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Created May 7, 2018 21:31
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
namespace Rullo
class Grid
private int[,] _data;
private bool[,] _mask;
private int[] _rowSums;
private int[] _colSums;
private int[] currentRowSums;
private int[] currentColSums;
private (int, int) _size;
private int _columns;
public Grid(int rows, int columns)
Size = (rows, columns);
currentRowSums = new int[rows];
currentColSums = new int[columns];
public (int rows, int columns) Size
get => _size;
_size = value;
_data = new int[value.rows, value.columns];
_mask = new bool[value.rows, value.columns];
_rowSums = new int[value.rows];
_colSums = new int[value.columns];
public int this[int row, int column]
get => _data[row, column];
set => _data[row, column] = value;
public void SetMask((int row, int column) tuple, bool value)
var oldValue = _mask[tuple.row, tuple.column];
_mask[tuple.row, tuple.column] = value;
var gridCell = this[tuple.row, tuple.column];
if (!oldValue && value)
currentColSums[tuple.column] += gridCell;
currentRowSums[tuple.row] += gridCell;
if (oldValue && !value)
currentColSums[tuple.column] -= gridCell;
currentRowSums[tuple.row] -= gridCell;
public int[] CurrentRowSums { get => currentRowSums; }
public int[] CurrentColumnSums { get => currentColSums; }
public void Display()
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.Write(" ");
for (int i = 0; i < Size.columns; i++)
Console.Write(" {0,2}/{1,2}", CurrentColumnSums[i], _colSums[i]);
for (int row = 0; row < Size.rows; row++)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.Write("{0,2}/{1,2} ", CurrentRowSums[row], _rowSums[row]);
for (int col = 0; col < Size.columns; col++)
Console.ForegroundColor = _mask[row, col] ? ConsoleColor.White : ConsoleColor.DarkGray;
Console.Write(_mask[row, col] ? " {0,-3}" : " ({0})", this[row, col]);
public bool IsSolved
for (int i = 0; i < Size.rows; i++)
if (CurrentRowSums[i] != _rowSums[i])
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < Size.columns; i++)
if (CurrentColumnSums[i] != _colSums[i])
return false;
return true;
private IEnumerable<(int row, int column)> GetPositions((int row, int column) tuple)
for (int r = tuple.row; r < Size.rows; r++)
for (int c = r == tuple.row ? tuple.column : 0; c < Size.columns; c++)
yield return (r, c);
public bool IsInvalid
for (int i = 0; i < Size.rows; i++)
if (CurrentRowSums[i] < _rowSums[i])
return true;
for (int i = 0; i < Size.columns; i++)
if (CurrentColumnSums[i] < _colSums[i])
return true;
return false;
public void Solve()
foreach (var tuple in GetPositions((0, 0)))
SetMask(tuple, true);
foreach (var tuple in GetPositions((0, 0)))
if (Solve(tuple))
private bool Solve((int row, int column) tuple)
SetMask(tuple, false);
if (IsInvalid)
SetMask(tuple, true);
return false;
if (IsSolved)
return true;
foreach (var next in GetPositions(tuple).Skip(1))
var result = Solve(next);
if (result)
return result;
SetMask(tuple, true);
return false;
public static Grid Load(string file)
var input = File.ReadAllLines(file);
var sizes = input[0].Split().Select(int.Parse).ToArray();
var rows = sizes[0];
var columns = sizes.Length > 1 ? sizes[1] : sizes[0];
var grid = new Grid(rows, columns);
string[] line;
for (var row = 0; row < rows; row++)
line = input[row + 1].Split();
for (var col = 0; col < columns; col++)
int v = int.Parse(line[col]);
grid[row, col] = v;
foreach (var tuple in grid.GetPositions((0, 0)))
grid.SetMask(tuple, true);
line = input[rows + 1].Split();
for (var x = 0; x < columns; x++)
grid._colSums[x] = int.Parse(line[x]);
line = input[rows + 2].Split();
for (var x = 0; x < rows; x++)
grid._rowSums[x] = int.Parse(line[x]);
return grid;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
if (args.Length < 1)
var grid = Grid.Load(args[0]);
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