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Created May 8, 2023 00:15
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playing with pydoxtools
In this example we will extract information from
an SQL database and inject it into chroma db.
import logging
from pathlib import Path
import chromadb
import dask
import pydoxtools
from pydoxtools import DocumentBag, Document
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
dask.config.set(scheduler='threading') # overwrite default with single-threaded scheduler for debugging
chroma_client = chromadb.Client()
chroma_idx = chroma_client.create_collection(name="index")
# add database information
# connecting to postgres could be done like this:
# 'postgresql+psycopg2://user:password@hostname/db_name'
# it would also require installing the postgresql driver: pip install psycopg2
database_source = pydoxtools.document.DatabaseSource(
connection_string="sqlite:///" + str(Path.home() / "comcharax/data/component_pages.db"),
sql="component_pages", # select a table or use an actual SQL string
# Extract the information and form an index:
# create another DocumentBag using a subset of the extracted tabledata with the key "raw_html"
# and finally extract a dask-bag of dicts "get_dicts" from the DocumentBag
# which we will ingest into the vector store.
# or as a one-liner:
# DocumentBag(source=database_source).get_data_docbag(column).get_dicts("source", "full_text", "vector")
table = DocumentBag(source=database_source).config(doc_configuration=dict(
# here we can choose to do some fast vectorization by usong only the tokenizer
column = "url" # which column(s) from the SQL table we want to extract
column = table.e("data_sel", column) # multiple columns can be specified here.
def insert(item):
embeddings=[[float(n) for n in item["embedding"]]],
metadatas=[{"source": item["source"]}],
# with ProgressBar():
# column.compute_index(100) # choose a number how many rows you would like to add ro your chromadb!
# query the db:
# column.query_chroma("product")
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