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Created January 15, 2012 04:34
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  • Save yesidays/1614334 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save yesidays/1614334 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. - Distancia euclideana - Matlab
for j = 1:length(atributo)
fz = [atributo(j,1) atributo(j,2) atributo(j,3)];
for i=1:fi
% Formula
d(i,1) = sqrt(sum((fz-atributo(i,1:3)).^2));
% Almacenar Clase
d(i,2) = atributo(i,4);
%Organizar filas en orden ascendente
d = sortrows(d,1);
k = 140;
mayores = d(2:k,:);
%Obtener moda
[Moda frec] = mode(mayores(:,2));
status(j,5) = Moda;
status(j,6) = status(j,4) - status(j,5);
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