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Created February 11, 2013 20:56
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IL for abstract methods
// MyConcrete
.method public hidebysig newslot virtual instance void Run(int32 x) cil managed
// SIG: 20 01 01 08
// Method begins at RVA 0x2133
// Code size 2 (0x2)
.maxstack 8
.language '{3F5162F8-07C6-11D3-9053-00C04FA302A1}', '{994B45C4-E6E9-11D2-903F-00C04FA302A1}', '{5A869D0B-6611-11D3-BD2A-0000F80849BD}'
// Source File 'C:\Examples\Example49\Program.cs'
//000040: {
IL_0000: /* 00 | */ nop
//000041: }
IL_0001: /* 2A | */ ret
} // end of method MyConcrete::Run
// MyAbstract
.method public hidebysig newslot abstract virtual instance void Run(int32 x) cil managed
// SIG: 20 01 01 08
// Method begins at RVA 0x0
} // end of method MyAbstract::Run
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