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yhshin11 /
Created December 7, 2023 03:00 — forked from jaantollander/
Template for Python decorator function and class
import functools
def decorator(function):
"""A general decorator function"""
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
# Write decorator function logic here
# Before function call


Start backwards search through command history for all commands containing "keyword". Works in bash, and even in ROOT prompt!

echo -e "\a"

Beeps, or rings visual bell, etc. If your terminal is set up to transmit visual bells, beeps, etc, it can alert you when a long command finishes. For example: ./; echo -e "\a"

Emacs style bindings on the command line (bash, tcsh, ROOT prompt)

You can use many emacs style bindings to delete a word forwards or backwards (Alt+Backspace or Alt+d), kill line (Ctrl-k), and even undo (Ctrl+_). Other useful bindings: