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Created July 17, 2012 16:59
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key-chord setting
;; key-chord
(require 'key-chord)
(key-chord-mode 1)
(devar key-chord-bindings
'(("hf" . describe-function)
("hb" . describe-bindings)
("hv" . describe-variable)
("rs" . replace-string)
("rp" . replace-regexp)
("a;" . goto-line)
("xf" . find-file)
("::" . other-window)
("ys" . yas/expand)
("kk" . kill-this-buffer)
(";;" . next-buffer)
("aa" . previous-buffer)
("ss" . svn-status)
("??" . key-chord-describe-bindings)
("!!" . key-chord-set-bindings))
"List of keybind-function pair")
(defun key-chord-set-bindings ()
"Set global bindings according to `key-chord-bindings`"
(lambda (pair)
(key-chord-define-global (car pair) (cdr pair)))
(defun key-chord-describe-bindings ()
(lambda (pair)
(format "%-4s %s"
(car pair)
(symbol-name (cdr pair))))
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