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Last active January 9, 2018 11:31
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// ************************************************************************ //
// The types declared in this file were generated from data read from the
// WSDL File described below:
// WSDL : D:\OPS_Projects\Unico\Yeni klasör\PolicyService.wsdl
// >Import : D:\OPS_Projects\Unico\Yeni klasör\PolicyService.wsdl>0
// Encoding : utf-8
// Codegen : [wfMapStringsToWideStrings+, wfUseScopedEnumeration-]
// Version : 1.0
// (09.01.2018 13:58:43 - - $Rev: 45757 $)
// ************************************************************************ //
unit D__OPS_Projects_Unico_wsServis;
uses InvokeRegistry, SOAPHTTPClient, Types, XSBuiltIns;
// ************************************************************************ //
// The following types, referred to in the WSDL document are not being represented
// in this file. They are either aliases[@] of other types represented or were referred
// to but never[!] declared in the document. The types from the latter category
// typically map to predefined/known XML or Embarcadero types; however, they could also
// indicate incorrect WSDL documents that failed to declare or import a schema type.
// ************************************************************************ //
// !:MakePolicyPaymentWithPaymentCode3DResponse - ""[Lit][]
// !:MakePolicyPaymentWithPaymentCode3D - ""[Lit][]
// !:MakePolicyPayment3DResponse - ""[Lit][]
// !:GetRenewPolicy - ""[Lit][]
// !:ConvertOrderToPolicyResponse - ""[Lit][]
// !:ConvertOrderToPolicy - ""[Lit][]
// !:MakePolicyPaymentWithPaymentCodeResponse - ""[Lit][]
// !:MakePolicyPaymentWithPaymentCode - ""[Lit][]
// !:MakePolicyPaymentResponse - ""[Lit][]
// !:MakePolicyPayment3D - ""[Lit][]
// !:MakePolicyPaymentRSAResponse - ""[Lit][]
// !:MakePolicyPaymentRSA - ""[Lit][]
// !:GetRenewPolicyResponse - ""[Lit][]
// !:GetPoliciesFromSegmentationOptimized_017 - ""[Lit][]
// !:GetPoliciesFromSegmentation_017Response - ""[Lit][]
// !:GetPoliciesFromSegmentation_017 - ""[Lit][]
// !:GetPlateDetailResponse - ""[Lit][]
// !:GetPlateDetail - ""[Lit][]
// !:GetPoliciesFromSegmentationOptimized_017Response - ""[Lit][]
// !:CheckPertVehicle - ""[Lit][]
// !:GetVehicleInfoByPlateResponse - ""[Lit][]
// !:GetVehicleInfoByPlate - ""[Lit][]
// !:GetBirlikMarkaKodResponse - ""[Lit][]
// !:GetBirlikMarkaKod - ""[Lit][]
// !:CheckPertVehicleResponse - ""[Lit][]
// !:GetCreditCardForm - ""[Lit][]
// !:GetPolicyReportResponse - ""[Lit][]
// !:GetPolicyReport - ""[Lit][]
// !:CheckActiveProductByInsuredResponse - ""[Lit][]
// !:CheckActiveProductByInsured - ""[Lit][]
// !:GetCreditCardFormResponse - ""[Lit][]
// !:GetPolicyWithOldPolicyNumber - ""[Lit][]
// !:GetPolicyResponse - ""[Lit][]
// !:GetPolicy - ""[Lit][]
// !:GetPolicyListWithDateResponse - ""[Lit][]
// !:GetPolicyListWithDate - ""[Lit][]
// !:GetPolicyWithOldPolicyNumberResponse - ""[Lit][]
// !:GetCustomerNo - ""[Lit][]
// !:GetPremiumListResponse - ""[Lit][]
// !:GetPremiumList - ""[Lit][]
// !:GetCostListResponse - ""[Lit][]
// !:MakePolicyPayment - ""[Lit][]
// !:GetCollectingTypesResponse - ""[Lit][]
// !:GetCollectingTypes - ""[Lit][]
// !:CreatePolicyResponse - ""[Lit][]
// !:CreatePolicy - ""[Lit][]
// !:GetCustomerNoResponse - ""[Lit][]
// !:GetCostList - ""[Lit][]
// !:CreateSupplementResponse - ""[Lit][]
// !:CreateSupplement - ""[Lit][]
// ************************************************************************ //
// Namespace :
// soapAction:
// transport :
// style : document
// use : literal
// binding : BasicHttpBinding_IPolicyService
// service : PolicyService
// port : BasicHttpBinding_IPolicyService
// URL :
// ************************************************************************ //
IPolicyService = interface(IInvokable)
// Cannot unwrap:
// - Input part does not refer to an element
// - Output part does not refer to an element
function GetPolicy(const parameters: GetPolicy): GetPolicyResponse; stdcall;
// Cannot unwrap:
// - Input part does not refer to an element
// - Output part does not refer to an element
function GetPolicyWithOldPolicyNumber(const parameters: GetPolicyWithOldPolicyNumber): GetPolicyWithOldPolicyNumberResponse; stdcall;
// Cannot unwrap:
// - Input part does not refer to an element
// - Output part does not refer to an element
function GetPolicyListWithDate(const parameters: GetPolicyListWithDate): GetPolicyListWithDateResponse; stdcall;
// Cannot unwrap:
// - Input part does not refer to an element
// - Output part does not refer to an element
function GetPolicyReport(const parameters: GetPolicyReport): GetPolicyReportResponse; stdcall;
// Cannot unwrap:
// - Input part does not refer to an element
// - Output part does not refer to an element
function GetCreditCardForm(const parameters: GetCreditCardForm): GetCreditCardFormResponse; stdcall;
// Cannot unwrap:
// - Input part does not refer to an element
// - Output part does not refer to an element
function CheckActiveProductByInsured(const parameters: CheckActiveProductByInsured): CheckActiveProductByInsuredResponse; stdcall;
// Cannot unwrap:
// - Input part does not refer to an element
// - Output part does not refer to an elementa
function GetCustomerNo(const parameters: GetCustomerNo): GetCustomerNoResponse; stdcall;
// Cannot unwrap:
// - Input part does not refer to an element
// - Output part does not refer to an element
function CreatePolicy(const parameters: CreatePolicy): CreatePolicyResponse; stdcall;
// Cannot unwrap:
// - Input part does not refer to an element
// - Output part does not refer to an element
function CreateSupplement(const parameters: CreateSupplement): CreateSupplementResponse; stdcall;
// Cannot unwrap:
// - Input part does not refer to an element
// - Output part does not refer to an element
function GetCostList(const parameters: GetCostList): GetCostListResponse; stdcall;
// Cannot unwrap:
// - Input part does not refer to an element
// - Output part does not refer to an element
function GetPremiumList(const parameters: GetPremiumList): GetPremiumListResponse; stdcall;
// Cannot unwrap:
// - Input part does not refer to an element
// - Output part does not refer to an element
function GetCollectingTypes(const parameters: GetCollectingTypes): GetCollectingTypesResponse; stdcall;
// Cannot unwrap:
// - Input part does not refer to an element
// - Output part does not refer to an element
function MakePolicyPayment(const parameters: MakePolicyPayment): MakePolicyPaymentResponse; stdcall;
// Cannot unwrap:
// - Input part does not refer to an element
// - Output part does not refer to an element
function MakePolicyPaymentWithPaymentCode(const parameters: MakePolicyPaymentWithPaymentCode): MakePolicyPaymentWithPaymentCodeResponse; stdcall;
// Cannot unwrap:
// - Input part does not refer to an element
// - Output part does not refer to an element
function MakePolicyPaymentRSA(const parameters: MakePolicyPaymentRSA): MakePolicyPaymentRSAResponse; stdcall;
// Cannot unwrap:
// - Input part does not refer to an element
// - Output part does not refer to an element
function MakePolicyPayment3D(const parameters: MakePolicyPayment3D): MakePolicyPayment3DResponse; stdcall;
// Cannot unwrap:
// - Input part does not refer to an element
// - Output part does not refer to an element
function MakePolicyPaymentWithPaymentCode3D(const parameters: MakePolicyPaymentWithPaymentCode3D): MakePolicyPaymentWithPaymentCode3DResponse; stdcall;
// Cannot unwrap:
// - Input part does not refer to an element
// - Output part does not refer to an element
function ConvertOrderToPolicy(const parameters: ConvertOrderToPolicy): ConvertOrderToPolicyResponse; stdcall;
// Cannot unwrap:
// - Input part does not refer to an element
// - Output part does not refer to an element
function GetRenewPolicy(const parameters: GetRenewPolicy): GetRenewPolicyResponse; stdcall;
// Cannot unwrap:
// - Input part does not refer to an element
// - Output part does not refer to an element
function GetVehicleInfoByPlate(const parameters: GetVehicleInfoByPlate): GetVehicleInfoByPlateResponse; stdcall;
// Cannot unwrap:
// - Input part does not refer to an element
// - Output part does not refer to an element
function CheckPertVehicle(const parameters: CheckPertVehicle): CheckPertVehicleResponse; stdcall;
// Cannot unwrap:
// - Input part does not refer to an element
// - Output part does not refer to an element
function GetBirlikMarkaKod(const parameters: GetBirlikMarkaKod): GetBirlikMarkaKodResponse; stdcall;
// Cannot unwrap:
// - Input part does not refer to an element
// - Output part does not refer to an element
function GetPoliciesFromSegmentation_017(const parameters: GetPoliciesFromSegmentation_017): GetPoliciesFromSegmentation_017Response; stdcall;
// Cannot unwrap:
// - Input part does not refer to an element
// - Output part does not refer to an element
function GetPoliciesFromSegmentationOptimized_017(const parameters: GetPoliciesFromSegmentationOptimized_017): GetPoliciesFromSegmentationOptimized_017Response; stdcall;
// Cannot unwrap:
// - Input part does not refer to an element
// - Output part does not refer to an element
function GetPlateDetail(const parameters: GetPlateDetail): GetPlateDetailResponse; stdcall;
function GetIPolicyService(UseWSDL: Boolean=System.False; Addr: string=''; HTTPRIO: THTTPRIO = nil): IPolicyService;
uses SysUtils;
function GetIPolicyService(UseWSDL: Boolean; Addr: string; HTTPRIO: THTTPRIO): IPolicyService;
defWSDL = 'D:\OPS_Projects\Unico\Yeni klasör\PolicyService.wsdl';
defURL = '';
defSvc = 'PolicyService';
defPrt = 'BasicHttpBinding_IPolicyService';
Result := nil;
if (Addr = '') then
if UseWSDL then
Addr := defWSDL
Addr := defURL;
if HTTPRIO = nil then
RIO := THTTPRIO.Create(nil)
Result := (RIO as IPolicyService);
if UseWSDL then
RIO.WSDLLocation := Addr;
RIO.Service := defSvc;
RIO.Port := defPrt;
end else
RIO.URL := Addr;
if (Result = nil) and (HTTPRIO = nil) then
{ IPolicyService }
InvRegistry.RegisterInterface(TypeInfo(IPolicyService), '', 'utf-8');
InvRegistry.RegisterDefaultSOAPAction(TypeInfo(IPolicyService), '');
InvRegistry.RegisterInvokeOptions(TypeInfo(IPolicyService), ioDocument);
InvRegistry.RegisterInvokeOptions(TypeInfo(IPolicyService), ioLiteral);
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