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Last active December 13, 2015 18:59
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ORMs: subsonic example
// This class is autogenerated for you by SubSonic, so it's a lot larger than this.
public class Person
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
public class PersonManager
public static void Example()
// Requires app.config/web.config settings (a SubSonicService node)
int page = 1;
int itemsPerPage = 10;
// Save example
Person person = new Person();
person.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
person.Name = "John";
person.Email = "";
// Number of records
int count = new Select().From(Person.Schema).GetRecordCount();
// All items
IList<Person> list = Select().From(Person.Schema).OrderAsc("Name").ExecuteTypedList<Person>();
// Paging
SubSonic.SqlQuery q = new Select().From(Person.Schema).InnerJoin(Address.Schema);
// You can append predicates like below
q = q.Where(Address.StreetColumn).IsEqualTo("Long Road");
list = q.Paged(page, itemsPerPage).ExecuteTypedList<FeedItem>();
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