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Forked from SDuck4/DateProgress.js
Last active January 31, 2021 08:42
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Date Progress - Progress bar widget for days, weeks, months and years
* Date Progress - Progress bar widget for days, weeks, months and years
* - This widget run by Scriptable(
* - This widget is optimized for 4x2 size.
* - Author: SDuck (
* - Source:
* Parameters:
* - Each parameter is separated by `|`(vertical bar) and must be entered in the following order.
* - If you do not use the parameters, you can skip them.
* 1. Colors: Set colors of progress bars
* - Enter the color you want to set in hexcode format.
* - Each color is separated by `,`(comma).
* - You can enter 1~4 colors.
* - If the number of colors is smaller than 4, repeat the colors.
* - Ex 1. #3B82F6,#10B981,#FBBF24,#EF4444
* - Ex 2. #34D399
* 2. Labels: Set text for progress bar labels
* - Each label is separated by `,`(comma).
* - You can use the template string below.
* - ${dayOfMonth}: the day of the month. Ex. 1
* - ${dayOfMonthWithZero}: the day of the month with zero. Ex. 01
* - ${dayEn}: the days of the week in English. Ex. Sun, Mon, Tue, ...
* - ${dayKo}: the days of the week in Korean. Ex. 일, 월, 화, ...
* - ${weekOfYear}: the week number of the year. Ex. 42
* - ${weekOfYearWithZero}: the week number of the year with zero. Ex. 04
* - ${monthNum}: the month number. Ex. 11
* - ${monthNumWithZero}: the month number with zero. Ex. 06
* - ${monthEn}: the month name in English. Ex. Jan, Fab, Mar, ...
* - ${year}: the year number. Ex. 2021
* - Ex. ${dayEn},W${weekOfYearWithZero},${monthEn},${year}
* 3. The week starts on Sunday: Set the day of the week starts
* - If `true`, the week starts on Sunnday.
* - If `false`, the week starts on Monday.
* - Default value is `false`.
const FONT_SIZE = 16;
const LINE_HEIGHT = 24;
const LABEL_WIDTH = 100;
const SPACER_SIZE = 10;
const BAR_WIDTH = 180;
const BAR_HEIGHT = 12;
const COLOR_LIGHT_GRAY = new Color('#E5E7EB', 1);
const COLOR_DARK_GRAY = new Color('#374151', 1);
const COLOR_BAR_DEFAULT = new Color('#3B82F6', 1);
// Process parameters
const params = (args.widgetParameter + '').split('|');
// Parameter: Colors
let colors = [];
if (params[0] !== '' && params[0] !== 'null') {
colors = params[0].split(',').map(color => color.trim());
colors = => new Color(color, 1));
} else {
function getColors(index) {
return colors[index % colors.length];
// Parameter: Labels
const now = new Date();
const labels = ['Day', 'Week', 'Month', 'Year'];
const calcWeekOfYear = (date) => {
const firstDayOfYear = new Date(date.getFullYear(), 0, 1);
const dayOfFirstDay = firstDayOfYear.getDay();
const firstWeekStart = new Date(date.getFullYear(), 0, firstDayOfYear.getDay() > 3 ? 8 - dayOfFirstDay : 1 - dayOfFirstDay);
const weekNum = Math.floor((date.valueOf() - firstWeekStart.valueOf()) / 86400000 / 7) + 1;
return weekNum;
const labelsTemplate = {
dayOfMonth: date => {
return date.getDate();
dayOfMonthWithZero: date => {
const dayNum = date.getDate();
return dayNum < 10 ? '0' + dayNum : dayNum;
dayEn: date => {
return ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'][date.getDay()];
dayKo: date => {
return ['일', '월', '화', '수', '목', '금', '토'][date.getDay()];
weekOfYear: date => {
let weekNum = calcWeekOfYear(date);
if (weekNum === 0) {
weekNum = calcWeekOfYear(new Date(date.getFullYear(), 0, 0));
return weekNum;
weekOfYearWithZero: date => {
let weekNum = calcWeekOfYear(date);
if (weekNum === 0) {
weekNum = calcWeekOfYear(new Date(date.getFullYear(), 0, 0));
return weekNum < 10 ? '0' + weekNum : weekNum;
monthNum: date => {
return date.getMonth() + 1;
monthNumWithZero: date => {
const monthNum = date.getMonth() + 1;
return monthNum < 10 ? '0' + monthNum : monthNum;
monthEn: date => {
return ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'][date.getMonth()];
year: date => {
return date.getFullYear();
if (params.length > 1 && params[1] !== '') {
const paramLabels = params[1].split(',').map(label => label.trim());
const templateRegExp = /(\${[^{}]+})/;
for (let i = 0; i < paramLabels.length; i++) {
while (paramLabels[i].match(templateRegExp)) {
const template = paramLabels[i].match(templateRegExp)[0];
const templateKey = template.replace('${', '').replace('}', '');
const templateValue = labelsTemplate[templateKey](now);
paramLabels[i] = paramLabels[i].replace(template, templateValue);
labels[i] = paramLabels[i];
// Parameter: The week starts on Sunday
let isWeekStartsOnSunday = false;
if (params.length > 2 && params[2].toLowerCase() === 'true') {
isWeekStartsOnSunday = true;
// Calculate date progress
function calcProgress(start, end, progress) {
return (progress - start) / (end - start);
const dayStart = new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), now.getDate());
const dayEnd = new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), now.getDate() + 1);
const dayProgress = calcProgress(dayStart, dayEnd, now);
let weekDay = now.getDay() === 0 ? 6 : now.getDay() - 1;
if (isWeekStartsOnSunday) {
weekDay = now.getDay();
const weekStart = new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), now.getDate() - weekDay);
const weekEnd = new Date(weekStart.getFullYear(), weekStart.getMonth(), weekStart.getDate() + 7);
const weekProgress = calcProgress(weekStart, weekEnd, now);
const monthStart = new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), 1);
const monthEnd = new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth() + 1, 1);
const monthProgress = calcProgress(monthStart, monthEnd, now);
const yearStart = new Date(now.getFullYear(), 0, 1);
const yearEnd = new Date(now.getFullYear() + 1, 0, 1);
const yearProgress = calcProgress(yearStart, yearEnd, now);
// Create Widget
const font = Font.systemFont(FONT_SIZE);
const widget = new ListWidget();
widget.spacing = SPACER_SIZE;
function addProgress(name, progress, color) {
const percent = Math.round(progress * 100);
const line = widget.addStack();
const label = line.addStack();
label.size = new Size(LABEL_WIDTH, LINE_HEIGHT);
const labelName = label.addText(name);
labelName.font = font;
const labelPercent = label.addText(percent + '%');
labelPercent.font = font;
const barBackground = line.addStack();
barBackground.size = new Size(BAR_WIDTH, BAR_HEIGHT);
barBackground.backgroundColor = COLOR_BAR_BACKGROUND;
barBackground.cornerRadius = BAR_HEIGHT / 2;
const barProgressWidth = BAR_WIDTH * progress;
const barProgress = barBackground.addStack();
barProgress.size = new Size(barProgressWidth, BAR_HEIGHT);
barProgress.backgroundColor = color;
barProgress.cornerRadius = BAR_HEIGHT / 2;
addProgress(labels[0], dayProgress, getColors(0));
addProgress(labels[1], weekProgress, getColors(1));
addProgress(labels[2], monthProgress, getColors(2));
addProgress(labels[3], yearProgress, getColors(3));
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