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Created December 27, 2014 08:44
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data Rose a = a :> [Rose a] deriving Show
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-- Ex. 0-2
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root :: Rose a -> a
root (a :> _) = a
children :: Rose a -> [Rose a]
children (_ :> rs) = rs
xs = 0 :> [1 :> [2 :> [3 :> [4 :> [], 5 :> []]]], 6 :> [], 7 :> [8 :> [9 :> [10 :> []], 11 :> []], 12 :> [13 :> []]]]
ex2 = root . head . children . head . children . head . drop 2 $ children xs
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-- Ex. 3-7
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size :: Rose a -> Int
size (_ :> []) = 1
size (_ :> rs) = 1 + (sum $ map size rs)
leaves :: Rose a -> Int
leaves (_ :> []) = 1
leaves (_ :> rs) = sum $ map leaves rs
ex7 = (*) (leaves . head . children . head . children $ xs) (product . map size . children . head . drop 2 . children $ xs)
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-- Ex. 8-10
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instance Functor Rose where
fmap f (r :> []) = (f r) :> []
fmap f (r :> rs) = (f r) :> map (fmap f) rs
ex10 = round . root . head . children . fmap (\x -> if x > 0.5 then x else 0) $ fmap (\x -> sin(fromIntegral x)) xs
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-- Ex. 11-13
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class Monoid m where
mempty :: m
mappend :: m -> m -> m
newtype Sum a = Sum a
newtype Product a = Product a
instance Num a => Monoid (Sum a) where
mempty = Sum 0
mappend (Sum n) (Sum m) = Sum (n + m)
instance Num a => Monoid (Product a) where
mempty = Product 1
mappend (Product n) (Product m) = Product (n * m)
unSum :: Sum a -> a
unSum (Sum n) = n
unProduct :: Product a -> a
unProduct (Product n) = n
num1 = mappend (mappend (Sum 2) (mappend (mappend mempty (Sum 1)) mempty)) (mappend (Sum 2) (Sum 1))
num2 = mappend (Sum 3) (mappend mempty (mappend (mappend (mappend (Sum 2) mempty) (Sum (-1))) (Sum 3)))
ex13 = unSum (mappend (Sum 5) (Sum (unProduct (mappend (Product (unSum num2)) (mappend (Product (unSum num1)) (mappend mempty (mappend (Product 2) (Product 3))))))))
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-- Ex. 14-15
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class Functor f => Foldable f where
fold :: Monoid m => f m -> m
foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> (f a -> m)
foldMap f xs = fold $ fmap f xs
instance Foldable [] where
fold = foldr (mappend) mempty
instance Foldable Rose where
fold (r :> []) = r `mappend` mempty
fold (r :> rs) = r `mappend` fold (map fold rs)
sumxs = Sum 0 :> [Sum 13 :> [Sum 26 :> [Sum (-31) :> [Sum (-45) :> [], Sum 23 :> []]]], Sum 27 :> [], Sum 9 :> [Sum 15 :> [Sum 3 :> [Sum (-113) :> []], Sum 1 :> []], Sum 71 :> [Sum 55 :> []]]]
ex15 = unSum (mappend (mappend (fold sumxs) (mappend (fold . head . drop 2 . children $ sumxs) (Sum 30))) (fold . head . children $ sumxs))
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-- Ex. 16-18
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ex17 = unSum (mappend (mappend (foldMap (\x -> Sum x) xs) (mappend (foldMap (\x -> Sum x) . head . drop 2 . children $ xs) (Sum 30))) (foldMap (\x -> Sum x) . head . children $ xs))
ex18 = unSum (mappend (mappend (foldMap (\x -> Sum x) xs) (Sum (unProduct (mappend (foldMap (\x -> Product x) . head . drop 2 . children $ xs) (Product 3))))) (foldMap (\x -> Sum x) . head . children $ xs))
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-- Ex. 19-21
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fproduct, fsum :: (Foldable f, Num a) => f a -> a
fsum xs = unSum $ foldMap Sum xs
fproduct xs = unProduct $ foldMap Product xs
ex21 = ((fsum . head . drop 1 . children $ xs) + (fproduct . head . children . head . children . head . drop 2 . children $ xs)) - (fsum . head . children . head . children $ xs)
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