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Last active January 10, 2022 06:54
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Process Arrow bytestream in Julia
using Arrow, DataFrames
using PyCall
Convert the Arrow bytestream into a DataFrame, process it,
and return the resulting DataFrame as a Python bytestream.
function process_arrowbytes( bytes::Vector{UInt8} )::PyObject
df = DataFrame(Arrow.Table(bytes)) # convert bytestream into a DataFrame
result = process_dataframe( df ) # run some arbitrary function
result_bytes = df_to_arrowbytes(results) # convert result into Arrow bytestream
return PyCall.pybytes(result_bytes) # send bytestream back as a PyObject
"""Convert DataFrame into Arrow bytestream"""
function df_to_arrowbytes( df::DataFrame )::Vector{UInt8}
io = IOBuffer()
Arrow.write(io, df)
bytes = take!(io)
return bytes
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