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Created November 3, 2020 03:00
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// Namespace: UnityEngine
public sealed class Mesh : Object // TypeDefIndex: 3069
// Properties
public IndexFormat indexFormat { get; set; }
public Int32 vertexBufferCount { get; }
public Int32 blendShapeCount { get; }
public Matrix4x4[] bindposes { get; set; }
public Boolean isReadable { get; }
internal Boolean canAccess { get; }
public Int32 vertexCount { get; }
public Int32 subMeshCount { get; set; }
public Bounds bounds { get; set; }
public Vector3[] vertices { get; set; }
public Vector3[] normals { get; set; }
public Vector4[] tangents { get; set; }
public Vector2[] uv { get; set; }
public Vector2[] uv2 { get; set; }
public Vector2[] uv3 { get; set; }
public Vector2[] uv4 { get; set; }
public Vector2[] uv5 { get; set; }
public Vector2[] uv6 { get; set; }
public Vector2[] uv7 { get; set; }
public Vector2[] uv8 { get; set; }
public Color[] colors { get; set; }
public Color32[] colors32 { get; set; }
public Int32 vertexAttributeCount { get; }
public Int32[] triangles { get; set; }
public BoneWeight[] boneWeights { get; set; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0x38f09f0 VA: 0x72888b69f0
private static Void Internal_Create(Mesh mono) { }
// RVA: 0x38f0a30 VA: 0x72888b6a30
public Void .ctor() { }
// RVA: 0x38f0ac8 VA: 0x72888b6ac8
public IndexFormat get_indexFormat() { }
// RVA: 0x38f0b08 VA: 0x72888b6b08
public Void set_indexFormat(IndexFormat value) { }
// RVA: 0x38f0b58 VA: 0x72888b6b58
public Void SetIndexBufferParams(Int32 indexCount, IndexFormat format) { }
// RVA: 0x38f0bb0 VA: 0x72888b6bb0
public Void SetVertexBufferParams(Int32 vertexCount, VertexAttributeDescriptor[] attributes) { }
// RVA: 0x38f0c08 VA: 0x72888b6c08
private Array GetVertexAttributesAlloc() { }
// RVA: 0x38f0c48 VA: 0x72888b6c48
private Int32 GetVertexAttributesArray(VertexAttributeDescriptor[] attributes) { }
// RVA: 0x38f0c98 VA: 0x72888b6c98
private Int32 GetVertexAttributesList(List`1 attributes) { }
// RVA: 0x38f0ce8 VA: 0x72888b6ce8
private Int32 GetVertexAttributeCountImpl() { }
// RVA: 0x38f0d28 VA: 0x72888b6d28
public VertexAttributeDescriptor GetVertexAttribute(Int32 index) { }
// RVA: 0x38f0de8 VA: 0x72888b6de8
private UInt32 GetIndexStartImpl(Int32 submesh) { }
// RVA: 0x38f0e38 VA: 0x72888b6e38
private UInt32 GetIndexCountImpl(Int32 submesh) { }
// RVA: 0x38f0e88 VA: 0x72888b6e88
private UInt32 GetTrianglesCountImpl(Int32 submesh) { }
// RVA: 0x38f0ed8 VA: 0x72888b6ed8
private UInt32 GetBaseVertexImpl(Int32 submesh) { }
// RVA: 0x38f0f28 VA: 0x72888b6f28
private Int32[] GetTrianglesImpl(Int32 submesh, Boolean applyBaseVertex) { }
// RVA: 0x38f0f80 VA: 0x72888b6f80
private Int32[] GetIndicesImpl(Int32 submesh, Boolean applyBaseVertex) { }
// RVA: 0x38f0fd8 VA: 0x72888b6fd8
private Void SetIndicesImpl(Int32 submesh, MeshTopology topology, IndexFormat indicesFormat, Array indices, Int32 arrayStart, Int32 arraySize, Boolean calculateBounds, Int32 baseVertex) { }
// RVA: 0x38f1078 VA: 0x72888b7078
private Void GetTrianglesNonAllocImpl([Out] Int32[] values, Int32 submesh, Boolean applyBaseVertex) { }
// RVA: 0x38f10e0 VA: 0x72888b70e0
private Void GetTrianglesNonAllocImpl16([Out] UInt16[] values, Int32 submesh, Boolean applyBaseVertex) { }
// RVA: 0x38f1148 VA: 0x72888b7148
private Void GetIndicesNonAllocImpl([Out] Int32[] values, Int32 submesh, Boolean applyBaseVertex) { }
// RVA: 0x38f11b0 VA: 0x72888b71b0
private Void GetIndicesNonAllocImpl16([Out] UInt16[] values, Int32 submesh, Boolean applyBaseVertex) { }
// RVA: 0x38f1218 VA: 0x72888b7218
private Void PrintErrorCantAccessChannel(VertexAttribute ch) { }
// RVA: 0x38f1268 VA: 0x72888b7268
public Boolean HasVertexAttribute(VertexAttribute attr) { }
// RVA: 0x38f12b8 VA: 0x72888b72b8
public Int32 GetVertexAttributeDimension(VertexAttribute attr) { }
// RVA: 0x38f1308 VA: 0x72888b7308
public VertexAttributeFormat GetVertexAttributeFormat(VertexAttribute attr) { }
// RVA: 0x38f1358 VA: 0x72888b7358
private Void SetArrayForChannelImpl(VertexAttribute channel, VertexAttributeFormat format, Int32 dim, Array values, Int32 arraySize, Int32 valuesStart, Int32 valuesCount) { }
// RVA: 0x38f13f0 VA: 0x72888b73f0
private Array GetAllocArrayFromChannelImpl(VertexAttribute channel, VertexAttributeFormat format, Int32 dim) { }
// RVA: 0x38f1458 VA: 0x72888b7458
private Void GetArrayFromChannelImpl(VertexAttribute channel, VertexAttributeFormat format, Int32 dim, Array values) { }
// RVA: 0x38f14c8 VA: 0x72888b74c8
public Int32 get_vertexBufferCount() { }
// RVA: 0x38f1508 VA: 0x72888b7508
public IntPtr GetNativeVertexBufferPtr(Int32 index) { }
// RVA: 0x38f1558 VA: 0x72888b7558
public IntPtr GetNativeIndexBufferPtr() { }
// RVA: 0x38f1598 VA: 0x72888b7598
public Int32 get_blendShapeCount() { }
// RVA: 0x38f15d8 VA: 0x72888b75d8
public Void ClearBlendShapes() { }
// RVA: 0x38f1618 VA: 0x72888b7618
public String GetBlendShapeName(Int32 shapeIndex) { }
// RVA: 0x38f1668 VA: 0x72888b7668
public Int32 GetBlendShapeIndex(String blendShapeName) { }
// RVA: 0x38f16b8 VA: 0x72888b76b8
public Int32 GetBlendShapeFrameCount(Int32 shapeIndex) { }
// RVA: 0x38f1708 VA: 0x72888b7708
public Single GetBlendShapeFrameWeight(Int32 shapeIndex, Int32 frameIndex) { }
// RVA: 0x38f1760 VA: 0x72888b7760
public Void GetBlendShapeFrameVertices(Int32 shapeIndex, Int32 frameIndex, Vector3[] deltaVertices, Vector3[] deltaNormals, Vector3[] deltaTangents) { }
// RVA: 0x38f17e0 VA: 0x72888b77e0
public Void AddBlendShapeFrame(String shapeName, Single frameWeight, Vector3[] deltaVertices, Vector3[] deltaNormals, Vector3[] deltaTangents) { }
// RVA: 0x38f1860 VA: 0x72888b7860
private Boolean HasBoneWeights() { }
// RVA: 0x38f18a0 VA: 0x72888b78a0
private BoneWeight[] GetBoneWeightsImpl() { }
// RVA: 0x38f18e0 VA: 0x72888b78e0
private Void SetBoneWeightsImpl(BoneWeight[] weights) { }
// RVA: 0x38f1930 VA: 0x72888b7930
public Void SetBoneWeights(NativeArray`1 bonesPerVertex, NativeArray`1 weights) { }
// RVA: 0x38f1a0c VA: 0x72888b7a0c
private Void InternalSetBoneWeights(IntPtr bonesPerVertex, Int32 bonesPerVertexSize, IntPtr weights, Int32 weightsSize) { }
// RVA: 0x38f1a7c VA: 0x72888b7a7c
public NativeArray`1 GetAllBoneWeights() { }
// RVA: 0x38f1bb8 VA: 0x72888b7bb8
public NativeArray`1 GetBonesPerVertex() { }
// RVA: 0x38f1b78 VA: 0x72888b7b78
private Int32 GetAllBoneWeightsArraySize() { }
// RVA: 0x38f1b38 VA: 0x72888b7b38
private IntPtr GetAllBoneWeightsArray() { }
// RVA: 0x38f1ce4 VA: 0x72888b7ce4
private IntPtr GetBonesPerVertexArray() { }
// RVA: 0x38f1d24 VA: 0x72888b7d24
private Int32 GetBindposeCount() { }
// RVA: 0x38f1d64 VA: 0x72888b7d64
public Matrix4x4[] get_bindposes() { }
// RVA: 0x38f1da4 VA: 0x72888b7da4
public Void set_bindposes(Matrix4x4[] value) { }
// RVA: 0x38f1df4 VA: 0x72888b7df4
private Void GetBoneWeightsNonAllocImpl([Out] BoneWeight[] values) { }
// RVA: 0x38f1e44 VA: 0x72888b7e44
private Void GetBindposesNonAllocImpl([Out] Matrix4x4[] values) { }
// RVA: 0x38f1e94 VA: 0x72888b7e94
public Boolean get_isReadable() { }
// RVA: 0x38f1ed4 VA: 0x72888b7ed4
internal Boolean get_canAccess() { }
// RVA: 0x38f1ca4 VA: 0x72888b7ca4
public Int32 get_vertexCount() { }
// RVA: 0x38f1f14 VA: 0x72888b7f14
public Int32 get_subMeshCount() { }
// RVA: 0x38f1f54 VA: 0x72888b7f54
public Void set_subMeshCount(Int32 value) { }
// RVA: 0x38f1fa4 VA: 0x72888b7fa4
public Void SetSubMesh(Int32 index, SubMeshDescriptor desc, MeshUpdateFlags flags) { }
// RVA: 0x38f2074 VA: 0x72888b8074
public SubMeshDescriptor GetSubMesh(Int32 index) { }
// RVA: 0x38f214c VA: 0x72888b814c
public Bounds get_bounds() { }
// RVA: 0x38f2208 VA: 0x72888b8208
public Void set_bounds(Bounds value) { }
// RVA: 0x38f22a8 VA: 0x72888b82a8
private Void ClearImpl(Boolean keepVertexLayout) { }
// RVA: 0x38f22f8 VA: 0x72888b82f8
private Void RecalculateBoundsImpl() { }
// RVA: 0x38f2338 VA: 0x72888b8338
private Void RecalculateNormalsImpl() { }
// RVA: 0x38f2378 VA: 0x72888b8378
private Void RecalculateTangentsImpl() { }
// RVA: 0x38f23b8 VA: 0x72888b83b8
private Void MarkDynamicImpl() { }
// RVA: 0x38f23f8 VA: 0x72888b83f8
public Void MarkModified() { }
// RVA: 0x38f2438 VA: 0x72888b8438
private Void UploadMeshDataImpl(Boolean markNoLongerReadable) { }
// RVA: 0x38f2488 VA: 0x72888b8488
private MeshTopology GetTopologyImpl(Int32 submesh) { }
// RVA: 0x38f24d8 VA: 0x72888b84d8
public Single GetUVDistributionMetric(Int32 uvSetIndex) { }
// RVA: 0x38f2528 VA: 0x72888b8528
private Void CombineMeshesImpl(CombineInstance[] combine, Boolean mergeSubMeshes, Boolean useMatrices, Boolean hasLightmapData) { }
// RVA: 0x38f2598 VA: 0x72888b8598
private Void OptimizeImpl() { }
// RVA: 0x38f25d8 VA: 0x72888b85d8
private Void OptimizeIndexBuffersImpl() { }
// RVA: 0x38f2618 VA: 0x72888b8618
private Void OptimizeReorderVertexBufferImpl() { }
// RVA: 0x38f2658 VA: 0x72888b8658
internal VertexAttribute GetUVChannel(Int32 uvIndex) { }
// RVA: 0x38f26ec VA: 0x72888b86ec
internal static Int32 DefaultDimensionForChannel(VertexAttribute channel) { }
// RVA: 0x VA: 0x0
private T[] GetAllocArrayFromChannel(VertexAttribute channel, VertexAttributeFormat format, Int32 dim) { }
// RVA: 0x VA: 0x0
private T[] GetAllocArrayFromChannel(VertexAttribute channel) { }
// RVA: 0x38f27a8 VA: 0x72888b87a8
private Void SetSizedArrayForChannel(VertexAttribute channel, VertexAttributeFormat format, Int32 dim, Array values, Int32 valuesArrayLength, Int32 valuesStart, Int32 valuesCount) { }
// RVA: 0x VA: 0x0
private Void SetArrayForChannel(VertexAttribute channel, VertexAttributeFormat format, Int32 dim, T[] values) { }
// RVA: 0x VA: 0x0
private Void SetArrayForChannel(VertexAttribute channel, T[] values) { }
// RVA: 0x VA: 0x0
private Void SetListForChannel(VertexAttribute channel, VertexAttributeFormat format, Int32 dim, List`1 values, Int32 start, Int32 length) { }
// RVA: 0x VA: 0x0
private Void SetListForChannel(VertexAttribute channel, List`1 values, Int32 start, Int32 length) { }
// RVA: 0x VA: 0x0
private Void GetListForChannel(List`1 buffer, Int32 capacity, VertexAttribute channel, Int32 dim) { }
// RVA: 0x VA: 0x0
private Void GetListForChannel(List`1 buffer, Int32 capacity, VertexAttribute channel, Int32 dim, VertexAttributeFormat channelType) { }
// RVA: 0x38f2a34 VA: 0x72888b8a34
public Vector3[] get_vertices() { }
// RVA: 0x38f2a88 VA: 0x72888b8a88
public Void set_vertices(Vector3[] value) { }
// RVA: 0x38f2aec VA: 0x72888b8aec
public Vector3[] get_normals() { }
// RVA: 0x38f2b40 VA: 0x72888b8b40
public Void set_normals(Vector3[] value) { }
// RVA: 0x38f2ba4 VA: 0x72888b8ba4
public Vector4[] get_tangents() { }
// RVA: 0x38f2bf8 VA: 0x72888b8bf8
public Void set_tangents(Vector4[] value) { }
// RVA: 0x38f2c5c VA: 0x72888b8c5c
public Vector2[] get_uv() { }
// RVA: 0x38f2cb0 VA: 0x72888b8cb0
public Void set_uv(Vector2[] value) { }
// RVA: 0x38f2d14 VA: 0x72888b8d14
public Vector2[] get_uv2() { }
// RVA: 0x38f2d68 VA: 0x72888b8d68
public Void set_uv2(Vector2[] value) { }
// RVA: 0x38f2dcc VA: 0x72888b8dcc
public Vector2[] get_uv3() { }
// RVA: 0x38f2e20 VA: 0x72888b8e20
public Void set_uv3(Vector2[] value) { }
// RVA: 0x38f2e84 VA: 0x72888b8e84
public Vector2[] get_uv4() { }
// RVA: 0x38f2ed8 VA: 0x72888b8ed8
public Void set_uv4(Vector2[] value) { }
// RVA: 0x38f2f3c VA: 0x72888b8f3c
public Vector2[] get_uv5() { }
// RVA: 0x38f2f90 VA: 0x72888b8f90
public Void set_uv5(Vector2[] value) { }
// RVA: 0x38f2ff4 VA: 0x72888b8ff4
public Vector2[] get_uv6() { }
// RVA: 0x38f3048 VA: 0x72888b9048
public Void set_uv6(Vector2[] value) { }
// RVA: 0x38f30ac VA: 0x72888b90ac
public Vector2[] get_uv7() { }
// RVA: 0x38f3100 VA: 0x72888b9100
public Void set_uv7(Vector2[] value) { }
// RVA: 0x38f3164 VA: 0x72888b9164
public Vector2[] get_uv8() { }
// RVA: 0x38f31b8 VA: 0x72888b91b8
public Void set_uv8(Vector2[] value) { }
// RVA: 0x38f321c VA: 0x72888b921c
public Color[] get_colors() { }
// RVA: 0x38f3270 VA: 0x72888b9270
public Void set_colors(Color[] value) { }
// RVA: 0x38f32d4 VA: 0x72888b92d4
public Color32[] get_colors32() { }
// RVA: 0x38f3330 VA: 0x72888b9330
public Void set_colors32(Color32[] value) { }
// RVA: 0x38f339c VA: 0x72888b939c
public Void GetVertices(List`1 vertices) { }
// RVA: 0x38f34a4 VA: 0x72888b94a4
public Void SetVertices(List`1 inVertices) { }
// RVA: 0x38f3514 VA: 0x72888b9514
public Void SetVertices(List`1 inVertices, Int32 start, Int32 length) { }
// RVA: 0x38f3590 VA: 0x72888b9590
public Void SetVertices(Vector3[] inVertices) { }
// RVA: 0x38f35e8 VA: 0x72888b95e8
public Void SetVertices(Vector3[] inVertices, Int32 start, Int32 length) { }
// RVA: 0x38f3688 VA: 0x72888b9688
public Void GetNormals(List`1 normals) { }
// RVA: 0x38f3790 VA: 0x72888b9790
public Void SetNormals(List`1 inNormals) { }
// RVA: 0x38f3800 VA: 0x72888b9800
public Void SetNormals(List`1 inNormals, Int32 start, Int32 length) { }
// RVA: 0x38f387c VA: 0x72888b987c
public Void SetNormals(Vector3[] inNormals) { }
// RVA: 0x38f38c4 VA: 0x72888b98c4
public Void SetNormals(Vector3[] inNormals, Int32 start, Int32 length) { }
// RVA: 0x38f3964 VA: 0x72888b9964
public Void GetTangents(List`1 tangents) { }
// RVA: 0x38f3a6c VA: 0x72888b9a6c
public Void SetTangents(List`1 inTangents) { }
// RVA: 0x38f3adc VA: 0x72888b9adc
public Void SetTangents(List`1 inTangents, Int32 start, Int32 length) { }
// RVA: 0x38f3b58 VA: 0x72888b9b58
public Void SetTangents(Vector4[] inTangents) { }
// RVA: 0x38f3ba0 VA: 0x72888b9ba0
public Void SetTangents(Vector4[] inTangents, Int32 start, Int32 length) { }
// RVA: 0x38f3c40 VA: 0x72888b9c40
public Void GetColors(List`1 colors) { }
// RVA: 0x38f3d48 VA: 0x72888b9d48
public Void SetColors(List`1 inColors) { }
// RVA: 0x38f3db8 VA: 0x72888b9db8
public Void SetColors(List`1 inColors, Int32 start, Int32 length) { }
// RVA: 0x38f3e34 VA: 0x72888b9e34
public Void SetColors(Color[] inColors) { }
// RVA: 0x38f3e7c VA: 0x72888b9e7c
public Void SetColors(Color[] inColors, Int32 start, Int32 length) { }
// RVA: 0x38f3f1c VA: 0x72888b9f1c
public Void GetColors(List`1 colors) { }
// RVA: 0x38f4000 VA: 0x72888ba000
public Void SetColors(List`1 inColors) { }
// RVA: 0x38f4070 VA: 0x72888ba070
public Void SetColors(List`1 inColors, Int32 start, Int32 length) { }
// RVA: 0x38f40f4 VA: 0x72888ba0f4
public Void SetColors(Color32[] inColors) { }
// RVA: 0x38f413c VA: 0x72888ba13c
public Void SetColors(Color32[] inColors, Int32 start, Int32 length) { }
// RVA: 0x VA: 0x0
private Void SetUvsImpl(Int32 uvIndex, Int32 dim, List`1 uvs, Int32 start, Int32 length) { }
// RVA: 0x38f41b0 VA: 0x72888ba1b0
public Void SetUVs(Int32 channel, List`1 uvs) { }
// RVA: 0x38f42ac VA: 0x72888ba2ac
public Void SetUVs(Int32 channel, List`1 uvs) { }
// RVA: 0x38f43a8 VA: 0x72888ba3a8
public Void SetUVs(Int32 channel, List`1 uvs) { }
// RVA: 0x38f4228 VA: 0x72888ba228
public Void SetUVs(Int32 channel, List`1 uvs, Int32 start, Int32 length) { }
// RVA: 0x38f4324 VA: 0x72888ba324
public Void SetUVs(Int32 channel, List`1 uvs, Int32 start, Int32 length) { }
// RVA: 0x38f4420 VA: 0x72888ba420
public Void SetUVs(Int32 channel, List`1 uvs, Int32 start, Int32 length) { }
// RVA: 0x38f44a4 VA: 0x72888ba4a4
private Void SetUvsImpl(Int32 uvIndex, Int32 dim, Array uvs, Int32 arrayStart, Int32 arraySize) { }
// RVA: 0x38f45d4 VA: 0x72888ba5d4
public Void SetUVs(Int32 channel, Vector2[] uvs) { }
// RVA: 0x38f4644 VA: 0x72888ba644
public Void SetUVs(Int32 channel, Vector3[] uvs) { }
// RVA: 0x38f46b4 VA: 0x72888ba6b4
public Void SetUVs(Int32 channel, Vector4[] uvs) { }
// RVA: 0x38f4630 VA: 0x72888ba630
public Void SetUVs(Int32 channel, Vector2[] uvs, Int32 start, Int32 length) { }
// RVA: 0x38f46a0 VA: 0x72888ba6a0
public Void SetUVs(Int32 channel, Vector3[] uvs, Int32 start, Int32 length) { }
// RVA: 0x38f4710 VA: 0x72888ba710
public Void SetUVs(Int32 channel, Vector4[] uvs, Int32 start, Int32 length) { }
// RVA: 0x VA: 0x0
private Void GetUVsImpl(Int32 uvIndex, List`1 uvs, Int32 dim) { }
// RVA: 0x38f4724 VA: 0x72888ba724
public Void GetUVs(Int32 channel, List`1 uvs) { }
// RVA: 0x38f4790 VA: 0x72888ba790
public Void GetUVs(Int32 channel, List`1 uvs) { }
// RVA: 0x38f47fc VA: 0x72888ba7fc
public Void GetUVs(Int32 channel, List`1 uvs) { }
// RVA: 0x38f4868 VA: 0x72888ba868
public Int32 get_vertexAttributeCount() { }
// RVA: 0x38f48a8 VA: 0x72888ba8a8
public VertexAttributeDescriptor[] GetVertexAttributes() { }
// RVA: 0x38f493c VA: 0x72888ba93c
public Int32 GetVertexAttributes(VertexAttributeDescriptor[] attributes) { }
// RVA: 0x38f498c VA: 0x72888ba98c
public Int32 GetVertexAttributes(List`1 attributes) { }
// RVA: 0x38f49dc VA: 0x72888ba9dc
private Void PrintErrorCantAccessIndices() { }
// RVA: 0x38f4af4 VA: 0x72888baaf4
private Boolean CheckCanAccessSubmesh(Int32 submesh, Boolean errorAboutTriangles) { }
// RVA: 0x38f4c24 VA: 0x72888bac24
private Boolean CheckCanAccessSubmeshTriangles(Int32 submesh) { }
// RVA: 0x38f4c2c VA: 0x72888bac2c
private Boolean CheckCanAccessSubmeshIndices(Int32 submesh) { }
// RVA: 0x38f4c34 VA: 0x72888bac34
public Int32[] get_triangles() { }
// RVA: 0x38f4cf0 VA: 0x72888bacf0
public Void set_triangles(Int32[] value) { }
// RVA: 0x38f4e64 VA: 0x72888bae64
public Int32[] GetTriangles(Int32 submesh) { }
// RVA: 0x38f4e6c VA: 0x72888bae6c
public Int32[] GetTriangles(Int32 submesh, Boolean applyBaseVertex) { }
// RVA: 0x38f4f1c VA: 0x72888baf1c
public Void GetTriangles(List`1 triangles, Int32 submesh) { }
// RVA: 0x38f4f24 VA: 0x72888baf24
public Void GetTriangles(List`1 triangles, Int32 submesh, Boolean applyBaseVertex) { }
// RVA: 0x38f50b8 VA: 0x72888bb0b8
public Void GetTriangles(List`1 triangles, Int32 submesh, Boolean applyBaseVertex) { }
// RVA: 0x38f524c VA: 0x72888bb24c
public Int32[] GetIndices(Int32 submesh) { }
// RVA: 0x38f5254 VA: 0x72888bb254
public Int32[] GetIndices(Int32 submesh, Boolean applyBaseVertex) { }
// RVA: 0x38f5304 VA: 0x72888bb304
public Void GetIndices(List`1 indices, Int32 submesh) { }
// RVA: 0x38f530c VA: 0x72888bb30c
public Void GetIndices(List`1 indices, Int32 submesh, Boolean applyBaseVertex) { }
// RVA: 0x38f5564 VA: 0x72888bb564
public Void GetIndices(List`1 indices, Int32 submesh, Boolean applyBaseVertex) { }
// RVA: 0x38f56d8 VA: 0x72888bb6d8
public UInt32 GetIndexStart(Int32 submesh) { }
// RVA: 0x38f5480 VA: 0x72888bb480
public UInt32 GetIndexCount(Int32 submesh) { }
// RVA: 0x38f57bc VA: 0x72888bb7bc
public UInt32 GetBaseVertex(Int32 submesh) { }
// RVA: 0x38f58a0 VA: 0x72888bb8a0
private Void CheckIndicesArrayRange(Int32 valuesLength, Int32 start, Int32 length) { }
// RVA: 0x38f4db8 VA: 0x72888badb8
private Void SetTrianglesImpl(Int32 submesh, IndexFormat indicesFormat, Array triangles, Int32 trianglesArrayLength, Int32 start, Int32 length, Boolean calculateBounds, Int32 baseVertex) { }
// RVA: 0x38f5a50 VA: 0x72888bba50
public Void SetTriangles(Int32[] triangles, Int32 submesh) { }
// RVA: 0x38f5acc VA: 0x72888bbacc
public Void SetTriangles(Int32[] triangles, Int32 submesh, Boolean calculateBounds) { }
// RVA: 0x38f5a5c VA: 0x72888bba5c
public Void SetTriangles(Int32[] triangles, Int32 submesh, Boolean calculateBounds, Int32 baseVertex) { }
// RVA: 0x38f5ad8 VA: 0x72888bbad8
public Void SetTriangles(Int32[] triangles, Int32 trianglesStart, Int32 trianglesLength, Int32 submesh, Boolean calculateBounds, Int32 baseVertex) { }
// RVA: 0x38f5b7c VA: 0x72888bbb7c
public Void SetTriangles(UInt16[] triangles, Int32 submesh, Boolean calculateBounds, Int32 baseVertex) { }
// RVA: 0x38f5bec VA: 0x72888bbbec
public Void SetTriangles(UInt16[] triangles, Int32 trianglesStart, Int32 trianglesLength, Int32 submesh, Boolean calculateBounds, Int32 baseVertex) { }
// RVA: 0x38f5c90 VA: 0x72888bbc90
public Void SetTriangles(List`1 triangles, Int32 submesh) { }
// RVA: 0x38f5d2c VA: 0x72888bbd2c
public Void SetTriangles(List`1 triangles, Int32 submesh, Boolean calculateBounds) { }
// RVA: 0x38f5c9c VA: 0x72888bbc9c
public Void SetTriangles(List`1 triangles, Int32 submesh, Boolean calculateBounds, Int32 baseVertex) { }
// RVA: 0x38f5d38 VA: 0x72888bbd38
public Void SetTriangles(List`1 triangles, Int32 trianglesStart, Int32 trianglesLength, Int32 submesh, Boolean calculateBounds, Int32 baseVertex) { }
// RVA: 0x38f5e6c VA: 0x72888bbe6c
public Void SetTriangles(List`1 triangles, Int32 submesh, Boolean calculateBounds, Int32 baseVertex) { }
// RVA: 0x38f5efc VA: 0x72888bbefc
public Void SetTriangles(List`1 triangles, Int32 trianglesStart, Int32 trianglesLength, Int32 submesh, Boolean calculateBounds, Int32 baseVertex) { }
// RVA: 0x38f5ff0 VA: 0x72888bbff0
public Void SetIndices(Int32[] indices, MeshTopology topology, Int32 submesh) { }
// RVA: 0x38f6080 VA: 0x72888bc080
public Void SetIndices(Int32[] indices, MeshTopology topology, Int32 submesh, Boolean calculateBounds) { }
// RVA: 0x38f5ffc VA: 0x72888bbffc
public Void SetIndices(Int32[] indices, MeshTopology topology, Int32 submesh, Boolean calculateBounds, Int32 baseVertex) { }
// RVA: 0x38f608c VA: 0x72888bc08c
public Void SetIndices(Int32[] indices, Int32 indicesStart, Int32 indicesLength, MeshTopology topology, Int32 submesh, Boolean calculateBounds, Int32 baseVertex) { }
// RVA: 0x38f617c VA: 0x72888bc17c
public Void SetIndices(UInt16[] indices, MeshTopology topology, Int32 submesh, Boolean calculateBounds, Int32 baseVertex) { }
// RVA: 0x38f6200 VA: 0x72888bc200
public Void SetIndices(UInt16[] indices, Int32 indicesStart, Int32 indicesLength, MeshTopology topology, Int32 submesh, Boolean calculateBounds, Int32 baseVertex) { }
// RVA: 0x38f62f0 VA: 0x72888bc2f0
public Void SetIndices(List`1 indices, MeshTopology topology, Int32 submesh, Boolean calculateBounds, Int32 baseVertex) { }
// RVA: 0x38f639c VA: 0x72888bc39c
public Void SetIndices(List`1 indices, Int32 indicesStart, Int32 indicesLength, MeshTopology topology, Int32 submesh, Boolean calculateBounds, Int32 baseVertex) { }
// RVA: 0x38f64dc VA: 0x72888bc4dc
public Void SetIndices(List`1 indices, MeshTopology topology, Int32 submesh, Boolean calculateBounds, Int32 baseVertex) { }
// RVA: 0x38f6588 VA: 0x72888bc588
public Void SetIndices(List`1 indices, Int32 indicesStart, Int32 indicesLength, MeshTopology topology, Int32 submesh, Boolean calculateBounds, Int32 baseVertex) { }
// RVA: 0x38f66c8 VA: 0x72888bc6c8
public Void GetBindposes(List`1 bindposes) { }
// RVA: 0x38f67e0 VA: 0x72888bc7e0
public Void GetBoneWeights(List`1 boneWeights) { }
// RVA: 0x38f6924 VA: 0x72888bc924
public BoneWeight[] get_boneWeights() { }
// RVA: 0x38f6964 VA: 0x72888bc964
public Void set_boneWeights(BoneWeight[] value) { }
// RVA: 0x38f69b4 VA: 0x72888bc9b4
public Void Clear(Boolean keepVertexLayout) { }
// RVA: 0x38f6a04 VA: 0x72888bca04
public Void Clear() { }
// RVA: 0x38f6a48 VA: 0x72888bca48
public Void RecalculateBounds() { }
// RVA: 0x38f6b38 VA: 0x72888bcb38
public Void RecalculateNormals() { }
// RVA: 0x38f6c28 VA: 0x72888bcc28
public Void RecalculateTangents() { }
// RVA: 0x38f6d18 VA: 0x72888bcd18
public Void MarkDynamic() { }
// RVA: 0x38f6d90 VA: 0x72888bcd90
public Void UploadMeshData(Boolean markNoLongerReadable) { }
// RVA: 0x38f6e1c VA: 0x72888bce1c
public Void Optimize() { }
// RVA: 0x38f6f0c VA: 0x72888bcf0c
public Void OptimizeIndexBuffers() { }
// RVA: 0x38f6ffc VA: 0x72888bcffc
public Void OptimizeReorderVertexBuffer() { }
// RVA: 0x38f70ec VA: 0x72888bd0ec
public MeshTopology GetTopology(Int32 submesh) { }
// RVA: 0x38f7210 VA: 0x72888bd210
public Void CombineMeshes(CombineInstance[] combine, Boolean mergeSubMeshes, Boolean useMatrices, Boolean hasLightmapData) { }
// RVA: 0x38f7280 VA: 0x72888bd280
public Void CombineMeshes(CombineInstance[] combine, Boolean mergeSubMeshes, Boolean useMatrices) { }
// RVA: 0x38f72ec VA: 0x72888bd2ec
public Void CombineMeshes(CombineInstance[] combine, Boolean mergeSubMeshes) { }
// RVA: 0x38f734c VA: 0x72888bd34c
public Void CombineMeshes(CombineInstance[] combine) { }
// RVA: 0x38f0d90 VA: 0x72888b6d90
private Void GetVertexAttribute_Injected(Int32 index, out VertexAttributeDescriptor ret) { }
// RVA: 0x38f200c VA: 0x72888b800c
private Void SetSubMesh_Injected(Int32 index, ref SubMeshDescriptor desc, MeshUpdateFlags flags) { }
// RVA: 0x38f20f4 VA: 0x72888b80f4
private Void GetSubMesh_Injected(Int32 index, out SubMeshDescriptor ret) { }
// RVA: 0x38f21b8 VA: 0x72888b81b8
private Void get_bounds_Injected(out Bounds ret) { }
// RVA: 0x38f2258 VA: 0x72888b8258
private Void set_bounds_Injected(ref Bounds value) { }
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