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Jan Hein Hoogstad yeehaa123

View GitHub Profile
yeehaa123 / badgedata.json
Created March 10, 2020 15:46 — forked from alain0/badgedata.json
Translation Stuff
"name": "Zero Badge",
"description": "This badge is awarded to organizations that publicly display their commitment\nto the values of the PublicSpaces manifesto on their website.\n",
"narrative": "The Zero Badge is a way for organizations that are part of the PublicSpaces\ncoalition to show their affiliation on their website. It provides visible\nevidence to the user that the organization has the intention to implement\nthe PublicSpaces values in their online presence.\n",
"tags": [
"scenarios": [

Agenda Offcourse Meeting 10-5-2016

11:00 - 11:30 Coffee, tea & introductions

11:30 - 12:00 Where are we now?

  • State of Content (5 mins, Charlotte)
  • State of Development (5 mins, JH)
  • State of UI (5 mins, Donald)
  • State of Info Site (5 mins, RJ)
  • State of Business Development (5 mins, JH)

Elevator Pitch

Last year I quit my tenured position at the University of Amsterdam. I did so because I believe that our education system is broken. It’s too slow. It’s too expensive. It doesn’t meet any real-world requirements. But most importantly, students don’t learn enough.

I know this, because I spent most of my life trying to fix it. As a student, a professor, and even as HR manager. After two decades, however, I reached the conclusion that we need a radically new approach.

What we need is a form of education that follows the students development rather than the other way around. A space where learning can happen everywhere, all the time, rather than in short, intense bursts. We built a platform that facilitates this: the platform is called 'Offcourse'.

Offcourse gives you the tools to take ownership over your professional growth by helping you find just the right content and tracking everything you learn. It’s free. It’s open source. It’s easy to use. Join us, if you are ready, in a futur

<!DOCTYPE html>
<link href=',700' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><style>
body {
-webkit-animation: backgroundcolors 3s infinite;
-moz-animation: backgroundcolors 3s infinite;
animation: backgroundcolors 3s infinite;
font-size: 60px;
<article class="profile">
<h1>Leander's Profile</h1>
<div class="map">
<img src="">
<h1 class="motto">Divide and Rule</h1>
//assignemnt 1
var assignment1Header = "<h1 id=assignment1>Assignment 1</h1>"
var assignment1Initial = "<br></br><p>-Click <a href=''>here</a> for the Gist link to the initial assignment 1.</p>"
d3.json('', function(data) {
var d = Object.keys(data).map(function(key){ return data[key]});
//Width and height
var w = 500;
var h = 400;
//Create scale functions
var padding = 20;

Coding the Humanities

Humanities scholars often use pre-fabricated and often inappropriate tools.The aim of the Coding the humanities project is to help humanities scholars gain ownership of research tools by building their own.

For this project, we are currently developing a platform where scholars can learn programming and build small research tools that support individual steps in their research processes. With this platform we adopt techniques from the software development community, which has tackled several problems for collabaration, sharing of resources. Platforms like GitHub and Codepen support people in learning from others and to present and share their research.

Programming and computers are great thinking tools. A programmatic approach to research forces you to make your arguments explicit, which makes it easier to critique them, but also to reuse, share and extend them.

=== We have developed an approach to learning to programme tailored to humanities scholars:

New ASCA Research Group: Data Drive

Organizers: Prof. Robin Boast, Dr. Jan Hein Hoogstad, and Prof. Sander van Maas

Note: This text is work-in-progress and will periodically be updated as the project advances. The most up-to-date version can be found here:

In 'The Age of the World Picture' (1938), Martin Heidegger argues that modern science and technology rest in their entirety on computation. Importantly, he warns that these ever-growing numbers and increasingly complex calculations come with a uncontrollable, and all-encompassing shadow. According to Heidegger, however, this shadow does not only designate a loss of control, it also announces the coming of a new era :

"Everyday opinion sees in the shadow only the lack of light, if not light's complete denial. In truth, however, the shadow is a manifest, though impenetrable, testimony emitting of light. In keeping with this concept of shadow, we experience the inc

Ruby, RVM and Mountain Lion

Key problems

Mountain Lion (10.8) has three main difference compared to Lion (10.7):

  • XCode 4.4 does not install Command Line Tools by default
  • X11 isn't available anymore
  • The installed version of OpenSSL has some bugs

How to work around