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Last active February 27, 2017 06:05
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import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { LazyLoadEvent, DataTable } from 'primeng/primeng';
import { Router, ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router';
// component
declare var jQuery: any;
params = {page: 1, page_size: 10};
paginator = {total_records: 0, per_page: 10, total_pages: 0, current_page: 1};
data = MyModel[];
/* access primeng-datatable child component */
@ViewChild('dt') dataTable: DataTable;
private router: Router,
private route: ActivatedRoute,
) {}
ngOnInit() {
// observe changes in URL then assign to class vars
this.route.queryParams.subscribe(params => {
if ('page_size' in params && +params['page_size'] > 0) {
this.paginator.per_page = Math.trunc(params['per_page'])
if ('page' in params && params['page_size'] > 0) {
this.paginator.current_page = Math.trunc(params['page']);
// load initial data
setParams() {
this.params.currentPage = this.paginator.current_page;
this.params.perPage = this.paginator.per_page;
// fetch our response data, fired on init. subsequent requests will now fire this.paginate()
getResource() {
this.myService.myMethod.subscribe(response => { = // this will depend on your API response. in this example, .data is the dataset
// ff. data is assuming API has response of per_page, total_records and total_pages
this.paginator.total_records =;
this.paginator.per_page =;
this.paginator.total_pages =;
// validate current page
this.paginator.current_page = (this.paginator.current_page > this.paginator.total_pages) ?
1 : this.paginator.current_page;
// set current page on initial data load
this.setCurrentPage(this.paginator.current_page, this.paginator.per_page);
// handle event when user clicks on a page link
paginate(event: LazyLoadEvent) {
// get current page on paginator pages link click
this.paginator.current_page = +$('.ui-paginator-page.ui-state-active').text();
// get perPage on paginator per page select
this.paginator.per_page = event.rows;
// change URL on address bar
this.router.navigate('[my-route]', {queryParams: this.params});
this.myService.myMethod(this.paginator.per_page, this.paginator.current_page).subscribe(response => {
// this will depend on your API response. in this example, .data is the dataset =;
// ff. data is assuming API has response of per_page, total_records
this.paginator.total_records = data.total_records;
this.paginator.per_page = data.per_page;
// set current page when data is initially loaded
setCurrentPage(page: number, rows: number) {
this.dataTable.paginate({first: ((page - 1) * this.dataTable.rows), rows: rows});
// my-service.ts
myMethod(per_page, current_page) {
let params = jQuery.param{
page : page,
page_size : pageSize,
let url = `${this.conf.apiUrl}/jobs/get?${params}`;
return this.http
.map((response: Response) => response.json());
// template:
<p-dataTable #dt [lazy]="true"
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