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Last active February 23, 2023 02:29
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ChatGPT's version of aiortc's webcam example client.js
;; I asked chatGPT to convert this JS code to ClojureScript
(def pc (atom nil))
(defn check-state [resolve]
(fn []
(if (= (.-iceGatheringState @pc) "complete")
(defn check-state-fn []
(if (= (.-iceGatheringState @pc) "complete")
(.removeEventListener @pc "icegatheringstatechange" check-state-fn)
(.addEventListener @pc "icegatheringstatechange" check-state-fn)))))
(defn negotiate []
(.addTransceiver @pc "video" #js {:direction "recvonly"})
(.addTransceiver @pc "audio" #js {:direction "recvonly"})
(-> (.createOffer @pc)
(.then (fn [offer]
(.setLocalDescription @pc offer)))
(.then #(js/Promise. (check-state %)))
(.then #(fetch "/offer"
#js {:body (js/JSON.stringify
#js {:sdp (.-sdp (.localDescription @pc))
:type (.-type (.localDescription @pc))})
:headers #js {"Content-Type" "application/json"}
:method "POST"}))
(.then #(-> % .json))
(.then #(-> @pc (.setRemoteDescription %)))
(.catch #(js/alert %))))
(defn start []
(let [config #js {:sdpSemantics "unified-plan"}]
(when (.-checked (js/document.getElementById "use-stun"))
(set! (.-iceServers config) #js [{:urls [""]}])))
(reset! pc (js/RTCPeerConnection. config))
(.addEventListener @pc "track" (fn [evt]
(if (= "video" (.-kind (.-track evt)))
(set! (.-srcObject (js/document.getElementById "video")) (.-streams evt))
(set! (.-srcObject (js/document.getElementById "audio")) (.-streams evt)))))
(set! (.-style (js/document.getElementById "start")) "display" "none")
(set! (.-style (js/document.getElementById "stop")) "display" "inline-block"))
(defn stop []
(set! (.-style (js/document.getElementById "stop")) "display" "none")
(setTimeout #(.-close @pc) 500))
;; note from ChatGPT
;; The ClojureScript code is very similar to the original JavaScript code, with some syntax changes to make it work in ClojureScript. For example, Promise is accessed via js/Promise, and JavaScript objects are converted to ClojureScript maps using the #js reader macro. The code uses atom to create a mutable reference to the pc object, which is equivalent to a JavaScript variable.
;; I asked chatGPT to convert this JS code to ClojureScript
(def pc (atom nil))
(defn negotiate []
(.addTransceiver @pc "video" #js {:direction "recvonly"})
(.addTransceiver @pc "audio" #js {:direction "recvonly"})
(-> (.createOffer @pc)
(.then #(-> @pc
(.setLocalDescription %)))
(.then #(let [promise (js/Promise. (fn [resolve _]
(if (= "complete" (.iceGatheringState @pc))
(letfn [(check-state []
(if (= "complete" (.iceGatheringState @pc))
(.removeEventListener @pc "icegatheringstatechange" check-state)
(.addEventListener @pc "icegatheringstatechange" check-state))))] promise))
(.then #(let [offer (.localDescription @pc)]
(.fetch "/offer"
#js {:body (js/JSON.stringify #js {:sdp (.sdp offer)
:type (.type offer)})
:headers #js {"Content-Type" "application/json"}
:method "POST"})))
(.then #(.json %))
(.then #(-> @pc
(.setRemoteDescription %)))
(.catch #(js/alert %))))
(defn start []
(let [config #js {:sdpSemantics "unified-plan"}]
(if (.checked (js/document.getElementById "use-stun"))
(set! (.-iceServers config) [{:urls [""]}]))
(reset! pc (js/RTCPeerConnection. config))
(.. @pc -addEventListener "track" (fn [evt]
(if (= "video" (.-kind (.-track evt)))
(set! (.-srcObject (js/document.getElementById "video")) (.-streams evt))
(set! (.-srcObject (js/document.getElementById "audio")) (.-streams evt)))))
(set! (.-style (js/document.getElementById "start")) "display" "none")
(set! (.-style (js/document.getElementById "stop")) "display" "inline-block")))
(defn stop []
(set! (.-style (js/document.getElementById "stop")) "display" "none")
(js/setTimeout #(.-close @pc) 500))
;; note from ChatGPT
;; Note that js/Promise and #js are used to create JavaScript Promise objects and objects with JavaScript-style keys, respectively. Additionally, JavaScript function callbacks are replaced with anonymous functions defined with the fn macro. Finally, . is used instead of [] for JavaScript object property access.
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