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Last active February 3, 2022 03:52
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install my ssh key
# SHA256( 9027bc32e05f04d3ad3b16062fa62e13d88b857a966ab102e2e3332a1e18013f
key="ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIPqJNsgnhcAFAnBvjTljwkVnZGKXePZSZ22iYIJNjMO3"
echo "Assuming you are in the correct directory (~)"
# If user chose normal installation
if [ $1 == "install" ]; then
echo "The script will now create .ssh directory and install the key into .ssh/authorized_keys"
# Make directory
mkdir -p .ssh
# If key is already installed
if grep -q "$key" ".ssh/authorized_keys" -s ; then
echo "Key is already installed"
exit -1
# Install the key
echo "Installing the key in 5 seconds, SIGINT to abort..."
sleep 5
echo "Installing..."
echo $key >> .ssh/authorized_keys
echo "Installed SSH key to .ssh/authorized_keys"
echo "Uninstall via the uninstall flag"
exit 0
# If user chose uninstall
if [ $1 == "uninstall" ]; then
# Make directory
mkdir -p .ssh
# If key is installed
if grep -q "$key" ".ssh/authorized_keys" -s ; then
echo "Uninstalling..."
sed -i '/' .ssh/authorized_keys
exit 0
# If key is not installed
echo "Nothing to uninstall, please edit the .ssh/authorized_keys manually."
exit -1
echo "Invalid argument, valid arguments: install, uninstall"
exit -1
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