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Last active January 31, 2021 13:56
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dependencies = $(foreach dependency, $(1), build-module-$(dependency))
module1_dependencies =
module2_dependencies = $(call dependencies, module1)
module3_dependencies = $(call dependencies, module2)
module4_dependencies = $(call dependencies, module1)
all_modules = $(call dependencies, module1 module2 module3 module4)
docker1_dependencies = $(call dependencies, module1)
docker2_dependencies = $(call dependencies, module2, module4)
all_dockers = $(call dependencies, docker1, docker2)
all = $(all_modules) $(all_dockers)
# There are 4 targets for each module or docker.
# 1. build -
# First it build all the other dependencies defined in the module_dependencies variable.
# Then it copies each dependencies to the module/packages dir
# Last it calls to the build target of the module's Makefile
# 2. clean - Cleans the module by calling the clean target of the module's Makefile
# 3. start - Starts the module by calling the start target of the module's Makefile
# 4. stop - Stops the module by calling the stop target of the module's Makefile
build-%: $$(%_dependencies)
mkdir $*/packages
for dependency in $^; do \
cp ${dependency}/dist/* $*/packages; \
make -C $* build
make -C $* clean
rm -r $*/packages
make -C $* start
make -C $* stop
build-all-modules: $(all_modules)
build-all-dockers: $(all_dockers)
build-al: $(all)
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