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Last active November 9, 2020 17:23
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Simple DynamoDb query using Index and KeyConditionExpression
# Common Errors
'InternalServerError': 'Internal Server Error, generally safe to retry with exponential back-off',
'ProvisionedThroughputExceededException': 'Request rate is too high. If you\'re using a custom retry strategy make sure to retry with exponential back-off.' +
'Otherwise consider reducing frequency of requests or increasing provisioned capacity for your table or secondary index',
'ResourceNotFoundException': 'One of the tables was not found, verify table exists before retrying',
'ServiceUnavailable': 'Had trouble reaching DynamoDB. generally safe to retry with exponential back-off',
'ThrottlingException': 'Request denied due to throttling, generally safe to retry with exponential back-off',
'UnrecognizedClientException': 'The request signature is incorrect most likely due to an invalid AWS access key ID or secret key, fix before retrying',
'ValidationException': 'The input fails to satisfy the constraints specified by DynamoDB, fix input before retrying',
'RequestLimitExceeded': 'Throughput exceeds the current throughput limit for your account, increase account level throughput before retrying',
def create_dynamodb_client(region="us-east-1"):
return boto3.client("dynamodb", region_name=region)
def create_query_input():
return {
"TableName": "TABLE_NAME_GO_HERE",
"IndexName": "INDEX_NAME_GO_HERE",
"KeyConditionExpression": "#b4430 = :b4430",
"FilterExpression": "#b4431 <> :b4431 And #b4432 <> :b4432",
"ExpressionAttributeNames": {"#b4430":"FIELD_NAME_GO_HERE","#b4431":"FIELD_NAME_GO_HERE","#b4432":"FIELD_NAME_GO_HERE"},
"ExpressionAttributeValues": {":b4430": {"S":"FIELD_VALUE_GO_HERE"},":b4431": {"S":"FIELD_VALUE_GO_HERE"},":b4432": {"S":"FIELD_VALUE_GO_HERE"}}
def execute_query(dynamodb_client, input):
response = dynamodb_client.query(**input)
print("Query successful.")
# Handle response
except ClientError as error:
except BaseException as error:
print("Unknown error while querying: " + error.response['Error']['Message'])
def handle_error(error):
error_code = error.response['Error']['Code']
error_message = error.response['Error']['Message']
error_help_string = ERROR_HELP_STRINGS[error_code]
print('[{error_code}] {help_string}. Error message: {error_message}'
def main():
# Create the DynamoDB Client with the region you want
dynamodb_client = create_dynamodb_client(region="eu-west-1")
# Create the dictionary containing arguments for query call
query_input = create_query_input()
# Call DynamoDB's query API
execute_query(dynamodb_client, query_input)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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