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Created December 15, 2016 01:41
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Save yellowcrescent/bb5aeb4e2d5b3e11dd9695693c35801f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Multi-tool for working with DeadBeef playlists
including burning CDs.
Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Jacob Hipps - tetrisfrog
Licensed under LGPL v3
- Added support for copying playlist to a target directory/device (1.1.0)
- Added feature to suggest how to install missing packages/progs (1.1.1)
- Fixed major problem dbpl_load() where both outter and inner FOR loops used the
same variable name... d'oh! (1.1.2)
$DBURN_VERSION = "1.1.2";
$DBURN_DATE = "01 May 2012";
// ANSI Color tables
$ANSI_OFF = "\033[m";
$ANSI_HI = "\033[1m";
$ANSI_BLK = "\033[30m";
$ANSI_RED = "\033[31m";
$ANSI_GRN = "\033[32m";
$ANSI_YEL = "\033[33m";
$ANSI_BLU = "\033[34m";
$ANSI_MAG = "\033[35m";
$ANSI_CYN = "\033[36m";
$ANSI_WHT = "\033[37m";
$ANSI_B4 = "\033[4D";
function upk($ffmt,$inbin) {
$ttt = unpack($ffmt,$inbin);
return $ttt[1];
// converted to PHP from playlist.c
function dbpl_load ($fname) {
global $cdex;
$fp = fopen($fname, "rb");
if (!$fp) {
return -1;
//playItem_t *it = NULL;
if (($magic = fread($fp, 4)) === false) {
die("load_fail - magic");
if (strncmp($magic, "DBPL", 4)) {
die("bad signature\n");
if (($majorver = upk("C",fread($fp, 1))) === false) {
die("load_fail - majorver");
if (($minorver = upk("C",fread($fp, 1))) === false) {
die("load_fail - minorver");
//uint32_t cnt;
if (($cnt = upk("I",fread($fp, 4))) === false) {
die("load_fail - cnt");
for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) {
//echo ">> i=$i\n";
//it = pl_item_alloc ();
//if (!it) {
// goto load_fail;
//uint16_t l;
if(feof($fp)) {
echo "EOF DETECTED - ".__LINE__."\n";
// fname
if (($l = upk("S",fread($fp, 2))) === false) {
die("load_fail - l");
if(feof($fp)) {
echo "EOF DETECTED - ".__LINE__."\n";
//it->fname = malloc (l+1);
if (($it['fname'] = fread ($fp, $l)) === false) {
die("load_fail - fname");
$it['fname'][$l] = NULL;
// decoder
//uint8_t ll;
if (($ll = upk("C",fread($fp, 1))) === false) {
die("load_fail - ll");
if ($ll >= 20) {
die("load_fail - ll >= 20");
if ($ll) {
//char decoder[20];
if (($decoder = fread($fp, $ll)) === false) {
die("load_fail - decoder");
$decoder[$ll] = NULL;
$it['decoder'] = $decoder;
// tracknum
if (($l = upk("S",fread($fp, 2))) === false) {
die("load_fail - tracknum");
$it['tracknum'] = $l;
// startsample
if (($it['samplestart'] = fread($fp, 4)) === false) {
die("load_fail - startsample");
// endsample
if (($it['endsample'] = fread($fp, 4)) === false) {
die("load_fail - endsample");
// duration
//float d;
if (($d = upk("f",fread($fp, 4))) === false) {
die("load_fail - duration");
$it['duration'] = $d;
// get const filetype string from decoder
//uint8_t ft;
if (($ft = upk("C",fread($fp, 1))) === false) {
die("load_fail - ft");
if ($ft) {
//char ftype[ft+1];
if (($ftype = fread($fp, $ft)) === false) {
die("load_fail - ftype");
$ftype[$ft] = NULL;
if (($it['replaygain_album_gain'] = upk("f",fread($fp, 4))) === false) {
die("load_fail - replaygain_album_gain");
if (($it['replaygain_album_peak'] = upk("f",fread($fp, 4))) === false) {
die("load_fail - replaygain_album_peak");
if ($it['replaygain_album_peak'] == 0) {
$it['replaygain_album_peak'] = 1;
if (($it['replaygain_track_gain'] = upk("f",fread($fp, 4))) === false) {
die("load_fail - replaygain_track_gain");
if (($it['replaygain_track_peak'] = upk("f",fread($fp, 4))) === false) {
die("load_fail - replaygain_track_peak");
if ($it['replaygain_track_peak'] == 0) {
$it['replaygain_track_peak'] = 1;
if ($minorver >= 2) {
if (($it['_flags'] = upk("I",fread($fp, 4))) === false) {
die("load_fail - _flags");
else {
if ($it['startsample'] > 0 || $it['endsample'] > 0 || $it['tracknum'] > 0) {
//$it['_flags'] |= DDB_IS_SUBTRACK;
//int16_t nm = 0;
if (($nm = upk("s",fread($fp, 2))) === false) {
die("load_fail - nm");
for ($ii = 0; $ii < $nm; $ii++) { // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< FIXED!
//char key[1024];
//char value[1024];
if (($l = upk("S",fread($fp, 2))) === false) {
echo "FAILED AT ".__LINE__."\n";
//goto load_fail;
if (!$l || $l >= 1024) {
echo "FAILED AT ".__LINE__."\n";
//goto load_fail;
if (($key = fread($fp, $l)) === false) {
echo "FAILED AT ".__LINE__."\n";
//goto load_fail;
$key[$l] = NULL;
if (($l = upk("S",fread($fp, 2))) === false) {
echo "FAILED AT ".__LINE__."\n";
//goto load_fail;
if (!$l || $l >= 1024) {
// skip
fseek($fp, $l, SEEK_CUR);
else {
if (($value = fread($fp, $l)) === false) {
echo "FAILED AT ".__LINE__."\n";
//goto load_fail;
$value[$l] = NULL;
$it[$key] = $value;
//pl_add_meta (it, key, value);
//pl_insert_item (playlist->tail[PL_MAIN], it);
//pl_item_unref (it);
//trace ("last playlist item refc: %d\n", it->_refc);
//it = NULL;
//echo "\n\n\n";
$cdex[] = $it;
//if($zzz > 5) break;
if ($fp) fclose ($fp);
return 0;
function format_duration($insecs) {
$inss = intval($insecs);
if($inss > 3600) {
$tt_h = intval($inss / 3600);
$inss -= ($tt_h * 3600);
if($inss > 60) {
$tt_m = intval($inss / 60);
$inss -= ($tt_m * 60);
$tt_s = $inss;
if($tt_h) $outfmt = sprintf("%01d:%02d:%02d",$tt_h,$tt_m,$tt_s);
else $outfmt = sprintf("%01d:%02d",$tt_m,$tt_s);
return $outfmt;
function install_suggest($pkg_apt,$pkg_yum="",$pkg_ports="",$pkg_url="") {
if(!$pkg_yum) $pkg_yum = $pkg_apt;
if(!$pkg_ports) $pkg_ports = $pkg_apt;
if(!$pkg_apt) {
echo "To install, please visit:\n\t$pkg_url\n...and download the correct package for your system.\n\n";
$ldistro = trim(`uname -a`);
if(preg_match("/(Ubuntu|Debian|Mint)/i",$ldistro)) {
echo "To install, try:\n\t{$GLOBALS['ANSI_HI']}sudo apt-get install $pkg_apt{$GLOBALS['ANSI_OFF']}\n\n";
} else if(preg_match("/(Fedora|Red Hat)/i",$ldistro)) {
echo "To install, try (as root):\n\t{$GLOBALS['ANSI_HI']}yum install $pkg_yum{$GLOBALS['ANSI_OFF']}\n\n";
} else if(preg_match("/(Darwin|BSD)/i",$ldistro)) {
echo "Check for package availability via Ports as '{$GLOBALS['ANSI_HI']}$pkg_ports{$GLOBALS['ANSI_OFF']}' (or similar)\n\n";
function show_usage() {
echo "\nusage: ".$_SERVER['argv'][0]." [operation] [options] playlist [target]\n";
echo " Burns a deadbeef playlist (.dbpl) to an Audio CD gaplessly.\n\n";
echo " playlist - Specifies the filename of the playlist\n";
echo " target - Specifies target path for copy operations. Can also be\n";
echo " used to specify burner device instead of -d option.\n";
echo " Will overwrite files without prompting.\n\n";
echo " operation:\n\n";
echo " -Xb - Burn an Audio CD (CD-DA) using cdrdao\n";
echo " -Xc - Copy tracks to target location\n";
echo " -Xp - Print track listing\n";
//echo " -Xi - Copy tracks to an iPod device\n";
//echo " -XIS - Sync tracks to an iPod device\n";
echo "\n";
echo " options:\n\n";
echo " -s ## - Specify CD burning speed (default: 24x)\n";
echo " -d dev - Specify the CD burner device to use\n";
echo " -t temp - Specify temporary directory\n";
echo " -v - Verbose. Shows conversion program output\n";
echo " --mkdir[=dir]\n";
echo " - Creates a directory at target location if it\n";
echo " does not exist\n";
echo " --spcx - Converts spaces to underscores (_) when copying\n";
echo " files to target.\n";
echo " --noclob - Don't clobber. Does not overwrite files.\n";
echo " --keep - Keep temporary files\n";
echo " --dry - Dry run. Convert files, but don't burn\n";
echo " --noconv - Don't convert files (useful if previously converted)\n";
echo " --noeject - Don't eject CD when finished\n";
echo " --pdev[=printer]\n";
echo " - Specifies printer device to use when printing\n";
echo " -P spec=value\n";
echo " - Define a printer parameter\n";
echo " --pparam? - Lists help for printer parameters and defaults\n";
echo "\n\n";
// default printer params
$prparams = array(
'type' => "epl2", // printer type
'title' => "", // print-out title/header
'output' => "text", // output type
'albtype' => "normal", // album type (normal= regular CD, mix= mix CD or 'Various Artists' compilation)
'omit_duration' => "no",
'qrcode' => "",
'upc' => "",
'code128' => "",
'native_codes' => "yes"
$prparams_def = array(
'type' => "Printer type [epl2,pdf,normal]",
'title' => "Title shown on the header",
'output' => "Output type [text,vector]",
'albtype' => "Album type [normal,mix,va]",
'omit_duration' => "Omit the track length [yes,no]",
'qrcode' => "Outputs a given QR code",
'upc' => "Outputs a given UPC barcode",
'code128' => "Outputs a given Code128 barcode",
'native_codes' => "Natively generate barcodes if possible [yes,no]"
function pparam_help() {
global $prparams;
global $prparams_def;
echo "\n";
echo "Printer Parameter help:\n";
echo " List of printer parameters that control the printer output.\n\n";
echo "To set a parameter use: -P parameter_name=value\n";
echo "There cannot be any spaces around the equals sign. To define a value\n";
echo "that contains spaces, put the whole thing in double-quotes.\n";
echo "Examples:\n";
echo " -P output=text\n";
echo " -P \"title=Cool Mix Tape\"\n";
echo "\n";
echo str_pad("Parameter",15).str_pad("Default Value",15)."Description\n\n";
foreach($prparams as $kk => $thispp) {
echo str_pad($kk,15).str_pad(($thispp ? $thispp : "(null)"),15).$prparams_def[$kk]."\n";
echo "\n\n";
echo "\n";
echo " _ _ ____ _ _ ____ _ _\n";
echo " __| | ___ __ _ __| | __ )| | | | _ \\| \\ | |\n";
echo " / _` |/ _ \\/ _` |/ _` | _ \\| | | | |_) | \\| |\n";
echo "| (_| | __/ (_| | (_| | |_) | |_| | _ <| |\\ |\n";
echo " \\__,_|\\___|\\__,_|\\__,_|____/ \\___/|_| \\_\\_| \\_|\n\n";
echo "deadbeef playlist burner - - $DBURN_VERSION ($DBURN_DATE)\n\n";
// default options
$dry = false;
$keep_temp = false;
$space_conv = false;
$verbose = false;
$no_eject = false;
$no_conv = false;
$no_clob = false;
$lpr_enabled = false;
$lpr_spec = "";
$outtmp = "/tmp/waver";
$pregap = 0; // 0 = gapless
$cd_speed = 24;
$device = "";
$infile = "";
$target = "";
//$bspd = "--speed 16 "; // additional cdrdao option (followed by a space)
$op_burn = false;
$op_copy = false;
$resample = false;
// parse command line options
$skipnext = false;
foreach($_SERVER['argv'] as $gci => $thisopt) {
if($gci == 0) continue; // skip prog name
if($skipnext) {
$skipnext = false;
if($thisopt == "-d") {
$device = $_SERVER['argv'][$gci+1];
$skipnext = true;
} else if($thisopt == "-s") {
$cd_speed = $_SERVER['argv'][$gci+1];
$skipnext = true;
} else if($thisopt == "-t") {
$outtmp = $_SERVER['argv'][$gci+1];
$skipnext = true;
} else if($thisopt == "--keep") {
$keep_temp = true;
} else if($thisopt == "--dry") {
$dry = true;
} else if($thisopt == "-v") {
$verbose = true;
} else if($thisopt == "--spcx") {
$space_conv = true;
} else if($thisopt == "--noeject") {
$no_eject = true;
} else if($thisopt == "--noconv") {
$no_conv = true;
} else if($thisopt == "--noclob") {
$no_clob = true;
} else if($thisopt == "--resample") {
$resample = true;
} else if($thisopt == "--mkdir" || substr($thisopt,0,8) == "--mkdir=") {
if($thisopt[7] == "=") {
$mkdir = trim(substr($thisopt,8));
} else {
$mkdir = $_SERVER['argv'][$gci+1];
$skipnext = true;
} else if($thisopt == "--pdev" || substr($thisopt,0,7) == "--pdev=") {
if($thisopt[6] == "=") {
$lpr_spec = trim(substr($thisopt,7));
} else {
$lpr_spec = $_SERVER['argv'][$gci+1];
$skipnext = true;
} else if($thisopt == "-P") {
$ppp = $_SERVER['argv'][$gci+1];
list($p_param, $p_value) = explode("=",$ppp);
$p_param = trim($p_param);
$p_value = trim($p_value);
if(!isset($prparams[$p_param])) {
echo "Invalid printer parameter \'$p_param\'!\n\n";
} else {
$prparams[$p_param] = $p_value;
$skipnext = true;
} else if($thisopt == "-Xb") {
$op_burn = true;
} else if($thisopt == "-Xc") {
$op_copy = true;
} else if($thisopt == "-Xp") {
$lpr_enabled = true;
} else if($thisopt == "--pparam?") {
} else if($thisopt == "-h" || $thisopt == "--help" || $thisopt == "-?" || $thisopt[0] == "-") {
} else {
if(!$infile) {
$infile = $thisopt;
} else if(!$target) {
$target = $thisopt;
} else {
echo "Invalid command line syntax!\n\n";
if(!$infile) show_usage();
if($op_copy && !$target) {
echo "You must specify a target when using the copy command!\n\n";
if($op_burn && $target) $device = $target;
echo "************************************************************************\n\n";
// test for programs availability
echo "${ANSI_MAG}CDRDAO${ANSI_OFF} --> ";
$whereis = shell_exec("whereis cdrdao");
list($prgname,$prgloc) = explode(" ",$whereis);
if(strstr($prgloc,"cdrdao") == false) {
if($op_burn) {
} else {
echo "${ANSI_GRN}OK${ANSI_OFF}\n";
// SoX -- aka: The swiss-army-knife of Linux Audio!
echo "${ANSI_MAG}SoX${ANSI_OFF} --> ";
$whereis = shell_exec("whereis sox");
list($prgname,$prgloc) = explode(" ",$whereis);
if(strstr($prgloc,"sox") == false) {
} else {
// get SoX output
$sox_out = shell_exec("sox 2>&1");
// break it down to a single line to make the regex easier
$sox_out = str_replace(array("\r","\n","\t")," ", $sox_out);
// get a list of available audio formats
preg_match("/AUDIO FILE FORMATS\: ([^A-Z]+) PLAYLIST/",$sox_out,$matchbook);
$sox_formats = explode(" ",$matchbook[1]);
// add to lookup table
foreach($sox_formats as $thisform) {
$fmt_lut[trim($thisform)][] = "sox";
// get program location
$prog_lut['sox'][0] = $prgloc;
if($resample) {
$prog_lut['sox'][1] = Array("-q","--clobber","%in","%out","rate","-v","44.1k","norm");
} else {
$prog_lut['sox'][1] = Array("-q","-V1","--clobber","%in","%out");
echo "${ANSI_GRN}OK${ANSI_OFF} (${ANSI_CYN}".count($sox_formats)." formats supported${ANSI_OFF})\n";
echo "${ANSI_MAG}LAME${ANSI_OFF} --> ";
$whereis = shell_exec("whereis lame");
list($prgname,$prgloc) = explode(" ",$whereis);
if(strstr($prgloc,"lame") == false) {
} else {
// add supported formats to LUT
$fmt_lut['mp1'][] = "lame";
$fmt_lut['mp2'][] = "lame";
$fmt_lut['mp3'][] = "lame";
// get program location
$prog_lut['lame'][0] = $prgloc;
$prog_lut['lame'][1] = Array("--decode","--brief","%in","%out");
echo "${ANSI_GRN}OK${ANSI_OFF}\n";
echo "${ANSI_MAG}FLAC${ANSI_OFF} --> ";
$whereis = shell_exec("whereis flac");
list($prgname,$prgloc) = explode(" ",$whereis);
if(strstr($prgloc,"flac") == false) {
} else {
// add supported formats to LUT
$fmt_lut['flac'][] = "flac";
$fmt_lut['fla'][] = "flac";
// get program location
$prog_lut['flac'][0] = $prgloc;
$prog_lut['flac'][1] = Array("-d","-f","-o","%out","%in");
echo "${ANSI_GRN}OK${ANSI_OFF}\n";
echo "${ANSI_MAG}FAAD${ANSI_OFF} --> ";
$whereis = shell_exec("whereis faad");
list($prgname,$prgloc) = explode(" ",$whereis);
if(strstr($prgloc,"faad") == false) {
} else {
// add supported formats to LUT
$fmt_lut['m4a'][] = "faad";
$fmt_lut['mp4'][] = "faad";
$fmt_lut['aac'][] = "faad";
// get program location
$prog_lut['faad'][0] = $prgloc;
$prog_lut['faad'][1] = Array("-o","%out","%in");
echo "${ANSI_GRN}OK${ANSI_OFF}\n";
mac is a tool written by a fellow named Matthew T. Ashland.
It encodes/decodes Monkey's Audio (APE) files.
Check out this page:
echo "${ANSI_MAG}mac${ANSI_OFF} --> ";
$whereis = shell_exec("whereis mac");
list($prgname,$prgloc) = explode(" ",$whereis);
if(strstr($prgloc,"mac") == false) {
} else {
// add supported formats to LUT
$fmt_lut['ape'][] = "mac";
// get program location
$prog_lut['mac'][0] = $prgloc;
$prog_lut['mac'][1] = Array("%in","%out","-d");
echo "${ANSI_GRN}OK${ANSI_OFF}\n";
// FFmpeg
// ffmpeg module name to file ext conversion
$ffmpeg_conv = array(
"8svx_exp" => "8svx",
"aac" => "aac",
"ac3" => "ac3",
"adpcm_adx" => "adx",
"alac" => "alac",
"als" => "als",
"amrnb" => "amrnb",
"ape" => "ape",
"atrac1" => "atrac",
"atrac3" => "atrac3",
"binkaudio_dct" => "dct",
"binkaudio_rdft" => "rdft",
"cook" => "cook",
"dca" => "dca",
"eac3" => "eac3",
"flac" => "flac",
"g726" => "g726",
"imc" => "imc",
"interplay_dpcm" => "dpcm",
"libgsm" => "gsm",
"libspeex" => "speex",
"mace3" => "mace",
"mlp" => "mlp",
"mp1" => "mp1",
"mp2" => "mp2",
"mp3" => "mp3",
"mpc7" => "mpc",
"mpc8" => "mpp",
"nellymoser" => "flv",
"pcm_alaw" => "alaw",
"qcelp" => "qcp",
"qdm2" => "qdm",
"real_144" => "ra",
"real_288" => "ram",
"roq_dpcm" => "dpcm",
"shorten" => "shn",
"sipr" => "sipr",
"smackaud" => "smk",
"tta" => "tta",
"vmdaudio" => "vmd",
"vorbis" => "vorbis",
"wavpack" => "wv",
"wmav1" => "wma",
"wmav2" => "asf",
"ws_snd1" => "snd1"
echo "${ANSI_MAG}FFmpeg${ANSI_OFF} --> ";
$whereis = shell_exec("whereis ffmpeg");
list($prgname,$prgloc) = explode(" ",$whereis);
if(strstr($prgloc,"ffmpeg") == false) {
} else {
// get FFmpeg output
exec("ffmpeg -codecs 2>/dev/null",$ff_out);
$ffmatches = 0;
// get a list of available audio formats
foreach($ff_out as $kk => $thiscode) {
if($kk < 10 || $thiscode[0] != " ") continue;
// Decode Encode Vid/Aud/Sub ??? ??? ??? modname Description
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
preg_match("/^ ([D| ])([E| ])([V|A|S])([S| ])([D| ])([T| ]) (.+?) (.+)$/",$thiscode,$matchbook);
$decode = ($matchbook[1] == "D" ? true : false);
$audio = ($matchbook[3] == "A" ? true : false);
$codec_code = trim($matchbook[7]);
if(!$audio || !$decode) continue;
if(!$ffmpeg_conv[$codec_code]) continue;
$mtype = $ffmpeg_conv[$codec_code];
$fmt_lut[$mtype][] = "ffmpeg";
// get program location
$prog_lut['ffmpeg'][0] = $prgloc;
$prog_lut['ffmpeg'][1] = Array("-i","%in","%out");
echo "${ANSI_GRN}OK${ANSI_OFF} (${ANSI_CYN}$ffmatches codecs supported${ANSI_OFF})\n";
echo "\n\n";
echo "Available decoders:\n";
echo "\n\n";
echo "Available codecs:\n";
echo "\n\n";
echo "${ANSI_MAG}Using temporary directory [${ANSI_CYN}$outtmp${ANSI_MAG}]${ANSI_OFF} --> ";
if(!file_exists($outtmp)) {
if(!mkdir($outtmp)) {
echo "${ANSI_RED}FAIL!${ANSI_OFF} Unable to create. Check permissions.\n\n";
if(!is_writable($outtmp)) {
echo "${ANSI_RED}FAIL!${ANSI_OFF} Not writable. Check permissions.\n\n";
echo "${ANSI_GRN}OK!${ANSI_OFF}\n";
echo "${ANSI_MAG}Reading playlist [${ANSI_CYN}$infile${ANSI_MAG}]${ANSI_OFF} --> ";
echo "${ANSI_GRN}OK!${ANSI_OFF} (${ANSI_CYN}".count($cdex)." tracks${ANSI_OFF})\n";
/******* op_burn - Burn an audio cd (CD-DA) *******/
if($op_burn) {
echo "${ANSI_MAG}Converting audio files${ANSI_OFF} --> ${ANSI_GRN} 0%";
// start cue file. specify CDDA
$cue = "CD_DA\n";
$tot_tracks = count($cdex);
foreach($cdex as $kk => $thistrk) {
$fftrk = trim($thistrk['fname']);
// detect filetype/ext and convert appropriately
$ext = strtolower($matchy[1]);
if(!isset($fmt_lut[$ext])) {
echo "No handler for type \"$ext\"! Skipping this file.\n";
$handler = $fmt_lut[$ext][0];
$conv_cmd = $prog_lut[$handler][0];
$conv_params = $prog_lut[$handler][1];
// insert filenames into parameter array
foreach($conv_params as $cpi => $tparam) {
if($tparam == "%in") $conv_params[$cpi] = $fftrk;
else if($tparam == "%out") $conv_params[$cpi] = "$outtmp/$kk.wav";
// all of PHP's exec() functions are shit.
// we have to use pcntl_* functions to _fork() and _exec()
// because exec apparently won't pass a commandline > 128 bytes??? WTF
//echo "\n[${ANSI_MAG}$ext:$handler${ANSI_OFF}]\n";
if(!$no_conv) {
$pid = pcntl_fork();
if(!$pid) pcntl_exec($conv_cmd,$conv_params);
pcntl_waitpid(-1,$status); // wait for the kid to finish
// append CUE info for this track
$cue .= "TRACK AUDIO\n";
if($pregap > 0) $cue .= "PREGAP 00:".sprintf("%02d",$pregap).":00\n";
$cue .= "FILE \"$outtmp/$kk.wav\" 0\n";
echo $ANSI_B4;
echo "${ANSI_B4}OK ${ANSI_OFF}\n";
// write CUE file
echo "${ANSI_MAG}Writing CUE file${ANSI_OFF} --> ";
$fp = fopen($outtmp."/toc","w");
echo "${ANSI_GRN}OK!${ANSI_OFF}\n";
// burn it!
if(!$dry) {
// build parameters
$bspd = "--speed $cd_speed ";
if($device) $bspd .= "--device $device ";
if(!$no_eject) $bspd .= "--eject ";
echo "${ANSI_MAG}Burning CD...${ANSI_OFF}\n\n";
$burncmd = "cdrdao write $bspd\"$outtmp/toc\"";
echo "execute: ${ANSI_CYN}$burncmd${ANSI_OFF}\n\n";
echo "\n";
/******* op_copy - Copy files to another location or device *******/
} else if($op_copy) {
// get realpath and make sure it's a directory!
$rp = realpath($target);
if(!is_dir($rp)) {
echo "*** Error: Target [$rp] is not a directory!\n\n";
// ensure the target is writable
if(!is_writable($rp)) {
echo "*** Error: No write access to target.\n\n";
// process --mkdir option for auto subdir creation
if($mkdir) {
if(!file_exists($rp."/".$mkdir)) {
$rp .= "/".$mkdir;
if(!mkdir($rp)) {
echo "*** Error: failed to create directory [$rp] using --mkdir option!\n\n";
$rp = realpath($rp);
} else if(!is_dir($rp."/".$mkdir)) {
echo "*** Error: name specified by --mkdir option already exists as a regular or special filename!\n\n";
} else {
$rp = realpath($rp."/".$mkdir);
echo "${ANSI_MAG}Copying to target [${ANSI_CYN}$rp${ANSI_MAG}]${ANSI_OFF} --> ${ANSI_GRN} 0%";
$tot_tracks = count($cdex);
foreach($cdex as $kk => $thistrk) {
$fname = trim($thistrk['fname']);
// strip path from filename
$tfile = $mmatt[1];
// convert spaces to underscores if --spcx switch is used
if($space_conv) {
$tfile = str_replace(" ","_",$tfile);
// if no clobber is set, skip this file and don't touch it
// (useful for updating/syncing -- speeds up process!)
if($no_clob && file_exists($rp."/".$tfile)) {
echo $ANSI_B4;
// do the damn thing!
if(!copy($fname,$rp."/".$tfile)) {
// wait 3 seconds, then retry
if(!copy($fname,$rp."/".$tfile)) {
echo "${ANSI_OFF}\n\n*** Error: failed to copy source file [$fname] to target file [$rp/$tfile]!\n\n";
echo $ANSI_B4;
echo "${ANSI_B4}OK ${ANSI_OFF}\n";
[18] => Array
[fname] => /mnt/fattie/music/_VA/O Brother Where Art Thou/OST - The Stanley Brothers - Angel Band.mp3
[decoder] => stdmpg
[tracknum] => 0
[samplestart] =>
[endsample] =>
[duration] => 135.78448486328
[replaygain_album_gain] => 0
[replaygain_album_peak] => 1
[replaygain_track_gain] => 0
[replaygain_track_peak] => 1
[_flags] => 0
[track] => 19
[year] => 2001
[genre] => Country
[album] => O Brother Where Art Thou
[title] => The Stanley Brothers / Angel Band
[artist] => OST
/******* lpr_enabled - Print a label or track listing *******/
if($lpr_enabled) {
$lpspx = ($lpr_spec ? $lpr_spec : "default printer");
echo "${ANSI_MAG}Printing listing to ${ANSI_CYN}$lpspx${ANSI_OFF} --> ";
// if output type is 'text'...
// if no title is set, use the default title for normal albums
//if(!$prparams['title'] && $prparams['albtype'] == "normal") $prparams['title'] = $cdex[0]['artist']." - ".$cdex[0]['album']." ".($cdex[0]['year'] ? "(".$cdex[0]['year'].")" : "");
$prparams['title'] = $cdex[0]['artist']." - ".$cdex[0]['album']." ".($cdex[0]['year'] ? "(".$cdex[0]['year'].")" : "");
// begin output generation...
$repout = $prparams['title']."\n\n";
foreach($cdex as $kk => $thistrk) {
if($prparams['albtype'] == "normal") $trk_name = $thistrk['title'];
else if($prparams['albtype'] == "mix") $trk_name = $thistrk['artist']." - ".$thistrk['title'];
//else $prparams
$repout .= sprintf("%02d. %s (%s)\n",($kk + 1),$trk_name['title'],format_duration($thistrk['duration']));
$repout .= "\n\n\n";
$repout .= "Generated by deadburn - $DBURN_VERSION\n\n\n";
echo "[REPOUT] >>>\n\n";
echo $repout;
echo "\n\n<<REPOUT\n\n";
// set options if necessary...
if($prparams['type'] == "epl2") {
if($lpr_spec) {
$ppd = "-p $lpr_spec";
echo "[LPR_SPEC] ppd = '$ppd'\n";
else $ppd = "";
$lp_exec = "lpoptions $ppd -o Darkness=15 -o zePrintRate=1";
echo "[EXEC] lp_exec = '$lp_exec'\n";
if($lpr_spec) {
$ppd = "-P $lpr_spec";
echo "[LPR_SPEC] ppd = '$ppd'\n";
} else $ppd = "";
// pipe the listing to lpr so he can print it
$prinpiper = popen("lpr $ppd","w");
echo "${ANSI_GRN}OK!${ANSI_OFF} (Spooled to printer)\n\n";
// clean up
if(($op_burn || $op_conv) && !$keep_temp) {
echo "${ANSI_MAG}Removing temporary files${ANSI_OFF} --> ";
shell_exec("rm -R $outtmp");
echo "${ANSI_GRN}OK!${ANSI_OFF}\n";
echo "\n${ANSI_HI}${ANSI_YEL}Complete!${ANSI_OFF}\n\n";
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