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Created August 13, 2017 13:50
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Example of hierarchical FSM using Orleankka "behaviors"
This represents simple durable task which do some work in background.
The task is automatically saved after every successful transition.
It is modeled as workflow with the following transitions:
1. Initial -> Start -> Started
Accept user request and start preparation
2. Started -> Prepared -> Running
On activation of Started it schedules a one-off timer to delay actual execution of Prepare
to finish previous user request and return control to the caller (Orleans is RPC, so it's the hack)
3. Running -> Executed -> Running
Running -> Completed -> Completed
While running it slices the work and sends message to self after every slice to checkpoint the state
(ie last cursor position in batch). Once it completes batch it fires Completed
There also 2 superstates: Active and Inactive. When become Active durable reminder is registered to keep actor alive
in case of restarts or crashes, which is unregistered in OnUnbecome. Started, Running, and Failed - are Active states.
When Failed actor need to periodically notify interested parties to resolve the problem. Any failure will switch actor to Failed.
public class Task : Actor<TaskData>
[Behavior] void Active()
this.OnBecome(() => Reminders.Register("keepalive", due: TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1), period: TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1)));
this.OnUnbecome(() => Reminders.Unregister("keepalive"));
this.OnReceive<Completed>(_ => this.Become(Completed));
this.OnReceive<Cancel>(_ => this.Become(Completed));
this.OnReceive<Failed>(async x =>
Data.LastError = x.Exception;
await this.Become(Failed);
this.OnReminder("keepalive", () => {});
[Behavior] void Inactive()
this.OnReminder(id => Reminders.Unregister(id));
[Behavior] void Initial()
this.OnReceive<Start>(async x =>
Data.Command = x.Command;
Data.Initiator = x.UserId;
await this.Become(Started);
[Behavior] void Started()
this.OnActivate(()=> Timers.Register("prepare", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), () => Try(Prepare)));
this.OnReceive<Prepared>(async x =>
// change some state
await this.Become(Running);
async Task Prepare()
// do some preparation
await this.Fire(new Prepared {...});
[Behavior] public void Running()
this.OnBecome(() => Notify(TaskStatus.Running));
this.OnActivate(() => Timers.Register("execute", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1), () => Try(Execute)));
this.OnDeactivate(() => Timers.Unregister("execute"));
this.OnReceive<Executed>(async x =>
// change some state
await Save(); // checkpoint
await Notify(TaskStatus.Running);
async Task Execute()
bool completed = ...;
if (completed)
await this.Fire(new Completed());
// do work, loop
await this.Fire(new Executed {lastSlice});
[Behavior] new void Failed()
this.OnBecome(()=> Notify(TaskStatus.Failed));
this.OnActivate(() => Timers.Register("err", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), () => Try(NotifyError)));
this.OnDeactivate(() => Timers.Unregister("err"));
this.OnReceive<Retry>(_ => this.Become(Running));
this.OnReceive<Scream>(_ => Notify(TaskStatus.Failed));
Task NotifyError() => this.Fire(new Scream());
[Behavior] new void Completed()
this.OnBecome(()=> Notify(TaskStatus.Completed));
async Task Notify(TaskStatus status) => {} // notify interested parties
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Horusiath commented Aug 15, 2017

In Akka, keep alive reminders are not necessary: contrary, to GC actor automatically after some inactivity period, you'll need to Context.SetReceiveTimeout(timeout) and then handle ReceiveTimeout message.

Regarding building FSM, I see two ways here:

Building custom Become version which persists current state and behavior or become switch, and recreates it during actor's PreStart call. Something like:

PersistentBecome(string behaviorName, Action nextBehavior)
    RunTask(async () => 
          await Save(new StateSnapshot(this.Id, behaviorName, this.State));

// restore on actor restart
override void PreStart()
    RunTask(async () =>
        var snapshot = await Load(this.Id);
        this.State = snapshot.State;

        // I'm using poor-man's pattern matching here, but there are other options:
        // 1. Some serializers i.e. Hyperion are able to serialize/deserialize delegates, which could be used instead of matching behavior name
        // 2. This switch could be replaced by some code using i.e. custom attributes and reflection.
             // manually compare behavior name and switch to correct state as needed
             case "Completed": Become(Completed); return;

Using PersistenceFSM

PersistenceFSM is a special type of actor having FSM-like API but with all state transitions being eventsourced. I'm not great fan of its API, but we're still working on making it more approachable. Two things to note here:

  1. PersistentFSM doesn't have hooks like OnBecome/OnUnbecome (AFAIK).
  2. It doesn't expose async/await API. However you can reach it by wrapping your async lambdas with RunTask(Func<Task>) - it freezes current actor's mailbox, making it work effectively like non-reentrant actor.

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yevhen commented Aug 21, 2017

In Akka, keep alive reminders are not necessary: contrary, to GC actor automatically after some inactivity period, you'll need to Context.SetReceiveTimeout(timeout) and then handle ReceiveTimeout message.

Same in Orleans. I can set infinite GC period to keep it in-mem forever, but this is more about node crashes and restarts, in such cases someone need to respawn a task. This could be solved with dedicated task storage and node bootstrapper script. ReminderService in Orleans is built-in and gives you a simple and robust way to resurrect actors in case of node failures/restarts (think, durable supervisor).

Building custom Become version which persists current state and behavior or become switch, and recreates it during actor's PreStart call.

I see. Basically, fallback to pattern matching and no support for transition/activation callbacks.

PersistentFSM doesn't have hooks like OnBecome/OnUnbecome (AFAIK).

Having those is really handy, telling from experience ))

It doesn't expose async/await API. However you can reach it by wrapping your async lambdas with RunTask(Func) - it freezes current actor's mailbox, making it work effectively like non-reentrant actor.

I don't allow to switch behaviors from timer (ie interleaving). You need to send msg to Self to become when running from timer callback and FSM-actors should be non-reentrant, otherwise it's impossible to make any guarantees about transitions, order of callbacks and state mutations.

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