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Last active July 19, 2024 10:16
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Sort Terraform (HCL) file by Resource Block Names using GNU `awk`
#!/usr/bin/env -S awk -f
# Tested with GNU Awk 5.1.0, API: 3.0 (GNU MPFR 4.1.0, GNU MP 6.2.1)
# Usage: /path/to/tf_vars_sort.awk < | tee
# Note: "chmod +x /path/to/tf_vars_sort.awk" before use
# No licensing;, 2021-2024
# skip blank lines at the beginning of file
if (!resource_type && length($0) == 0) next
# pick only known Terraform resource definition block types of the 1st level
switch ($0) {
# ex: block_type {
case /^[[:space:]]*(import|locals|moved|removed|terraform)[[:space:]]+{/:
resource_type = $1
resource_ident = resource_type "|" block_counter++
# ex: block_type type_label name_label {
case /^[[:space:]]*(data|resource)[[:space:]]+("?[[:alnum:]_-]+"?[[:space:]]+){2}{/:
resource_type = $1
resource_subtype = $2
resource_name = $3
resource_ident = resource_type "|" resource_subtype "|" resource_name
# ex: block_type name_label {
case /^[[:space:]]*(check|module|output|provider|variable)[[:space:]]+"?[[:alnum:]_-]+"?[[:space:]]+{/:
resource_type = $1
resource_name = $2
resource_ident = resource_type "|" resource_name
arr[resource_ident] = arr[resource_ident] ? arr[resource_ident] RS $0 : $0
} END {
# exit if there was solely empty input
# (input consisting of multiple empty lines only, counts in as empty input too)
if (length(arr) == 0) exit
# declare empty array (the one to hold final result)
split("", res)
# case-insensitive string operations in this block
# (primarily for the `asort()` call below)
# sort by `resource_ident` which is a key in our case
# blank-lines-fix each block
for (item in arr) {
# remove multiple blank lines at the end of resource definition block
while (length(new_arr[length(new_arr)]) == 0) delete new_arr[length(new_arr)]
# add one single blank line at the end of the resource definition block
# so that blocks are delimited with a blank like to align with TF code style
new_arr[length(new_arr)+1] = RS
# fill resulting array with data from each resource definition block
for (line in new_arr) {
# trim whitespaces at the end of each line in resource definition block
gsub(/[[:space:]]+$/, "", new_arr[line])
res[length(res)+1] = new_arr[line]
# ensure there are no extra blank lines at the beginning and end of data
while (length(res[1]) == 0) delete res[1]
while (length(res[length(res)]) == 0) delete res[length(res)]
# print resulting data to stdout
for (line in res) {
print res[line]
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Wasn't working for "resource" blocks. Until I added break statements to the end of each case!

@perkerk Thanks for pointing this out.
I've just updated this gist with break in each case statement.
And also added more 1st-level block types.

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