Use the following LaTeX template, if a conference asks you to use the lncs
document class (create your orcid here):
\title{Contribution Title}
John Doe\inst{1}\orcidID{0000-1111-2222-3333}
Donald Knuth\inst{2,3}\orcidID{1111-2222-3333-4444}
Yegor Bugayenko\inst{3}\orcidID{2222--3333-4444-5555}
Princeton University, Princeton NJ 08544, USA
Springer Heidelberg, Tiergartenstr. 17, 69121 Heidelberg, Germany
ABC Institute, Rupert-Karls-University Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
\keywords{First keyword \and Second keyword \and Another keyword.}
\section{First Section}
\subsection{A Subsection Sample}