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Created May 30, 2019 16:32
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Coursera Kotlin
package board
import board.Direction.*
class SquareBoardImpl(private val size: Int, private val cells: List<Cell>) : SquareBoard {
constructor(width: Int) : this(width, createCells(width))
override val width: Int
get() = size
override fun getCellOrNull(i: Int, j: Int) = cells.firstOrNull { (ci, cj) -> ci == i && cj == j }
override fun getCell(i: Int, j: Int) =
getCellOrNull(i, j) ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid position")
override fun getAllCells() = cells
override fun getRow(i: Int, jRange: IntProgression) =
jRange.takeWhile { it <= size }.map { j -> getCell(i, j) }
override fun getColumn(iRange: IntProgression, j: Int) =
iRange.takeWhile { it <= size }.map { i -> getCell(i, j) }
override fun Cell.getNeighbour(direction: Direction): Cell? {
return when (direction) {
UP -> getCellOrNull(this.i - 1, this.j)
DOWN -> getCellOrNull(this.i + 1, this.j)
RIGHT -> getCellOrNull(this.i, this.j + 1)
LEFT -> getCellOrNull(this.i, this.j - 1)
companion object {
private fun createCells(size: Int)
= (1..size).flatMap { i -> (1..size).map { j -> Cell(i, j) } }
class GameBoardImpl<T> private constructor(private val squareBoard: SquareBoard) : GameBoard<T>, SquareBoard by squareBoard {
private val cells = mutableMapOf<Cell, T?>()
constructor(width: Int) : this(createSquareBoard(width))
override fun get(cell: Cell) = cells[cell]
override fun set(cell: Cell, value: T?) {
cells[cell] = value
override fun filter(predicate: (T?) -> Boolean) =
squareBoard.getAllCells().filter { predicate.invoke(cells[it]) }
override fun find(predicate: (T?) -> Boolean) =
override fun any(predicate: (T?) -> Boolean) =
squareBoard.getAllCells().any { predicate.invoke(get(it)) }
override fun all(predicate: (T?) -> Boolean) =
squareBoard.getAllCells().all { predicate.invoke(get(it)) }
fun createSquareBoard(width: Int): SquareBoard = SquareBoardImpl(width)
fun <T> createGameBoard(width: Int): GameBoard<T> = GameBoardImpl(width)
package mastermind
data class Evaluation(val rightPosition: Int, val wrongPosition: Int) {
operator fun plus(evaluation: Evaluation): Evaluation {
return Evaluation(evaluation.rightPosition + rightPosition, evaluation.wrongPosition + wrongPosition)
fun evaluateGuess(secret: String, guess: String): Evaluation {
val rightPositions = { (a, b) -> a == b }
val commonLetters = "ABCDEF".sumBy { ch ->
Math.min(secret.count { ch == it }, guess.count { ch == it })
return Evaluation(rightPositions, commonLetters - rightPositions)
package games.game2048
import board.Cell
import board.Direction
import board.Direction.*
import board.GameBoard
import board.createGameBoard
* Your task is to implement the game 2048
* Implement the utility methods below.
* After implementing it you can try to play the game running 'PlayGame2048'.
fun newGame2048(initializer: Game2048Initializer<Int> = RandomGame2048Initializer): Game =
class Game2048(private val initializer: Game2048Initializer<Int>) : Game {
private val board = createGameBoard<Int?>(4)
override fun initialize() {
repeat(2) {
override fun canMove() = board.any { it == null }
override fun hasWon() = board.any { it == 2048 }
override fun processMove(direction: Direction) {
if (board.moveValues(direction)) {
override fun get(i: Int, j: Int): Int? = { get(getCell(i, j)) }
* Add a new value produced by 'initializer' to a specified cell in a board.
fun GameBoard<Int?>.addNewValue(initializer: Game2048Initializer<Int>) {
initializer.nextValue(this)?.let { (cell, value) -> this[cell] = value }
* Update the values stored in a board,
* so that the values were "moved" in a specified rowOrColumn only.
* Use the helper function 'moveAndMergeEqual' (in Game2048Helper.kt).
* The values should be moved to the beginning of the row (or column),
* in the same manner as in the function 'moveAndMergeEqual'.
* Return 'true' if the values were moved and 'false' otherwise.
fun GameBoard<Int?>.moveValuesInRowOrColumn(rowOrColumn: List<Cell>): Boolean {
val previousValues = { this[it] }
val mergedValues = { this[it] }.moveAndMergeEqual { v: Int -> v * 2 }
val newValues = mergedValues + (1..(this.width - mergedValues.size)).map { null } { (cell, v) -> this[cell] = v }
return previousValues != newValues
* Update the values stored in a board,
* so that the values were "moved" to the specified direction
* following the rules of the 2048 game .
* Use the 'moveValuesInRowOrColumn' function above.
* Return 'true' if the values were moved and 'false' otherwise.
fun GameBoard<Int?>.moveValues(direction: Direction): Boolean {
val cells = when (direction) {
UP -> (1..this.width).map { j -> (1..this.width).map { i -> Cell(i,j) } }
DOWN -> (1..this.width).map { j -> (1..this.width).reversed().map { i -> Cell(i,j) } }
LEFT -> (1..this.width).map { i -> (1..this.width).map { j -> Cell(i,j) } }
RIGHT -> (1..this.width).map { i -> (1..this.width).reversed().map { j -> Cell(i,j) } }
val moves = { this.moveValuesInRowOrColumn(it) }
return moves.any { it }
package games.game2048
* This function moves all the non-null elements to the beginning of the list
* (by removing nulls) and merges equal elements.
* The parameter 'merge' specifies the way how to merge equal elements:
* it returns a new element that should be present in the resulting list
* instead of two merged elements.
* If the function 'merge("a")' returns "aa",
* then the function 'moveAndMergeEqual' transforms the input in the following way:
* a, a, b -> aa, b
* a, null -> a
* b, null, a, a -> b, aa
* a, a, null, a -> aa, a
* a, null, a, a -> aa, a
* You can find more examples in 'TestGame2048Helper'.
fun <T : Any> List<T?>.moveAndMergeEqual(merge: (T) -> T): List<T> {
return recursiveMerging(this.filterNotNull(), merge)
fun <T> recursiveMerging(list : List<T>, merge: (T) -> T): List<T> {
if (list.size < 2) return list
val first = list[0]
val second = list[1]
return if (first == second) {
listOf(merge.invoke(first)) + recursiveMerging(list.drop(2), merge)
} else {
listOf(first) + recursiveMerging(list.drop(1), merge)
package games.game2048
import board.Cell
import board.GameBoard
import kotlin.random.Random
interface Game2048Initializer<T> {
* Specifies the cell and the value that should be added to this cell.
fun nextValue(board: GameBoard<T?>): Pair<Cell, T>?
object RandomGame2048Initializer: Game2048Initializer<Int> {
private fun generateRandomStartValue(): Int =
if (Random.nextInt(10) == 9) 4 else 2
* Generate a random value and a random cell among free cells
* that given value should be added to.
* The value should be 2 for 90% cases, and 4 for the rest of the cases.
* Use the 'generateRandomStartValue' function above.
* If the board is full return null.
override fun nextValue(board: GameBoard<Int?>): Pair<Cell, Int>? {
if (board.isFull()) return null
val emptyCell = board.emptyCells().shuffled().first()
val startValue = generateRandomStartValue()
return Pair(emptyCell, startValue)
package games.gameOfFifteen
import board.Cell
import board.Direction
import board.GameBoard
import board.createGameBoard
* Implement the Game of Fifteen (
* When you finish, you can play the game by executing 'PlayGameOfFifteen'.
class GameOfFifteen(
private val initializer: GameOfFifteenInitializer = RandomGameInitializer(),
private val board: GameBoard<Int?> = createGameBoard(4)) : Game, GameBoard<Int?> by board {
override fun initialize() {
getAllCells().zip(initializer.initialPermutation).forEach { (k, v) -> this[k] = v }
override fun canMove() = !hasWon()
override fun hasWon() =
(1..15).zip(getAllCells().map { this[it] }).all { (a, b) -> a == b }
override fun processMove(direction: Direction) {
emptyCells().first().let { emptyCell ->
emptyCell.getNeighbour(direction.reversed())?.let { cellToMove ->
this[emptyCell] = this[cellToMove]
this[cellToMove] = null
override fun get(i: Int, j: Int) = this[Cell(i, j)]
fun newGameOfFifteen(initializer: GameOfFifteenInitializer = RandomGameInitializer()) = GameOfFifteen(initializer)
package games.gameOfFifteen
* This function should return the parity of the permutation.
* true - the permutation is even
* false - the permutation is odd
* If the game of fifteen is started with the wrong parity, you can't get the correct result
* (numbers sorted in the right order, empty cell at last).
* Thus the initial permutation should be correct.
fun isEven(permutation: List<Int>): Boolean {
val reordering = permutation.toMutableList()
var numberOfPermutations = 0
val ordered = (permutation.min()!!..permutation.max()!!).toList()
for (expectedIndex in 0 until ordered.size) {
val searchedValue = ordered[expectedIndex]
if (searchedValue != reordering[expectedIndex]) {
val currentIndex = reordering.indexOf(searchedValue)
swap(reordering, expectedIndex, currentIndex)
return numberOfPermutations % 2 == 0
fun swap(arrays: MutableList<Int>, i: Int, j: Int) {
val old = arrays[i]
arrays[i] = arrays[j]
arrays[j] = old
package games.gameOfFifteen
import kotlin.random.Random
interface GameOfFifteenInitializer {
* Even permutation of numbers 1..15
* used to initialized the first 15 cells on a board.
* The last cell is empty.
val initialPermutation: List<Int>
class RandomGameInitializer : GameOfFifteenInitializer {
* Generate a random permutation from 1 to 15.
* `shuffled()` function might be helpful.
* If the permutation is not even, make it even (for instance,
* by swapping two numbers).
override val initialPermutation by lazy {
var numbers = (1..15).toMutableList().shuffled()
while (!isEven(numbers)) {
numbers = numbers.shuffled()
package nicestring
fun String.isNice(): Boolean {
val firstCondition = setOf("bu", "ba", "be").none { this.contains(it) }
val secondCondition = count { it in listOf('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u') } > 2
val thirdCondition = zipWithNext().any { (a, b) -> a == b}
return listOf(firstCondition, secondCondition, thirdCondition).filter { it }.size > 1
package rationals
import java.math.BigInteger
infix fun Int.divBy(denominator: Int) = Rational(this.toBigInteger(), denominator.toBigInteger())
infix fun Long.divBy(denominator: Long) = Rational(this.toBigInteger(), denominator.toBigInteger())
infix fun BigInteger.divBy(denominator: BigInteger) = Rational(this, denominator)
fun String.toRational(): Rational {
if (!this.contains('/')) return Rational(this.toBigInteger(), BigInteger.ONE)
val split = this.split("/")
return split[0].toBigInteger() divBy split[1].toBigInteger()
class Rational(numerator: BigInteger, denominator: BigInteger) : Comparable<Rational> {
private val numerator: BigInteger
private val denominator: BigInteger
init {
if (denominator == BigInteger.ZERO) throw IllegalArgumentException("Zero is an invalid denominator")
val gcd = numerator.gcd(denominator)
var n = numerator / gcd
var d = denominator / gcd
if (d < BigInteger.ZERO) {
n = -n
d = -d
this.numerator = n
this.denominator = d
operator fun unaryMinus() = Rational(-numerator, denominator)
operator fun plus(rational: Rational) =
Rational((numerator * rational.denominator) + (rational.numerator * denominator), denominator * rational.denominator)
operator fun minus(rational: Rational) =
Rational((numerator * rational.denominator) - (rational.numerator * denominator), denominator * rational.denominator)
operator fun times(rational: Rational) =
Rational(numerator * rational.numerator, denominator * rational.denominator)
operator fun div(rational: Rational) =
Rational((numerator * rational.denominator), (rational.numerator * denominator))
override fun compareTo(other: Rational): Int {
val first = numerator * other.denominator
val second = other.numerator * denominator
return first.compareTo(second)
override fun toString() = if (denominator == BigInteger.ONE) {
} else {
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false
other as Rational
if (numerator != other.numerator) return false
if (denominator != other.denominator) return false
return true
override fun hashCode(): Int {
var result = numerator.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + denominator.hashCode()
return result
fun main() {
val half = 1 divBy 2
val third = 1 divBy 3
val sum: Rational = half + third
println(5 divBy 6 == sum)
val difference: Rational = half - third
println(1 divBy 6 == difference)
val product: Rational = half * third
println(1 divBy 6 == product)
val quotient: Rational = half / third
println(3 divBy 2 == quotient)
val negation: Rational = -half
println(-1 divBy 2 == negation)
println((2 divBy 1).toString() == "2")
println((-2 divBy 4).toString() == "-1/2")
println("117/1098".toRational().toString() == "13/122")
val twoThirds = 2 divBy 3
println(half < twoThirds)
println(half in third..twoThirds)
println(2000000000L divBy 4000000000L == 1 divBy 2)
println("912016490186296920119201192141970416029".toBigInteger() divBy
"1824032980372593840238402384283940832058".toBigInteger() == 1 divBy 2)
package taxipark
* Task #1. Find all the drivers who performed no trips.
fun TaxiPark.findFakeDrivers(): Set<Driver> =
allDrivers - { it.driver }
* Task #2. Find all the clients who completed at least the given number of trips.
fun TaxiPark.findFaithfulPassengers(minTrips: Int): Set<Passenger> =
allPassengers.filter { passenger ->
trips.count { passenger in it.passengers } >= minTrips
* Task #3. Find all the passengers, who were taken by a given driver more than once.
fun TaxiPark.findFrequentPassengers(driver: Driver): Set<Passenger> =
allPassengers.filter { passenger ->
trips.count { it.driver == driver && passenger in it.passengers } > 1
* Task #4. Find the passengers who had a discount for majority of their trips.
fun TaxiPark.findSmartPassengers(): Set<Passenger> {
return allPassengers.filter { p ->
val withDiscount = trips.count { t -> p in t.passengers && != null }
val withoutDiscount = trips.count { t -> p in t.passengers && == null }
withDiscount > withoutDiscount
* Task #5. Find the most frequent trip duration among minute periods 0..9, 10..19, 20..29, and so on.
* Return any period if many are the most frequent, return `null` if there're no trips.
fun TaxiPark.findTheMostFrequentTripDurationPeriod(): IntRange? {
return trips
.groupBy {
val start = it.duration / 10 * 10
val end = start + 9
}.maxBy { (_, group) -> group.size }
* Task #6.
* Check whether 20% of the drivers contribute 80% of the income.
fun TaxiPark.checkParetoPrinciple(): Boolean {
if (trips.isEmpty()) return false
val totalIncome80percent = 0.8 * trips.sumByDouble(Trip::cost)
val incomeByDrivers = trips
.map { (_, trips) -> trips.sumByDouble(Trip::cost) }
val bestIncomeOf20percentOfDrivers = incomeByDrivers.take((allDrivers.size * 0.2).toInt()).sum()
return totalIncome80percent <= bestIncomeOf20percentOfDrivers
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