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Last active October 27, 2021 11:21
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Unfollow inactive people from your twitter ✨
Key = <your api key>
Secret = <your api secret>
Token = <your bearer token, for >
Token = <your access token>
Secret = <your access secret>
ScreenName = <the target user>
BatchSize = 10
DaysInactive = 5
import configparser
import tweepy
from datetime import date
def main():
#Read security tokens from external .ini file
config = configparser.ConfigParser()'..\..\config.ini')
print('Read configuration file.')
#Pass tokens for authorization
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(config['API']['Key'], config['API']['Secret'])
auth.set_access_token(config['Acess']['Token'], config['Acess']['Secret'])
#Create API object
api = tweepy.API(auth, wait_on_rate_limit=True)
#Get the user object
user = api.get_user(screen_name=config['General']['ScreenName'])
print(config['General']['ScreenName'] + ' has ' + str(user.followers_count) + ' friends')
#List to put the inactive friends in
inactive_friends = [];
for friend in tweepy.Cursor(api.get_friends, screen_name=user.screen_name).items():
print('friend: ' + friend.screen_name)
tweets_list= api.user_timeline(screen_name = friend.screen_name, count = 1)
tweet= tweets_list[0] # last status of this friend (tweepy.models.Status)
print('Last tweet:')
print(tweet.created_at) #datetime object for the tweet
delta = -
#If the last status is older than the threshold on the .ini file,
#the friend's name is added to the inactive friends list.
if (delta.days > int(config['General']['DaysInactive'])):
if (len(inactive_friends) >= int(config['General']['BatchSize'])):
#output the result
if (len(inactive_friends) > 0):
print('The following % s friends are inactive for more than 5 days:' % len(inactive_friends))
for friend in inactive_friends:
print('Unfollowing %s inactive users..' % len(inactive_friends))
#To unfollow wothout prompt, comment the following 2 lines
answer = input("Are you sure? [Y/n]").lower()
if answer and answer[0] == "y":
for friend in inactive_friends:
print("Unfollowing " + friend.screen_name)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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