- Generate the file:
$ awk 'BEGIN { for(c=0;c<10000000;c++) printf "<p>LOL</p>" }' > 100M.html
$ (for I in `seq 1 100`; do cat 100M.html; done) | pv | gzip -9 > 10G.boomgz
- Check it is indeed good:
$ awk 'BEGIN { for(c=0;c<10000000;c++) printf "<p>LOL</p>" }' > 100M.html
$ (for I in `seq 1 100`; do cat 100M.html; done) | pv | gzip -9 > 10G.boomgz
Try to get a hand on the original scandinavian, hot version ("Tyrkisk Pejber" or "Turkin Pippuri" with three flames on the packaging).