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Last active December 21, 2015 08:59
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Get all subsets from a given set using recursion. O(2^n) complexity.
void getss(vector<int>& x, int index, vector<vector<int>>& all){
if ( index > x.size() || index < 0 ) return;
if (index == 0 ){
vector<int> empty;
vector<vector<int>> copyall(all);
for( auto i = copyall.begin(); i != copyall.end(); ++i){
int main() {
int d[] = {1,2,3};
vector<int> orig(begin(d), end(d));
vector<vector<int>> subsets;
getss(orig, 0, subsets);
cout << subsets.size() << endl;
for( auto i = subsets.begin(); i != subsets.end(); ++i){
for( auto j = (*i).begin(); j != (*i).end(); ++j){
cout << *j << " ";
cout << endl;
cout << "done " << endl;
return 0;
What is the difference between the solution for n = Sand the solution for n = 2? Let's
look at this more deeply:
P(2) - {}, {aj, {a2}, {aaJ a2}
P(3) = {}, (aj, {aj, {a3}, {aa, a2}, {a^ a3}, {a2, a3},
{aj, a2, a3}
The difference between these solutions is that P(2) is missing all the subsets containing
P(3) - P(2) = {aj, {3lJ a,}, {a2J a3}, {a,, a2, a3}
How can we use P(2) to create P( 3)? We can simply clone the subsets in P(2) and add
a3 to them:
= {} , {aj, {aj, {9lJ a2}
P(2) + a3
= {a3}, {at, aj, {a2, a3}, {aaJ a2, a3}
When merged together, the lines above make P(3).
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