, 2=ATTI, 3=GPS ATTI
/******************** Voltage Warning Settings ************************/
//The following variables are available for adjustment of battery icon only
#define CELL_VOLTS_MIN 32 // Specify the cell voltage at which it is considered empty. Used for battery guage icon only
#define CELL_VOLTS_MAX 42 // Specify the max normal LIPO cell voltage. Used for auto cell count determination and battery guage icon
#define FC_VOLTAGE_CONFIG // Additionally uncomment this if you want to use the vbat voltage config with BASEFLIGHT, CLEANFLIGHT and BETAFLIGHT on the flight controller (include: min cell voltage, max cell voltage and warning cell voltage)
/******************** Battery Status Settings ************************/
// This works in conjunction with the GUI switch "Display Battery Status
// Enable to use a battery icon that indicates capacity remaining dependant upon battery voltage or mAh used. Or both if required.
#define BATTERYICONVOLTS //Enable to use with voltage as indicator of capacity remaining
//#define BATTERYICONAMPS //Enable to use with mAh used percentage of AMPHR alarm limit. Warning will now be at 80% of that GUI value
/******************** Headtracker support ************************/
//#define VIRTUAL_NOSE // Enables the use of a virtual nose for headtracker users where aircraft nose is not visible
#define HTCHANNEL 3 // RC chanel uses ch 1 - 8/16
#define HTSCALE 10 // Scaling of Pan Axis - Max of 10
#define HTLINE 11 // Row on which Headtracker info is displayed
#define HTDIRECTION + // Reverses direction of pan action
/******************** Vendor support ************************/
// This is for vendor use only for custom GUI support
#define VENDOR 1 // For vendor use for custom GUI
/******************** TEMPERATURE settings *********************/
#define SHOW_TEMPERATURE // Enable if you have a hardware temperature sensor - e.g. LM35 **UNTESTED**
#define TEMPERATUREMAX 50 // Temperature warning value
#define TEMPZERO 0 // Temperature Zero calibration (range = 0-1024 :512 = 2.5v with vref of 5v and 0.55v for vref of 1.1v)
#define TEMPMAX 500 // Temperature when at sensor output at VCC. Might be atheoreticla value
/******************** RECORD CAPTURE settings *********************/
// This is used for those who are attempting records to always show the maximum achieved.
#define SHOW_MAX_SPEED // Enable to display MAX speed achieved
#define SHOW_MAX_DISTANCE // Enable to display MAX distance achieved
#define SHOW_TOTAL_DISTANCE // Enable to display TOTAL distance achieved
//#define SHOW_MAX_ALTITUDE // Enable to display MAX altitude achieved on line below current altitude
/******************** THROTTLE calibration settings *********************/
// This is used for those who want to specify non default throttle calibration values.
// To use comment out AUTOTHROTTLE and adjusts the maximum and minimum throttle values
#define HIGHTHROTTLE 1900 // Maximum recognised value for throttle
#define LOWTHROTTLE 1100 // Minimum recognised value for throttle
/******************** AMPERAGE calibration settings *********************/
// This is used for those who want to specify non default amperage calibration values.
// These should only be used if unable to calibrate within limits on GUI.
#define AMPCALLOW 0
#define AMPCALHIGH 1023
/******************** VTX settings *********************/
// Regional RF frequency regulations: Choose ONLY ONE option:
#define VTX_REGION_UNRESTRICTED // Enable for all 40 channels
//#define VTX_REGION_AUSTRALIA // Enable for AU legal channels and power level only
#define DISPLAY_VTX_INFO // Enable to show frequency in menu display.
/******************** Submersible settings *********************/
// Specify fluid density for submersible (density = 997 freshwater, 1029 for seawater): Choose ONLY ONE option:
#define FRESHWATER // Uncomment this if you are using a submersible in freshwater
//#define SEAWATER // Uncomment this if you are using a submersible in seawater
//#define FLUID_DENSITY 997 // Uncomment this if you are using a submersible and wish to specify a particular fluid density
/******************** Display items lead icon *********************/
// comment out to not display lead icon for displayed items
#define ICON_ANGLE_RTH // Direction to home
#define ICON_ANGLE_HDG // Heading
#define ICON_SPEED_GPS // GPS speed
#define ICON_SPEED_AIR // Air Speed
#define ICON_MAX // Max value - speed/distance/alt
#define ICON_CLIMBRATE // Climb rate
#define ICON_GA // Glide angle
#define ICON_EFF // Efficiency
#define ICON_PITCH // Pitch
#define ICON_ROLL // Roll
#define ICON_POWER // Power
#define ICON_AVG_EFF // Average Efficiency
#define ICON_TOTAL // Total distance travelled
#define ICON_TMP // Temperature
#define ICON_DTH // Distance to home
#define ICON_ALT // Altitude prime
#define ICON_AGL // Altitude rangefinder
#define ICON_GPS_ALT // GPS altitude
#define ICON_MAIN_BATT // Main battery icon
#define ICON_VID_BAT // Video battery icon
#define ICON_RSSI // RSSI
#define ICON_SAT // Sattelite enable for large icon, disable for small icon
/******************** Advanced parameters settings *********************/
// This is to enable rarely used advanced parameter saving. Off by default to minimise risk
// Enabling may create ability to write invalid data to FC
//#define ADVANCEDSAVE // Enables saving of advanced paramters where supported (Looptime/profile)
//#define FIXEDLOOP // Enables 1ms loop max for consistency
/******************** Under developement *********************/
// development and test
//#define PILOTICON // Enable code to display pilot ICON as an alternative to CHARACTER display. Requires GUI > 1.8.0
//#define MAV_RTC // Use mavlink time for RTC.
//#define MAV_ADSB // Use Baro altitude from mavlink instead of GPS. Requires ADSB data to be configured in mavlink.
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